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Yoga Th.Y.M by Nik Kiyoko blends 30+ years of mind-body expertise with rare Oriental yoga techniques, focusing on active yoga alignments and mindful postures.
Nik-Kiyoko has over 30 years studying the mind-body connection. She started her long career as a sports physio for a semi-pro rugby team in the UK and studied psychology before looking to the Orient for answers. It was there she met a Zen Master who introduced her to an active form of yoga not often practiced outside of Asia. Passionate to share this unique Oriental version, Nik-Ki opened her home complex and created one of the most successful retreat in France. After more than 10 years teaching yoga, the focus of her retreat is still based on medicinal Zen alignment, activations and posture.
Nathalie Le Gall
from France, February 2025
"Excellente retraite cocooning en campagne nantaise"
Accueil chaleureux. La cuisine végétarienne de la Maman de Nikky est délicieuse et créative. Nikky est une coach hyper investie auprès des "élèves" et très consciencieuse et à l écoute de nos besoins. Je la recommande.
Alex Garcia Bleda
from France, January 2025
"Super retraite :) Chateaubriant "
Nik est très bienveillant, je suis arrivée samedi matin j'étais tout seul elle ma mis très alaise et j’ai découvert pleins choses sur la méditation zen et le ressenti, Nik a plein compétences comme thérapeute qui a étudie, des conversations profondes sur les ressentis, salutations yoga le matin, sa maman prépare des repas délicieux d'Angleterre, jai vraiment profite le weekend en compagnie de Nik, et je même profite du spa dans la ville, grâce a Nik, merci encore pour cette rencontre :)
Mustapha Khezami
from France, January 2025
"Un endroit magnifique pour une expertise zen yoginique"
Un accueil exceptionnel
Un professionnalisme en matière de yoga
Nikki a des bases anatomo-physiologiques indéniables.
Nous avons découvert un yoga inédit dans un cadre unique sur fond d’un accueil chaleureux .
L’accès au spa est un complément intéressant à cette pratique codifiée .
La maman de Nikki est formidable, elle nous prépare des mets équilibrés et délicieux .
Ce séjour sera reconduit car nous sommes partis avec des outils que nous comptons utiliser dans notre pratique médicale .
En conclusion : séjour fabuleux en Loire atlantique.
Mustapha et Habiba KHEZAMI
Rosemarie Cabon
from France, January 2025
"Première retraite belle expérience "
Tout y était pour bien finir l année : J'ai apprécié l accueil et la bienveillance le Nikki et de sa maman. Court séjour plein de bonne humeur, de douceur, la qualité des cours de yoga, le massage, les repas faits maison. Je suis rentrée avec des courbatures et c'est bien normal mais un bien être mental et une positivité ! Merci Nikki 🙏
Adeline Brunet
from France, November 2024
"Une première retraite de yoga "
Tout est vraiment très bien que ce soit l’accueil, le lieu, les cours de yoga ainsi que la nourriture. Nikki et sa maman mettent tout en œuvre pour que l’on se sente comme à la maison ! Je recommande cette retraite
from France, October 2024
L’accompagnement personnalisé permet de progresser vite et bien.
L’activité piscine / spa est très appréciable également.
Le rythme est soutenu mais cela permet de faire de ce stage une expérience de remise en forme efficace.
L’accueil de Nikki et de sa maman est très gentil.
Agnès Delêtre
from France, August 2024
"Excellent :)"
Tout s'est très bien passé. J'ai beaucoup appris grâce à la clarté de l'enseignement de Nikki. C'est aussi une personne sympathique, intéressante et agréable à côtoyer lors des repas. Beaucoup d'écoutes et d'échanges.
Le lieu est agréable pour déconnecter, calme et verdoyant.
J'ai apprécié également le rythme des activités et le format court et soutenu. C'était une première pour moi et cela m'a permis de me tester sans pression ; je recommande ce séjour.
Adrienne Zitt
from Great Britain, August 2024
"Excellent séjour, pratique profonde et atmosphère joyeuse"
Nikki est une excellente prof. J'ai déjà pratiqué le yoga mais j'ai grâce à elle redécouvert des postures que je n'avais sans doute jamais fait correctement. J'ai beaucoup aimé son approche axée sur le ressenti et l'intérieur- des séances qui vont tout en profondeur et qui fatiguent agréablement.
Les après-midi jacuzzi détente sont un complément idéal aux sessions du matin et soir, ainsi que le yoga nidra avant d'aller dormir. Les balades matinales dans la campagne environnante permettent de se familiariser avec la terre aux alentours- super chouette.
Nikki est une hôte super sympa, avec une connaissance et expérience du yoga et des philosophies orientales très étendues- plein de conversations intéressantes autour des repas délicieux préparés avec amour par Sylvie, la maman de Nikki!
Vraiment un séjour nourrissant en tous points, et un apprentissage intensif en juste deux jours et demi!
from France, August 2024
"Le plus beau cadeau que l'on puisse se faire"
Ce moment hors du temps est un véritable cadeau à soi-même.
l'accueil est très chaleureux et la famille de Nik , notamment sa maman est très attentionnée.
Les chambres sont cosy et le studio de Yoga bien équipé et agréable.
The Best of All c'est bien entendu Nik qui vous offre son enseignement , sa conversation et des moments exceptionnellement riches et bienfaisants.
Son approche scientifique, historique et pratique m'ont apporté autant de d'apaisement que de force, ces quelques jours ont été un game changer.
Nik peut enseigner en anglais et en français, j'espère revenir la voir. MERCI!
Victoria Northrop
from Cyprus, July 2024
"Peaceful & Educational Fabulous location, trainer & food"
The high standard of professionalism of the Trainer Nikki. Sharing her specialist technique, Knowledge, qualifications & experience was invaluable to me.
The peaceful location lent itself to rebalanced & restoring the body
The Aqua chiosel was the icing on the cake for me being a keen swimmer.
Definitely on my revisit list 👌
from France, July 2024
"Très bon séjour pour aller plus loin dans les poses"
Nikki explique très bien ce qu'il faut sentir dans les poses yoga. Son programme est fait pour retrouver un niveau d'énergie haut, le garder dans la journée et ainsi être plus efficace dans sa vie perso et pro
Noemie Brochard
from France, June 2024
"excellente retraite !!!"
Super retraite, dans un endroit calme, en pleine nature. Nikki est une très bonne professeur, avec un yoga profond et une grande conscience du corps. Toutes les activités et les cours théorique étaient extrêmement interessant.
Un weekend intense et en même temps très ressourçant .
On repart très motivé !!
Lisa Baranovsky
from France, June 2024
"Lovely, relaxing and energetic yoga week end "
Un séjour parfait. L'accueil est chaleureux, vous êtes un tout petit groupe (2 personnes) et vous avez ainsi une prof individuel. Le yoga de Nikki est basé sur des études scientifiques, elle est à l'écoute, le repas sont délicieux et je me suis sentie très à l'aise. Retour avec plus d'énergie. Je recommande ce stage si vous êtes fatigué, et que vous avez besoin un moment pour vous et votre corps.
from France, May 2024
"Séjour ressourçant ! Et sur le long terme :)"
Séjour parfait dans la campagne de Chateaubriant, dans une belle longère. Nikki est bienveillante, attentive, et de très bon conseil. La méthode de Yoga est idéale pour initier une pratique quotidienne dans la "vraie vie". J'ai parfois des difficultés pour m'exprimer en anglais, mais cela n'a pas posé de problème, et Nikki me traduisait en français les mots sur lesquels je buttais. J'ai eu l'impression de voyager :) Les plats réalisés par sa maman Sylvie sont excellents, le centre bien être Aquachoisel, très agréable. Une très belle et précieuse retraite !
from France, March 2024
"Nice weekend and I left with a clear head"
I spent a lovely, calm weekend with Nikki. We packed a lot of content in a short period of time however I never felt tired or overwhelmed. I also appreciated Nikki's science background and that the practice and techniques that she teaches are extremely grounded in the reality of daily life.
Janet Schreiber
from Portugal, January 2024
"Best money I've ever spent. "
I learned more about myself, yoga and meditation in 6 days than I'd learned in my 70 years of introspection and exercise. Nikki has developed a program that incorporates her vast amount of training, life and work experience. She has tested what she teaches over time and knows what works. Honestly I couldn't have been in better hands. Everything I learned about myself and how to boost my life, my mind and my body is invaluable. Nikki has brought an immeasurable improvement to the twilight years of my life. I highly recommend taking time out of your busy life and have a life changing experience. You could not give yourself a better gift.
Karina Meachin
from Great Britain, October 2023
"So much more than just yoga and meditation"
This absolutely hit the spot for me as I am undergoing some changes in my life. I am completely new to yoga but by the end of the three days, I had learnt the simple routine and have support materials to continue. The focused breathing exercises have taught me to be calm & focus on the positive. Lovely stretches, mindfulness walks in beautiful scenery, a relaxing visit to a spa, wonderful relaxing meditation before retiring to my lovely bedroom, fab food in a loving home and a fabulous full body massage before I re-entered the real world (personally dropped at the station by Nikki). Nikki is passionate and super knowledgeable constantly sharing personal development experiences and working over and above to give personalised life coaching should you want it. Just what I needed. Thank you Nikki & mama Sylvie
Marion Averty
from France, September 2023
"Best thing I could do to myself at this point of time !"
The four days have been intense, but completely re-energizing, giving me new hope when I felt down. Yoga, meditation, mindful walks, delicious meals and inspiring talks from the morning till the evening are all perfect, and tailor-made for the participants as we were only two.
I can only thank Nik and Sylvie for all they have generously given to me, and keep going on the new path they have helped me uncover.
Bénédicte Manoeuvrier
from France, August 2023
"Une pause prise de conscience "
J’ai eu la chance de vivre ma retraite yoga seule en compagnie de Nikki : une très belle rencontre !
Nikki nous relie with our best friend : Our BODY, ne faisant plus qu’un avec lui !! Les moments de repas sont calmes et délicieusement gourmands car préparés par Sylvie sa maman !
Un bref et évident moment pour soi délicatement et silencieusement installé dans un cocon à la campagne !!
Harmonie tête, coeur, corps 🙏🏻
Un arrêt essentiel à s’offrir quelque soit notre âge !!!
Betty Van Der Veen
from Netherlands, August 2023
"Heerlijke en leerzame yoga en meditatie ervaring"
Ik heb een onvergetelijke tijd bij Nikki gehad. Zoveel nieuws geleerd, terwijl ik dacht inmiddels redelijk ervaren te zijn vwb yoga en meditatie! Het was een goed maar ook druk programma met heerlijke verwenmomenten tussendoor bij de Aqua Choisel. Haar moeder heeft steeds super lekker voor ons gekookt. Vegetarische maaltijden met groentes uit hun eigen moestuin.
Bedankt Nikki voor het delen van al je kennis en je persoonlijke begeleiding en coaching. Ik heb er enorm van genoten en ben begonnen het te integreren in mijn leven🙏❣
Delphine Riant
from France, August 2023
"Fantastique et unique !"
Une professeure de très grande qualité. J'étais seule durant 3 jours avec Nikki. J'ai bénéficié d'une expérience très personnalisée, profonde, complète. C'est exactement ce que je recherchais. Le lieu est très reposant. Les repas préparés avec soin par Sylvie, sa maman, sont délicieux. 3 jours extrêmement ressourçants que je recommande vivement !!!
Marika De Bruijn
from Netherlands, July 2023
"Zinvolle ervaring"
Yoga zonder poespas en in de zuivere vorm. Daar weet Nikki veel van en kon dat ons ook laten ervaren. Goede uitleg van de poses en de werking daarvan. Een pre is dat Nikki niet alleen deskundig is op het gebied van yoga maar ook fysiotherapeut is. Zo kon ze goed de fysieke implicaties uitleggen door haar brede kennis. Verder werkt Nikki met passie en vanuit haar hart.
De accommodatie was voldoende en we werden goed verzorgd.
My-phan Tran
from France, May 2023
"Relaxant et reposant"
C'était un week-end très relaxant , complètement déconnecté de mon tumultueux quotidien.
Nikki est une superbe prof qui explique bien les mouvements et le yoga, elle est aussi une masseuse qualifiée , elle m'a débloqué mon cou et mes épaules👍 (merci Nikki).
Je sors de cette retraite plus confiante à mes mouvements .
Régine Le Bot
from France, May 2023
"Bien être "
La bien vaillance de Nikki, l'écoute, l'échange . Tout cela dans un environnement calme et reposant, des journées bien équilibrés entre la marche, les moments de pause, la méditation et les seances de yoga
Camille Aubert
from France, May 2023
-Nikki, pour son professionnalisme, son partage d'une riche expérience, son adaptation à mes besoins, la qualité de ses interventions;
& puis... pour sa bienveillance, son humilité, son écoute et sa profonde gentillesse!
-Le lieu...DEFINITELY, au plus près de la nature! Idéal pour se ressourcer
-Les activités...entre yoga Nidra, méditation, massage, la marche, le stretching & les moments au SPA!
-Les repas...HOMEMADE, variés et équilibrés avec des desserts exquis ;) & la rencontre avec sa maman Sylvie
Elizabeth Scopes
from Great Britain, December 2022
"Really helpful, personalised look at yoga practice."
The simplicity of the system (that doesn't mean it is easy).
Stuart Lofthouse
from France, September 2022
"Topped up and ready to go"
This retreat was a real learning and growing experience. As yoga was new for my wife and I we were not sure what to expect. Nikki was actually amazing and she met us where we were at and taught us how to practically apply yoga techniques into our every day lives. Her method is exactly what we needed and by the end of the 4 days we had a good understanding of how to perform the routine. Nikki is also a very transparent and an open person which was so refreshing and she shared how yoga and meditation had changed her life. She definitely walks the talk. Her mum Sylvie is the best cook ever and fed us some amazingly tasty meals which we just had to get the recipies for. The surroundings are also very peaceful and a great place to have quite walks. Lastly, we felt so welcomed in their home and our meals together felt like we were with family. We will definitely be back.
from Netherlands, August 2022
"Geeft fantastische basis om weer aan meer energie te werken!"
Nikki is een energieke vrouw, die samen met haar moeder Sylvia heel liefdevol, gastvrij en onbevooroordeeld haar huis openstelt voor mensen in alle fases van hun leven.
Het vierdaagse programma dat je volgt geeft je inzicht in hoe je breinvermoeidheid te lijf kunt gaan (kunt zorgen voor een minder vol hoofd) en daardoor wat meer grip op je eigen (gemoeds)rust kunt krijgen.
Zelf ging ik gewoon voor vier dagen 'weg van alles'. Dat was het. Maar tegelijkerijd was het ook persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Ik heb fysiek en mentaal meer rust en ben relaxt en opgelucht door de kennis en inzichten die Nikki aangereikt heeft tijdens deze vierdaagse Yoga en meditatie retreat. Daarom was het zo goed. Het is een fantastische basis om weer aan meer energie te kunnen werken!
Hilda Ma
from Great Britain, August 2022
"I resolved to practice yoga after joining this retreat!"
My husband & I were visiting family & friends in France, and decided to have a different experience at the tail end of our journey. I have not practiced yoga apart from stretching after exercises. The retreat turned out to be very memorable and rewarding. I have taken back home valuable yoga knowledge & methodology & resolution to start this practice; unforgettable also is the compassionate care of Nik to each individual in the program; the sharing of stories & adventures among participants; and definitely mama's delicious homemade meals! (i think my biceps are stronger, I managed to do a baby cobra, haha. Tell mama I also tried doing the egg with milk, it's good!)
Below is from Jim:
I benefit a lot from Nik's instructions and get to know more how to practise yoga more efficiently although I also used to follow some DVD yoga programs before. The time is well spent and organised for body and mind development in the beautiful village setting.
Thx Nik for the inspiration, we are practicing everyday and hope to see you later on for a progress scan and power up program.
Hilda & Jim , Edinburgh
from France, August 2022
"Enlightening experience "
My Time with Nikki was priceless. I am going to continue to practice what she taught.
Thank you Nikki for your wisdom and for sharing your passion for healing.
Xxo Lauren
Jantien Brillenburg Wurth
from Netherlands, July 2022
"Wonderful place, great teacher"
Happy I discovered Yoga Th.y.m!
Nikki is a passionate and experienced teacher. I had time to relax, reload and get inspired for my daily yoga practice. Also, I was treated to 2 wonderful massages (upgrade). The bedroom is nice and cool thanks to a breeze, although warm outside. Fresh food, prepared carefully by Sylvie, could be tasted outside in the garden, full of flowers and butterflies.
What do you wish more for your retreat?
Valerie Meigetsu
from France, July 2022
"A great retreat experience"
I highly recommend this retreat which is much more than a basic yoga retreat . Niki is a passionate teacher who is extremely knowledgable and you can be assured that you are in very safe hands.
The whole retreat is very well delivered including a workshop on meditation, the mind and energy. A much deeper investigation into the practice of Yoga for healing the body, we enjoyed a beautiful countryside walk, the practice of yoga Nidra every evening and morning guided meditations. All of this made for a very well thought out and balanced retreat.
Not forgetting the lovely cook Sylvie who delivered nutritional meals three times a day with a smile.
I genuinely felt very well taken care off throughout my stay and learnt a great deal too.
I am very grateful to have discovered Yoga Thyme and look forward to working with Niki again in the future.
Laura Chloé
from France, July 2022
"Expérience incroyable!"
Cette expérience avec Nikki a été incroyable ! Elle m'a ouvert l'esprit et les yeux sur un tas de choses, j'étais pratiquante de yoga comme ci comme ça, et la vision que j'ai pu en avoir lors de ce stage a révolutionné les idées que j'en avais !
La localisation était vraiment parfaite (isolée près de Chateaubriant) et les installations étaient parfaitement adaptées pour recevoir les yogis :-)
En plus des séances de yoga et de méditation, les enseignements et différentes activités sont aussi très complémentaires et enrichissants !
J'ai hâte de ressentir ce flot d'énergie !
Joëlle Vaussenat
from France, June 2022
"LE stage qu'il faut faire ABSOLUMENT !"
Je ressors de ce stage chargée à bloc !
Nikki est une excellente professeur qui se donne à 100% pour ses élèves... "Son" élève car j'étais la seule et j'avais donc Nikki pour moi toute seule pendant 4 jours ! Elle était donc entièrement à mon écoute, répondant à toutes mes questions, une patience d'ange, une implication totale !
J'ai adoré ce séjour qui m'a vraiment ressourcée et je repars avec un "programme" que j'ai commencé à suivre et qui me permets déjà de me sentir plus en équilibre et avec plus d'énergie !
Et je ne peux terminer ce commentaire sans remercier Sylvie, sa maman qui est une femme géniale, pleine de vie, rieuse, adorable, que j'ai eu tant de plaisir à retrouver aux repas, car c'est elle qui cuisine... Merveilleusement bien !!
Merci donc à Nikki mais aussi à sa maman Sylvie pour ce mémorable séjour ! 😁😍
Nadia Zaman
from Great Britain, June 2022
" Nourishing in so many ways"
My time with Nikki was both restful and eye opening. I was the only person to book during my retreat period and had a lovely privately oriented retreat, which was great. Nikki is such a great person; thoughtful, empathetic with a great sense of humour! She really paid attention to the reasons why I was there and the elements of Yoga and meditation I wanted to work on. If you're worried whether she is able to tailor the activities to you abilities - don't be! I felt very comfortable and challenged at the same time. She also ran some really informative workshops that gave me more of an understanding of yoga and meditation. The mindful walk in the countryside was beautiful and replenishing, and the spa was very relaxing.
The house is lovely! The guests have privacy staying in a little house just across from the main house, where Nikki's mother Sylvie provides meals and lovely company :) Sylvie is a great cook and the food is so fresh and delicious! I was lucky with great weather my weekend so we ate outside most of the time in their pretty garden, and I made friends with their two cats which was a bonus!
Getting to know Sylvie and Nikki was such a pleasure...they are so warm and welcoming and made me feel right at home in their home.
Getting there was pretty easy by train and bus from Paris, but it can take time so do plan accordingly. The location makes up for it though :)
Aline Bigot
from France, March 2022
"A lovely yoga retreat full of energy and introspection!"
Nikki (the teacher) and her mother (the cook) were super friendly and welcoming and made me feel at home.
Nikki had plenty of tips to help me feel my energy flow and improve my postures. No crazy acrobatic moves, just the basics. Yet somehow I learnt so much! It sometimes helps to go back to the basics :)
The yoga nidra sessions were soothing and inspiring.
The food was delicious!
The icing on the cake was definitely the spa sessions - just 5min drive from the retreat, a jacuzzi, hammam and sauna with a great view on the country side. What's not to like?
Nikki's place is just a couple of hours from Paris by train (where I live) - so it's a perfect destination wether you are living in Paris or touring around and looking for a relaxing break during your holidays!
Johanna Williams
from Great Britain, November 2021
"Perfect break away"
Just returned from a retreat with Nikki. She was so welcoming and accommodating with my timings, the yoga, meditations and activities were a good mix of practice and rest. Her mum is adorable and makes delicious fresh meals.
from France, November 2021
"Reposant et très enrichissant "
Un moment de pause près de Paris. En quelques jours seulement, j ai réappris les bases des postures et exploré les bienfaits de la méditation / respiration… nikki est passionnée et vous accueille de façon très privilégiée et familiale. Sa mère sylvie et adorable. Le spa l après-midi est vraiment un plus !
Jenny Monnin
from France, October 2021
"A transformative experience"
Besides being a wonderful human being, Nikki is an excellent yoga and meditation instructor. She takes time to answer your questions and explain everything, and she is very supportive. Nikki is also very knowledgeable about how the brain works and the workshops / chats about my personal matters were very informative (and transformative for me). The meals, prepared by Nikki’s adorable mother (Sylvie) with products from their garden, were lovely (including deserts!). I am very grateful for these 4 days, and can only encourage others to come experience this little heaven. Thank you Nikki and Sylive for making me feel so welcomed in your home!
Tamara Etheridge-cotreuil
from France, September 2021
"Wonderful retreat :-)"
Nikki is a lovely person and a very good yoga teacher.
Natacha Bitton
from France, August 2021
"Rich and intense retreat"
This retreat was beyond my expectations.
The program is rich and intense: yoga, meditation, yoga nidra, relaxation, workshops…
Nikki is a very generous and dedicated teacher. She gives you advices and she adapts to each person. She gives you powerful tools to improve your practices and your daily life.
And very important, the food made by Sylvie with love is so delicious.
I am really grateful and I warmly recommend this retreat.
Farida Bouaza
from France, August 2021
"Retreat at Yoga Thym"
Nikky is a really an excellent teacher ; the programme is great and complete. It was above my expectation. Guided Meditation ; yoga nidra ... loved it ! Thanks for the explanation on yoga posture. Mindful walking was a marvelous experience.
Thanks a lot for your kind welcome and attention to my food diet !
I do recommend the retreat.
Carol Scholp
from France, February 2020
"Excellent personalized yoga instruction"
Nikki is an incredible yoga instructor who gives precise direction for asanas and the best meditation I have experienced thru Nidra. I am a certified yoga instructor who suffered some injuries and could not practice for awhile. Nikki set me back on track for which I am most grateful. You will only benefit from her instruction and ecperience.
Samal Bissenova
from Belgium, January 2020
"A quiet stay at the french countryside "
Nikki and her wonderful mum Sylvie were very accommodating and kind. It instantly felt like home. Good food, good conversation and general warm atmosphere!
Nikki's mediation and yoga sessions were very informative and enjoyable. She paid close attention to every aspect of the sessions and gave very useful advice for our practice. The spa outings in the afternoon were a good way to unwind and soothe sore muscles.
The setting was very intimate and peaceful. It was exactly what I needed to re-focus and reflect on the year past.
Annick Freuchet
from Spain, January 2020
Nikki was very knowledgeable about her topic. We learnt a lot about the fundamentals of yoga.
from France, January 2020
"Merci encore pour cette retraite de yoga ! "
J'ai beaucoup aimé la qualité des cours et le soin apporté par Nikki sur l'ensemble du séjour afin de progresser en yoga, d'expérimenter la méditation, et de se ressourcer. On est aussi accueillis comme à la maison, ce qui est très agréable pour se sentir à l'aise. Un grand merci à Sylvie pour sa cuisine et à Nikki pour l'ensemble du séjour ! Thank you again ! Sarah
Murielle Tomasi
from Belgium, November 2019
"You don't come back the same"
I had taken the personal development version, and Nikki has been amazingly available to help me to move on in my life, the program including personal coaching, yoga and meditation is everything I needed. She is really generous with the information she gives... She welcome you as if you were a member of her family. I don't know what to say more, just try it...
Anna Truong
from France, October 2019
"A real break and feeling like home"
I really appreciate the warm welcome from Nikki and Sylvie. From the beginning to the end there's no moment I wasn't feeling well.
I loved the way that Nikki taught us the basis of yoga, how to do the poses correctly. We learnt how to activate the energy in thoses poses and got the good keys to practice in our everyday life. The small size of the group allowed us to be treated like it was a one to one lesson. Nikki is extremely vigilant on how we position our body and didn't hesitate to correct us to get the best of yoga posture.
Sylvie is an excellent cooker, I was a little bit afraid about eating vegetarian food but the meal was so delicious that I even forget that I hadn't eat meat for 4 days.
I couldn't ask better for my first yoga retreat and I totally recommend it !
Georgina Reicher
from Netherlands, October 2019
"Great retreat with caring people "
The family is so nice and caring. The yoga and meditation is great. I will be going back sometime.
Virginia Krumins
from Australia, October 2019
Every aspect of the stay with Nikki and Sylvie was memorable
I enjoyed the structure and detail of the classes and the caring home made food. Thank you Nikki and thank you Sylvie!
It was a treat to be in the instructors home and experience a different world
Lovely location and comfortable accommodation
Jennifer Yong
from Great Britain, September 2019
"Excellent family run retreat"
I can’t thank Nikki and Sylvia for looking after me last week. I came exhausted and stressed and after 4 days of yoga, mediation and Sylvia’s home cooked vegetarian food, I went home reenergised.
I have never done yoga before and Nikki took the time to make sure I did all the postures correctly.
The retreat was small. On the first night, there was only 3 of us and on the remaining nights, there were two of us. I like the intimacy of the retreat and all the yoga and mediation were almost one on one.
I would definitely recommend Yoga Thym to everyone looking for a small intimate retreat. It is excellent value and in the countryside surrounded by beautiful country walks and there is even a spa nearby. You also get free transfers to and from the airport (an hour away in Nantes).
The best thing? I would say the hospitality of Nikki and Sylvia. I felt so happy to have met them and will definitely return next year.
Lina Christodoulou
from Greece, September 2019
"A completely transformative experience"
Highly recommended to anyone who wishes to take some days off and completely give in to his or her inner needs. Nikki goes beyond herself to provide you with tools of yoga and meditation that you can bring back home so as to enjoy your daily life to the fullest.
Once you arrive and along your stay there you really feel as if you're part of the family and the location of Nikki's house is offered for the most relaxing walks to the nature!
Ana Ward
from Great Britain, September 2019
"Professional and welcoming Yoga experience !"
The yoga instruction was excellent , I learned so much about perfecting my poses such as downward dog and the warriors, Nikki is a dedicated and brilliant teacher. The welcome was wonderful and so lovely to meet Sylvie and be totally spoiled by her delicious home cooked meals. The entire experience was a treat and I would recommend Yoga Thym to anyone hoping to have a homely and yet professional yoga retreat .
Taylor Freeman
from France, September 2019
"Life changing experience "
This was my first yoga retreat and it really exceeded my expectations. Nikki has created a lovely experience for her guests and it really did feel like a home away from home. The location is so calm and relaxing and Sylvie’s cooking was absolutely delicious!
Nikki is so knowledgeable and so passionate which I found really inspiring. I enjoyed the small group setting and got to know the other guests well. I have learnt so much in just a few days that I hope to incorporate into daily life back in Australia!
Highly recommend!!!
Helen Barnett
from Great Britain, September 2019
"Wonderful home from home experience "
Nikki was hugely informative about her practice and the small nature of the groups mean you get a huge amount of personal development for your own practice as well. The location is beautiful and both Nikki and Sylvie welcome you into their home like family with kindness and warmth throughout the whole experience. I had a wonderfully relaxing time and also learnt a lot about meditation and my yoga practice. I would highly recommend.
Jane Forde
from Great Britain, August 2019
"Loved every second "
Nikki is very welcoming and friendly, it felt like visiting family. She even picked us up from the airport and dropped us into rennes. The retreat was very relaxing and informative. Nikki was a great yoga teacher and I will take a lot knowledge home with me.
Silvia is such a sweet lady and amazing cook, I throughly enjoyed every meal and loved how everything was home made with local/ homegrown produce!
Accommodation was very cute and great value for money
Would definitely come again
Molly and Jane xxxx
Julia Bracht
from Germany, August 2019
"Thank you so much. I had such an amazing time!"
I felt welcome from the first moment onwards. I enjoyed every yoga class and meditation and learned a lot. Especially yoga nidra was a hole new experience for me. The whole atmosphere was perfect to calm down relax, grab a book and enjoy the beautiful garden. The meals were delicious! Everything was made with love and very personal. Thank you so much for this experience!
Isabelle Obrien
from Great Britain, August 2019
"Outstandingly competent, warm and welcoming "
Nikki and her mum have together delivered an outstandingly competent, exceptionally warm and welcoming retreat. Yoga sessions are intense whilst manageable and expertly led by Nikki. Food cooked by Nikki’s mum, Sylvie, is of excellent quality and abondant in quantity. Accommodation is outstanding!
Marion Daire
from France, August 2019
"Simply great"
I had a great moment from the start to the end, loved the approach of yoga and meditation, i am sure to continue in my every day life. The food was also amazing and most important made with love.
Thanks a lot :)
Maria Andersen
from Denmark, August 2019
"Wonderful! "
Everything :-)
Judith Elmaleh
from France, August 2019
"Séjour très bénéfique"
J'ai passé un magnifique séjour chez Nikki qui est une professeur attentionnée et rigoureuse. Les séances de yoga et de méditation sont excellentes et j'ai pu me ressourcer, sans oublier les délicieux repas végétariens concoctés par Sylvie ! J'y retournerai !
Melanie Mercer
from Great Britain, August 2019
I felt like one of the family! Yoga instruction was really informative and will help me develop my technic going forward. Great chats! And I found the meditation sessions enlightening. Thank you Nikki and Sylvia ps. Food was delish!
Ellen Whitefield
from Great Britain, July 2019
"Excellent, relaxing stay. "
I am a beginner to yoga and I loved the welcoming, friendly atmosphere of the retreat. I was actively encouraged to go at my own pace, and Nikki always took the time to make sure I was doing the poses correctly and was careful not to push me to far. Nikki also introduced me to mediation, explaining in detail the benefits of practicing it. The food was also amazing, and i was made to feel part of the family. I highly recommend it.
Shirley Chen
from France, July 2019
"Great program, excellent instructor "
The program is established with a lot of care and well balanced between yoga courses (efforts) and meditation (relaxation). Nikki is a great teacher with patience and wide knowledge about the physiology. She explains how and why and always brings good suggestions / solutions to each participant. I really enjoy the lessons. Thank you Nikki.
Celia Hughes
from Japan, July 2019
Nikki is a excellent yoga teacher who focused on the point I had to work on and I learned a lot in three days even if I practice yoga since few years.
The positive point also in this retreat is that you are like treated as family, Nikki’s mother is very lively too and her cooking is excellent and they were both very carrying! I felt like the daughter of the family.
Also the massage Nikki offered is excellent, you can really tell she was a physiotherapist.
Gwendolyne Dron
from France, July 2019
"Yoga thym, une belle découverte du yoga"
La prof Nikki est vraiment super. Elle nous a bien expliqué les exercices, a corrigé et et vérifié qu'on ait bien compris alors que mon mari et moi étions débutants.
Sa maman nous a fait une très bonne cuisine végétarienne et elles nous ont reçu comme à la maison.
Les autres participants qui sont arrivés avant et pendant notre stage étaient très agréables et de bonne compagnie. Leur arrivée n'a pas perturbé notre cours.
Nikki nous a aussi très bien conseillé et orienté pour faire des visites et des balades en dehors des cours de yoga dans la région.
Torben Mikkelsen
from Denmark, July 2019
"In contact with body and mind"
Nikki is a very qualified and knowledgeable yoga instructor and very skilled at teaching you about the body and mind, very high quality all around.
The homely atmosphere was great and very friendly - talkative hosts and beautiful surroundings: a gorgeous flower garden were you could rest. The food was excellent and served with a lot of love from Silvia, the cook and mother of Nikki. The landscape surrounding the retreat is absolutely breathtaking.We are looking forward to returning next year!
Lots of love
Dorthe Wynne and Torben Mikkelsen (Denmark)
from Belgium, July 2019
The quality of the teaching
Julie Vaillancourt
from Canada, July 2019
"What a life changing experience!"
I absolutely loved learning how to properly do each yoga posture in a way that energy would flow. I learned excellent types of meditations that are transformative and can help with life aspirations and insomnia. And I got to meet phenomenal like-minded people. Meals were delicious and having them as a group was enriching, fun and pleasant. Nikki Harris is an amazing instructor, life coach and retreat leader and her mom is a lovely warm lady and excellent cook. I am forever grateful that they were put on my path and I highly recommend their retreat!
from United States, July 2019
"Relaxing few days "
Yoga nidra, the delicious food, the animals, the pretty garden
Jane Willis
from Great Britain, June 2019
"What a great experience"
Nikki was really knowledgeable about a wide range of things, was able to answer all of our questions and give us ideas to move forward in yoga and other areas. She helped us all to notice our strengths and to develop the areas that were more challenging for us. My yoga technique improved greatly in just a few days, once I knew the little hints and tips that would help me to activate each of the poses.
Sylie's food was amazing and they both made us feel so welcome over the whole time we were there! I would highly recommend this retreat for any beginner/intermediate yogi!
Ruth MacNeill
from Australia, June 2019
Nikki is an excellent yoga instructor who takes time with her class to explain the correct body alignment for each pose. We totally enjoyed the yoga asanas, yoga nidra and meditation sessions and feel our knowledge in these areas has greatly increased.
We appreciated the transfers to and from the airport as these made the whole experience stress free.
We were very well looked after during our stay and enjoyed a congenial atmosphere with Nikki and her family, including sharing good food with the other guests.
Juliet Stevenson
from Great Britain, June 2019
"Just what I needed"
Not sure where to start - it was all great. Enjoyed all the yoga sessions and really helped to have such small classes, the meditation and nidras were much needed and great for destressing. Nikki was fantastically accommodating about the changes to my plans just before the retreat began. Sylvie's cooking was delicious and the pets were just lovely. Altogether a great yoga break and much needed holiday. Thank you both.
Corinne Morvan
from France, June 2019
"Super séjour!"
Super expérience dans la famille de Nikki. Nikki est au petit soin avec tous ces invités. Les cours de yoga sont super.
Beaucoup de joie et de convivialité!
Géraldine Saquy
from France, June 2019
"Marvellous experience with lots of kindness"
I had a beautiful time at Yoga Thym.
Nikki proposes a very well balanced yoga and meditation program. She is a great teacher that can offer you very personalized courses. She can explain you very well all you need to improve your yoga practice.
Sylvie, her lovely mam, does delicious veggie meals.
Both are full of kindness and happiness.
You'll also be able to do nice walks in a beautiful and restful countryside.
Go there without any hesitation!
Helen Edgar
from Great Britain, May 2019
"A perfect escape to a wonderful haven"
I honestly liked everything! Nikki and her family work hard to ensure their guests are cared for during their whole stay, start to finish. They were so welcoming in sharing their home and Nikki is a very knowledgeable and approachable instructor who tailors the class to the participants. Her mum Sylvie is so gentle and kind and makes the most delicious food. After a few days there I feel rested, restored and ready to go. I think if we all took time out in lovely places such as this the world would be a much calmer place.
from Great Britain, April 2019
"Highly Recommended"
Everything was perfect. The hosts, the food, the amount of yoga and meditation on offer, they relaxation time. I cannot find any faults at all. Loved it.
Anaïs Destombes
from France, April 2019
"Un séjour agréable et de qualité"
Nikki Harris est une excellente professeur de yoga : elle est attentive, explique les positions de manière pédagogique, les corrige, le tout avec beaucoup de douceur et bienveillance.
La mère de Nikki cuisine très bien et les plats sont tous délicieux et équilibrés.
Les ateliers sont très intéressants : ils complètent les cours de méditation et ouvrent les perspectives.
from Great Britain, March 2019
"March 2019 - Yoga Retreat, Chateaubriant, France"
The quality of the yoga instruction whereby Nikki explained each move clearly and with such precision.
The homemade cuisine was first class.
The hospitality provided was warm and welcoming.
Alison Dunlop
from United States, March 2019
"Pure pleasure "
Enjoyed the whole new experience.
Caroline Zilboorg
from United States, March 2019
"Intense yoga in rural France"
The yoga instruction is very good indeed and the meditation was helpful and positive. I learned things about my capabilities and improved my positions and techniques. While intense, it was not too much, and Nikki was supportive, insightful and understanding. I would definitely recommend this instructor! It was lovely to have a glass of wine with dinner and to chat and exchange experiences and thoughts over meals-- very congenial! Everyone was friendly and affirmative, too.
Linda Hoekstra
from Netherlands, February 2019
"Homelike atmosphere with inpsiring yoga teacher"
Living with the family in their house is a really great experience. The cooking is wonderful and the atmosphere relaxt. The yoga lessons were really good and helped me a lot in progressing.
Claire Scotto
from France, January 2019
"A perfect journey!"
I immediately felt comfortable in the grace of the warm welcome of Nikki, and her mother Sylvia. They've been really nice and always careful.
Nikki is a very competent teacher, taking all the time you need and attentive to your own ability and rythm, giving good advises about yoga, meditation and weel being in life.
Sylvia is a wonderful cooker and I feasted of all her meals.
Also, the house is beautiful and comfortable.
I recommand.
Laurence Piquet
from France, December 2018
"Séjour du 3 au 6 décembre 2018"
Stage très intensif avec peu de temps mort entre les différentes activités. Enchainement de séances de méditation, yoga et workshops de qualité.
Nikki est une excellente prof de yoga (qui corrige les postures et explique leur intérêt), qui a une grande ouverture d'esprit et qui partage volontiers ses vastes connaissances autour de domaines variés
Julia Dickinson
from France, December 2018
"Four Fantastic Days"
I just loved the Enthusiasm and Positivity that Nikki had in making your stay a very Pleasant and Posative experience and helped me understand on a personal level my new life and adventures I have ahead and I have come away excited about life and what a really posative and fulfilling one it can be, and the food Sylvia made was so lovely it gave me my appetite back I wished I had booked for a longer stay on the day of departure I had enjoyed that much.
Helene Audry
from France, November 2018
La diversité des activités proposées
Juliette Bubu
from France, November 2018
"Voyage au cœur de moi-même"
It was an amazing stay. I’ve felt connected to Nikki and her family right away. We’ve had great talks and she gave me exactly what I needed at the moment when I most needed it. The place has a lovely Englishy touch and the garden is a haven of
Peace. I’ve learnt so much from this experience that I feel changed and definitively more focused on the present. I even started the day at 7 AM this morning doing yoga alone ! How can Nikki for this wonderful gift ? I will be back for sure !
Annemie Baelemans
from Netherlands, October 2018
"Wonderful retreat for all your senses"
Nikki and her parents offer a truly relaxing retreat in a warm family atmosphere with well rounded all level yoga classes, a variety of meditations to discover, interesting workshops and delicious meals. The program entails the perfect balance between active bodywork, deeply restorative and healing practices, intellectual stimulation and free time to stroll around in the beautiful surrounding nature, or just relax in the flowery garden. But perhaps the best experience was to be welcomed in the family and enjoy the conversations and laughter together with the other guests. I'm grateful for those 5 beautiful days and I hope to return soon:).
Samantha Wain
from Great Britain, October 2018
I had the most wonderful experience with Nikki and her family. The location is beautiful, very relaxing and I was made to feel at home instantly. Nikki spent time with us individually and my yoga is much improved. The food was delicious; thank you Sylvie! And when my flight home was cancelled due to bad weather, Nikki ‘rescued’ me from the airport and put me up for another night. I will never forget that and the advice given on a very personal matter. Thank you all so much xxx
Carolina Sancho
from Costa Rica, October 2018
"Cozy and peacefull place"
I really liked to be in french countryside, away from everything and sorrounded by amazing people. Nikki is a caring and powerfull woman, she can read you and advise you according to your own personal path. LOVED THE FOOD, made by Nikkis mom, whom is a colorful and beautiful soul, I always felt in family. Perfect space for taking a break from the city or the routine and re-connect With yourself, it works if you are just getting started in a mindfullness and conscious lifestyle, or if you know nothing about that and want to learn.
Linda Indriksone
from Jersey, October 2018
"Life changing experience"
This is a place where to go and totally relax and completely forget about the outside world. Love the fact that you can join Yoga Thym any time. Accommodation and facilities were great. Nikki is an amazing instructor. I highly recommend the personal development workshops which gives a great insight as to how human brain operates and how we can change our lives with meditation. Nikki's mum is a great cook and cooks the most delicious veggie meals.
Jo Brown
from Great Britain, October 2018
This retreat was everything I hoped it would be and I left totally rejuvenated. Nikki and her family were so welcoming and put me at ease immediately- all the other guests I met were lovely . I really enjoyed the yoga and meditation sessions. The perfect choice for my first retreat
Kate Smidt
from Great Britain, October 2018
"Highly recommended!"
This was my first ever yoga retreat and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Nikki is an excellent teacher. She was patient and able to connect with each individual, providing thoughtful suggestions in order to safely and confidently improve practice. Their family home is welcoming and warm, and the food is wonderful! Nikki's mum is an amazing cook. She uses beautiful fresh, home grown produce and you're left feeling comforted and content after each meal. Nikki and her family are wonderful and I cannot recommend this retreat highly enough!
Mike DeBeer
from Great Britain, October 2018
"Simply Superb !"
The instruction was excellent, as were the facilities. The food is worthy of a mention, being tasty, wholesome & very well prepared.
Claire Hendrick
from Ireland, October 2018
"Yoga escape to the country "
The yoga classes are small so Nikki has lots of time for each student, she is a great teacher and a lovely person. Sylvie and Laurie are legends and make you feel like you are staying with family. If you are worried that going vegetarian means going hungry, don’t be! Sylvie should be crowned ‘The Queen of Tarts’ and will keep you very well fed:)
from Great Britain, September 2018
"The art of lying still"
Everybody was really friendly, helpful and supportive. The yoga teaching moved you on - whatever your ability. I particularly liked the attention to posture and attention to detail to show you how to know you are in the correct position or small steps to move to the correct position. It was great learning new things like yoga nidra and lying still and different types of meditation. And loved being taken into a head stand position as I have never done that. I think that was a highlight for everyone.
Pavlina Topalova
from United States, September 2018
"Cordial Thanks For The Great Times!"
Nikki's place is home away from home. Her family is amazing - both 2 and 4 legged members of it.
I did not want to leave. I learned so much in such a serene environment, it was just wonderful.
Sylvia managed my vegan preferences with ease, her cooking is delicious.
My yoga skills improved significantly in no time and I am now already practicing the meditation techniques learned during the personal development classes with Nikki, reaping the benefits - I feel calmer, stronger, much better.
I highly recommend and will probably go again.
from France, September 2018
"A fantastic teacher and host - and retreat!"
Nicki is a great teacher and host. She is very generous with her time and knowledge about yoga and meditation.I had a fantastic, relaxing four days and will certainly go back. Her mum is a great cook - the food was amazing.
Nathalie Dubeau
from United States, September 2018
La bienveillance.Le calme 🤫
Carla Featherstone
from Great Britain, August 2018
"Fantastic Yoga Mini Break - Just what was needed!"
Nikki is a lovely lady and her family are very welcoming and friendly, I warmed to them all very quickly. The food was very good, plentiful and a nice variety. The service the family give to their guests is fantastic, nothing is too much trouble & the retreat is great for relaxing and having some time out from normal life.
The yoga was brilliant, I have come home feeling amazing, well stretched and with some knowledge of things I can do at home to continue this, Nikki explains things so that you understand how and why you are doing them and helps to make things work for you, as individuals as well.
The meditation was the biggest surprise, I didn't realise how much my brain needed a rest, or how to do that. It has really helped me clear my head and focus so much more than I was able to do before!
I cannot thank them all enough for their hospitality!
from United States, August 2018
"great experience as yoga beginner"
This yoga Retreat was such a pleasant surprise! I was a complete beginner and Nikki was very helpful , adjusting to the level of each participant and making our stay very comfortable. The food was great and meals with the family really nice. Discussing with other participants was also very pleasant.
Isabelle Idier
from France, August 2018
Le Yoga Nidra, la voix de Nikki, le jardin fleuri.
Christelle Avart
from Switzerland, August 2018
"Wonderful and rejuvenating stay"
The teacher
The food
the kindness of the people of the family,
the impression to be part of the family
the environment is peaceful and lovely countryside
Mariam Pichelin
from France, August 2018
"A wonderful stay !"
- warm welcome and care ok nikki and her family
- High quality courses of yoga and meditation
- Delicious diner and nice conversations over diner
- Nice house and country side around
from Netherlands, August 2018
"Excellent yoga retreat at a warm and loving family place"
Nikki and her family are one of the most kind, caring and hospitable people I've ever met. You're picked up at the airport and Nikki's mother makes delicious and healthy meals 3 times a day, so you have nothing to worry about and can get in a total state of relaxation. The accomodation is good, the garden is a great place to relax or read a book and the beautiful surroundings at the French countryside are absolutely wonderful for a hike.
The groups are small (5 people max), which means you get a lot of personal attention and can truly improve your yoga skills. Nikki is an experienced yoga instructor with a strong focus on technique and will guide you safely through all the routines. I did a headstand succesfully for the first time, because of Nikki's excellent instructions. The meditations are very relaxing, and Nikki introduced me to several new styles. Couldn't have been happier with this trip.
Makiko Kamata
from Great Britain, August 2018
"Nice treat"
She is a vey mindfulness lady but still very close to us. She gave me the energy and helped me to guide where I want to go x
I really love her and it’s nice atomospher :)
The room was so lovely :)
Nikki was a excellent lady and would love to keep in touch !
Thank you for sharing your energy and thoughts. I am lucky to meet you there and keep in touch !
Big love xxx
Charlotte Vignoles-pouard
from Spain, August 2018
"Perfect break with insightful learnings"
Very nice combination of yoga, meditation and insightful workshops. I didn't expect to have this quality of knowledge during the workshops that can make a big difference for my life. Nikki has also a great balance between empathy and straight talk that are very helpful.
My meditation pratice has also strongly evolved during these few days just by understanding the real inner purpose.
Aisling Mcgreal
from Great Britain, August 2018
"Amazing retreat!"
Excellent yoga and meditation tuition.
Wonderful family atmosphere.
Amazing food -thank you Sylvie!
Good conversation and advice.
Completely welcoming atmosphere, support in getting around the area, flexibility in picking up and dropping off in different places.
Couldn't have asked for more - thoroughly enjoyed my time there and will be returning!
Mary-bridget Donnelly
from Ireland, August 2018
"Wonderful break in Châteaubriant "
I had a wonderful few days with Nikki, Sylvia and Laurie, who are incredibly warm and giving people, and made me feel extremely welcome in their home. I was very much a novice in terms of yoga experience, and I came to the retreat carrying some injuries. Nikki was really well able to adjust the moves to accommodate me, and I could see definite progression in the days I was there. Yoga Th.ym is exactly as it represents itself in its bio, so anyone considering a stay there should give that a thorough read. I was made very welcome in the family home, and met some incredible people during my stay, with good food and lively conversations. Friendships were made around that meal table, and I hope to make it back there in the future.
Joy Vavasseur
from France, August 2018
"Génial !!"
Super séjour !! cadre idyllique et Nikki est extraordinaire !!
Christine Teunissen
from Netherlands, July 2018
"A perfect energizing and renewing retreat for mind and body"
I had booked this retreat for 5 days, but eventually I’ve stayed for 7 days at Nikki’s retreat. It was a wonderful experience which I wouldn’t want to miss in my life. The daily routine of Zen yoga, meditation and workshops has given my mind and body a real treat. The workshops made me aware of the meaning of yoga and meditation. Already after a couple of days I felt a lot of positive change. Nikki is a great instructor. My impression is that she is very professional, authentic, inspiring and a great listener. She has an immense density of experience and knowledge and she teaches it with a lot of attention. Sylvie and Laurie, Nikki’s mum and dad, made me feel very welcome from the first day on. It felt like a temporary home to me. Sylvie cooks delicious vegetarian food. My room was nicely decorated and clean, with fresh air. The bath and hot tub are really nice after yoga sessions. The house is situated in a lovely green environment. The garden invites you to sit down and chill-out, and in the area there is an old railroad transformed into a lovely green path where you can walk and do exercise. I was really away from normal life these days and I feel it has done a lot of good change for my body and mind. Thank you, Nikki and family, for making this possible. I recommend this retreat to everyone who wants to make a changes in life, who wants to develop good yoga and/or meditation skills or wants to have a wonderful energizing and relaxing time.
Andrea Kolhatkar-portalanza
from Great Britain, July 2018
"Time to reflect and disconnect"
I spent a 4 nights/5 days at Nikki's retreat and I am so glad I did, I wish I stayed a bit longer. It was a great time to learn and spend time with genuine people (Nikki and her family) but I also had the time to get the 'alone time' I needed to think about all that I was learning with Nikki as I did the self-development workshop with her.
The food was great and prepared with love by Sylvia; and Laurie was great company. Nikki really made me feel like she wanted to share her knowledge with me and I really felt like she genuinely wanted to equip me with the best tools to learn and to expand on my self-development journey and for that I am so grateful.
Being in this retreat was like going to visit loving family friends that want to make you feel welcomed and allow you to enjoy your inner self in whichever way you feel you need to whether it is with their company or on your own.
I loved the structure of meditation and yoga sessions twice a day (morning and afternoon) and the breaks slotted in nicely. The meditation was so nice and relaxing and Nikki has a nice voice that is easy to follow when doing the guided meditation.
The accommodation itself felt like being at home, and it was nice and comfortable... no awkwardness whatsoever!
I want to thank Nikki for helping me, teaching me and listening to me and I will be grateful for a long long time; and also I want to thank her family for all the loving attention. I hope to be back in the future!
Kate Furzer
from Great Britain, July 2018
"Perfect peaceful retreat"
Myself and partner decided last minute to book a little get away and go for a yoga retreat. What a lovely break. The location was just perfect, so so peaceful. On arrival Nikki picked us up from the airport which was lovely as immediately you can relax. The room was nice and clean and the whole feel was like a home from home. The yoga and meditation was taught by Nikki who was very professional, knowledgeable and genuinely kind. Sylvi the the amazing cook, wow is all I can say, she made vegetarian food so tasty. I even took home her cook book recipes and can’t wait to use them. Lori was the dad who I can describe as a wise gem. He made sure the chill out beautiful garden area was always immaculate. Nothing was to much for this endearing family. Thank you so much we have come home feeling relaxed and will definitely be incorporating Nikki’s tips into our daily lives. We will be back. :))
Isabella Tattam
from United Arab Emirates, July 2018
"Perfect first yoga retreat experience"
Nikki is a lovely person and great teacher and what I particularly loved was that she explained a lot of postures and why they are done the way they are. I also liked how she taught us different ways of meditating in every session.
Sylvia and Laurie are absolutely lovely, kind and helpful.
The location just out of Châteaubriant was fantastic.
Inna Carpio
from France, July 2018
"Excellent !"
Pour se ressourcer et pratiquer du yoga, c’est un endroit idéal.
Je le recommande.
Saga Löfgren
from United States, July 2018
"Deepen your practise and expand the mind"
Deepened knowledge in yoga nidra, Nikki’s experience and engagement, holistic workshops, the open family home teeming with cats and dogs, glass of wine at the end of the day, green jogging areas.
Emma Esdaile
from Great Britain, May 2018
"Informative, relaxing and energising "
Set in beautiful rural France, the wonderful Nikki guides you through a fantastic balance of meditation, yoga and excellent workshops. she is so incredibly knowledgeable. Meanwhile her gorgeous mum keeps you well fed with delicious home cooked vegetarian meals. I returned home feeling full of info and ready to continue practising all my new good habits !!
Gabrielle Lavin
from Great Britain, March 2018
It was wonderful being welcomed in to Nikki’s Home and family, a really nurturing environment to explore emotions and challenge thought patterns.
I was unfortunately poorly during my retreat and Nikki and her mother couldn’t have been more wonderful if they tried, soups, vitamins, hot water bottles, you name it, they had me covered!
Nikki’s workshops were insightful and informative, and her guided meditations were amazing. Despite having been poorly I went home nourished and restored with a new and improved outlook. A real tonic for the soul.
from Great Britain, March 2018
I had a lovely time at this retreat. Nikki and her family were very welcoming and the accommodation and space for yoga/workshops was comfortable and homely. The vegetarian food was tasty and although I was staying in Nikki's home I felt able to relax and have time to myself or spend time chatting with her family as I wished. The retreat provided a good balance of time for yoga, meditation and workshops as well as time off for reading or walking in the peaceful countryside on the doorstep, and Nikki even took me on an afternoon trip to the local town on my last day. I would definitely recommend this retreat if you want to immerse yourself in yoga and meditation but also have time to reflect on your life and think about things you might want to change, using the information provided in the workshops and the resources that Nikki sends you to look at once home.
from France, November 2017
"Nikki est très très bien"
l'ambiance, le lieu ,les personnes, l'accueil très chaleureux, la douceur, la disponibilité, l'écoute
from Great Britain, August 2017
"Very pleasant and informative "
Nikki is a committed instructor. She obviously cares about what she does and very willingly shares her knowledge and expertise with clients. She is an excellent teacher and her knowledge of yoga and meditation is impressive. The location is beautiful and the accommodation cosy and comfortable. Nikki's parents are delightful and the food is healthy and tasty. I highly recommend this retreat!
Sarah Hawthorne
from Great Britain, August 2017
"Fantastic break! "
Really made noticeable improvement with my yoga in just a few days.
The meditation was just what I needed. Traveling there and back was very smooth. Only an hour flight from Birmingham to Renne and Nikki picked me up and took me back.
Family so helpful and welcoming, nothing was too much trouble.
Luke Hippely
from United States, August 2017
"An Enlightening experience "
Nikki is a wonderful and uplifting instructor that displays excellent patience and expertise - we received suburb advice! The yoga and meditation sessions were fantastic, but I found the personal development lessons most helpful overall. I can't recommend this retreat enough!
from Belgium, July 2017
Good teacher yoga and medit
Ceri Jones
from Great Britain, June 2017
"First and best retreat...Nikki is an inspiration!"
Nikki and her family were so welcoming! The food was delicious and the venue is so beautiful!
I have learnt so much from Nikki and I feel I have developed so much since my time there! I am preparing to return back there very soon!
Malika Grady
from Jersey, May 2017
"Personal Development, Yoga and Meditation"
This was a combined life coaching and yoga/meditation retreat.
I have come away with a lot of insight and inspiration
Francesca Forghieri
from Ireland, May 2017
"Lovely break "
The hospitabity was excellent.
The hosts go out of their way to be helpful and make your stay enjoyable.
The classes and workshops are excellent.
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