It's not easy to find the right words for this incredible experience. If you are reading this and thinking about doing a yoga teacher training with Samasti: DO IT! Yes, it is transformational and yes, in these four weeks you will be thinking about an incredible number of things in your life and you will find a warm and safe community where you can be as you really are. I've never experienced so many emotions in a month as during the teacher training with Samasti. The teachers Angela, Tomer and Sean are just incredible. How they teach you everything about yoga is unique. And they not only teach you, they will let you experience it in so many different ways. And that's the difference with all other yoga teacher trainings: you will really feel what yoga is. You will laugh, cry, dance, sing, feel joy and much more. And at the end of the month you will be able to teach yoga - promised. I am so incredibly grateful for taking this course and meeting these wonderful people in this magical place in this world. The world needs more people like Angela, Tomer and Sean.