The main intuition to do this trip was to get in deeper touch with the indian culture and the physical aspect of yoga. I always loved different kinds of workout but whats making yoga so special is, that its so holistic. its not only stretching or postures, its also building your muscles and effective alignment of your whole body. Even if you suffer from past injuries yoga can help to recover or even heal and acts preventive for future ones.
its very challenging whether you are beginner or have already practised because the asanas matches on every level. I really did go beyond my limits, but thats also the reason why i did process so much. This involves also your mental body, which gets as strong as your physical body does.
It’s a journey which is not easy all the time but very fulfilling.
- there are not bad days - there‘re only character building days -
(source unknown)
you got great guides which are leading you trough your journey of selfexperiance. In my opinion, one of the most important member, is our cook inder. He literly is lifting our energy level with the soulfood our body needs everyday for positiv exponential development.
Also your training partners are so important. There where people from all over the world and we were so close after only a few days. You lough together as hard as you struggle together. I really appreciate meeting every single one of them.
All in all I really got a step closer to myself again and for me thats the best lesson you can earn.