Globeseekers journeys are more than just a yoga retreat. Join on a deep dive towards presence, ease, and conscious living in breathtaking nature!

Yoga Retreats (2)

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Denise Mitterer

Christian Mitterer

Reviews (150)


from Italy, September 2024

Der Aufbau des Retreats und die Aktivitäten haben sich wunderbar zusammengefügt. Eine einzigartige Erfahrung und eine tolle Kombination aus Yoga und Achtsamkeit mitten in der Natur. Denise und Chris lieben, was sie tun und das merkt man.

Helen Watts

from Great Britain, August 2024

"Amazing retreat in Austria "

This retreat left me feeling incredibly peaceful and content. Beautiful location, lovely people and leaders, a mix of different activities from yoga to Qi Gong, hiking to climbing and paddle boarding. What's not to like??


from Germany, August 2024

"Großartiges Retreat!!"

Tolle Gruppe, fantastische Unterkunft mit einmaliger Aussicht, leckeres Essen, abwechslungsreiches Programm mit guter Tagesstruktur, tolle Aktivitäten, super Betreuung, absolut einzigartig!!

Ich habe schon mehrere Retreats gemacht und das war mit Abstand das Beste!

Elyssa Skaff

from Lebanon, July 2024

"Simply amazing!"

I loved the retreat. Denise, Chris and Kerstin are amazing teachers. The activities were great, with a really nice variety. Super well organized. Every day was a perfect day, really! I was impressed by how knowledgeable and skilled they are, with their generosity, openness and kind attitude. Food was great. Accommodation was ultra clean. Met beautiful people. Thank you!

Nora Gandre

from Germany, July 2024

"Super Retreat "

Es ist kaum in Worte zu fassen wie schön es dort war. Es war eine einmalige Erfahrung, ein Weg, um zu sich selbst zu finden, in Gemeinschaft und in der Natur zu sein. Alle Verantwortlichen für dieses Retreat gaben von Herzen. Alle Aktivitäten von verschiedenen Yogaeinheiten und Chi Gon bis hin zum Wandern und Klettern waren erlebnisreich und sehr bereichernd. Vielen Dank an alle 🙏

Matthias Waldner

from Germany, July 2024

"Phantastische Yoga-Woche "

Es war mein erstes Yoga-Retreat und meine Vorstellungen wurden übertroffen. Das Gscheschösswandhaus oben auf dem Berg bietet eine genialen Ausblick ins Zillertal. Die vegetarische Verpflegung war top! Die Yoga-Sessions sehr abwechslungsreich. Wir waren eine tolle Truppe. Chris, Denise und das ganze Team waren sehr engagiert.


from Austria, July 2024

"Recharge & Fun"

Wonderful experience overall- got to try many different yoga styles, qi gong, nature … and interesting people!

Laurence Faux

from France, July 2024

"perfect first yoga retreat "

i enjoy very much yoga practice each morning and late afternoon in a very comfortable room with a beautiful view. Our hosts were very welcoming.

They also organised a large variety of outdoor activities I really enjoy. It was the perfect balance between relaxing moments and more engaging ones. The atmosphere among participants was very nice. The mountains are beautiful.

Claudia Wiegand

from Germany, August 2023

"Wunderschönes, abwechslungsreiches Retreat"

Denise und Christian haben durch ihre herzliche und offene Art und mit ihrem Retreat-Programm eine so tolle, warme, herzliche Gruppenatmosphäre geschaffen, dass jeder sich sofort angenommen und willkommen gefühlt hat. Individuelle Wünsche/Bedürfnisse wurden aufgegriffen und integriert. In einer wunderschönen Umgebung ist es den beiden und ihrem Team gelungen, trotz teilweise schlechten Wetters eine unvergessliche Zeit uns zu zaubern auch mit sehr leckerem Essen, von der ich jetzt noch zehre und für die ich sehr dankbar bin ❤️

Heike Grützmacher

from Germany, August 2023

"Hervorragendes Yoga Retreat"

Es war für mich eine der besten Zeiten im Leben.

Die Lehrer sowie alle Helfer waren immer ansprechbar, super nett und hilfsbereit.

Es gab so viele neue Arten die ich kennenlernen und vor allem üben durfte. Besonders gut hat mir Agroyoga und die SUP Yoga Einheit gefallen.

Aber auch die morgendlichen Yoga Einheit war sehr energisch und man fühlte sich danach richtig wach.

Die Unterkunft war super süß. Ich habe sehr gut geschlafen und morgens den Atemberaubenden Blick genossen.

Das Essen wurde jeden Tag frisch zubereitet , war sehr lecker und auf alle Besonderheiten wie z.B. Glutenfrei wurde geachtet.

Meine Truppe war einzigartig!

Lara Schneider

from Switzerland, August 2023


Denise, christian und viki, haben diesen event zu etwas einzigartigem gemacht. Alles war harmonisch, stimmig und sehr gut aufgebaut. Ich bin total begeistert.

Louisa Bönig

from Germany, July 2023

"Wonderful retreat !"

Christian and Denise's retreat is a very big recommendation if you love mountains and yoga! They design it with so much passion! Everything is well thought out, from fresh and delicious food to regular yoga classes to emotional attention. The great nature around does the rest.

Even if the hut is small, nothing is missing. Everything is clean and lovingly furnished. I was particularly impressed by the fact that they pulled out all the stops to take into account any extra requests or intolerances when eating.

I was able to recharge my batteries here, take a deep breath and make many great new experiences! Gladly again!


from Germany, July 2023

"Activity, Nature, Inspiration"

6 days full of activity, fitness, nature, fun, relaxation, great conversations and outstanding food. Yoga in many different variations (my favourite: on the SUP board on a glacier lake). I returned full of energy and new inspirations. Denise and Chris are warm hosts and absolutely lovely people. I can recommend this retreat to anyone who is on a journey to themselves or simply wants to enjoy activity and nature in a dreamlike setting.

Kateryna Krisanova

from Germany, July 2023

"Abwechslungsreiches Yoga & Outdoor Retreat"

Wir hatten 6 inspirierende, energetische und gleichzeitig entspannte Tage auf 1800 Metern über Mayrhofen mit traumhaftem Blick auf die Berge (sogar vom Yoga Raum), täglichen abwechslungsreichen Yoga Einheiten, Outdoor Aktivitäten (Wandern, Kletterkurs, SUP Yoga & Baden im Gebirgssee, optionalem Paragliding) und leckerem vegetarischen Essen. Die “Workshops“ wie z.B. Acro-/Partner Yoga und Thai Massage waren sehr interessant und die tiefen, inspirierenden Gespräche in der echt tollen Gruppe vermisse ich jetzt schon. Das Gschösswandhaus hat eine traumhafte Terrasse, die Zimmer waren sehr bequem und sauber. Es war auch sehr leicht aus Mayrhofen mit Penkenbahn zu erreichen. Wir konnten uns am Abend entspannen in der Sauna und Ruheraum/ Balkon mit Blick auf die Berge. Rundum ein sehr gelungenes und abwechslungsreiches Retreat & Urlaub. Vielen lieben Dank an Denise und Chris von Globeseekers.


from Germany, July 2023

"Eine Reise voller Abenteuer, Öffnung und Entspannung "

Die Leitung war offen und sich sehr gekümmert.


from Germany, October 2022

Es wurden unterschiedliche Varianten unterrichtet u.a. Qigong, Partneryoga, Atemtechniken. Hierbei konnte man einen großen Einblick in die Welt von Yoga bekommen.

Die Zimmer mit WC und Duschen auf dem Gang sowie der Yoga und Essensraum waren sehr sauber und gepflegt. Die Zimmer nicht voll zu belegen war sehr angenehm. Die Sauna am Abend war klasse. Es hatte viel Spaß und Freude gemacht und die Gruppe war sehr harmonisch.

Gediminas Žukas

from Lithuania, August 2022

"Great choice for the healthy and active holidays"

I just enjoyed my time, didn't experienced any problems. I really feel that I got quality rest after coming back home!

You don't have to be an expert in yoga (I was absolute beginner) to join this retreat. Teachers are really helpful, warm and down to earth (you can talk about everything with them).

Location is great in the mountains with breathtaking views and you don't get yourself bored because lots of other outdoor activities are included in the programme. Also, those activities are not mandatory (e.g. some people in my group didn't wanted/couldn't do rock climbing and that was ok) and flexible (e.g. part of my group hired instructors and went paragliding).

Also group atmosphere were just great! I really felt a sense of connectedness.

Roland Neumann

from Austria, August 2022

wirklich alles

Pascale Wester

from Luxembourg, August 2022

"Unvergessliches Erlebnis"

Die Zeit im Retreat war einfach nur magisch. Alles hat gepasst: die Yogakurse, die Lage in der Natur, die Kursleiter, die Teilnehmer, die verschiedene Aktivitäten, das Essen... Ich kann jedem nur empfehlen an einem Retreat von Chris und Denise teilzunehmen. Hier findet man einen Ort an dem man abschalten kann, zu sich Selbst findet, gleichgesinnte Menschen trifft, die zu Freunden werden und einfach das Leben geniessen kann.

Mayya Bareeva

from Germany, July 2022

"Relaxing and memorable time in the mountains"

The views are incredible, do not forget to take with you warm clothes and rain coat, waterproof boots for hiking, really, do not underestimate the weather in mountains.

As for yoga classes, it is both for beginners and intermediate level and you can choose whether to have intense practice or more relaxed session. We had a variety of yoga classes, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, which I really liked (Correct me, please, if I am wrong :D ). Also we learned how to do Thai massage, both giving and receiving, was super relaxing I even fell asleep.

Accommodation itself is very cozy, a warm wooden house, before going to bed you may have a cup of tea with honey and read on the terrace with amazing views.

Surprisingly, I liked climbing, was very scary, but super happy I tried it out.

And yes, be prepared that hiking can be pretty tough! haha so its good if you are a little physically fit.

Ah food! I loved our breakfasts, we had basically all we need, fruits, porridge, nuts, we could also make sandwiches with very tasty cheese mmmm. Dinners were also good and cooked with love.

Thank you very much for hosting! Incredible experience! Returned home refreshed!

Susanne Wolf

from Germany, July 2022

"Hier wird Yoga und Achtsamkeit gelebt und vorgelebt.👌"

Professionelle Yogaeinheiten, ein klasse Action-/Outdoorprogramm, jederzeit ein offenes Ohr bei allen Organisatoren und Trainern. Viel Empathie und positive Energie von Seiten der Trainer. Ein sehr freundliches „Hüttenteam“ mit leckerer Verköstigung.

Wer echt mal runter kommen will, ist hier goldrichtig. Auch Yoga-Anfänger sind in diesem Retreat prima aufgehoben.

Kate Browne

from Great Britain, July 2022

"A deeply nourishing and memorable experience"

I'm so glad I booked this retreat as it was the time out I really needed. The setting couldn't have been more beautiful and each day we could partake in activities and classes. The food was delicious and homemade by Chris. I particularly enjoyed SUP yoga on the lake and facing my fear of heights rock climbing. Thank you to Denise, Chris, Kerstin and Laura for a wonderful experience I will never forget

Lucila Niederer

from Switzerland, October 2021

Everything is great and feel so homey! All the four instructors were sooo good! Thanks again for the great time and I’ll recommend you to all my guests and I’ll be back.. cheers

Daniel Dierich

from Germany, October 2021

"Mega abwechslungsreiches Retreat im Zillertal"

Es waren 6 unvergessliche, inspirierende, energetische Tage auf 1800 Metern im Zillertal mit traumhaftem Blick auf die Berge (sogar vom Yoga Raum), täglichen abwechslungsreichen Yoga Einheiten, super Outdoor Aktivitäten und leckerem vegetarischen Essen. Die “Workshops“ wie z.B. Acro-/Partner Yoga und Thai Massage waren echt mega und die tiefen, inspirierenden Gespräche in der echt tollen Gruppe vermisse ich jetzt schon. Rundum ein sehr gelungenes abwechslungsreiches Retreat.

Vielen lieben Dank an Denise und Chris von Globeseekers. Ich komme definitiv wieder.

Cathy Bonvin

from France, October 2021

The teachers were excellent; professional, explanations clear, courses varied and they made me feel confident which is exactly what I needed.

Stefan Henke

from Germany, October 2021

Attitude, spontanität, eingehen auf gruppe, ruhige undogmatische art des lehrens

Kim Schwabe

from Germany, October 2021

"A phenomenal experience "

I had never been to any kind of retreat, and I honestly didn’t know what to expect. This experience with Chris, Denise and their team was absolutely incredible, and it far exceeded my expectations. It went beyond simply a couple of yoga classes and a hike. It was a whole VIBE! :) I think it’s true that good people attract good energy, because the group that gathered at the Geschösswandhaus was amazing. Kind, positive, non-judgemental and supportive. We were all at different ages and skill levels, and the instructors offered us modifications so that we could push our limits, but in a safe way. I appreciated the different influences that were integrated into our practices - Qi Gong and TCM as well as yoga. The setting on the mountain is simply stunning and restorative. The food was delicious and wholesome. The activities like rafting and hikes were so much fun. I just cannot stress enough how much I loved this experience! Do yourself a favor and spend a week here. It just might change your life!

Carmen S

from Romania, September 2021

"Excelent time spent with amazing people "

It was a very nice retreat spent in a very beautiful landscape, with great people. The food was good,. Chris surprised us with home made dishes . Also, the location is very clean. Each day was different, Denise and Chris created a nice athmosphere and challenged us to go out of the box doing acro yoga , climbing.

Serena Kenny

from Switzerland, September 2021

The location was amazing. Food fantastic and in abundance. Got the opportunity to try lots of yoga styles as well as activities such as climbing and white water rafting to push me out of my comfort zone. Hiking breathtaking! People were amazing, the participants and Chris and Denise. Loved every second and will be back!

Špela Zavrl

from Slovenia, September 2021

"Recharging yoga retreat in beautiful nature"

For me this yoga retreat had perfect balance between activities and free time... Schadule was not stressful but on the other time i wasnt never bored.

I really admire the wide knowledge (different kind of yogas, chi-gong, life-coching, klimbing..) which can offer during the training. So i tried many things on first time like acro-yoga and it was amazing new expiriance!

I really like the food, even if i am meat eatier i didnt miss meat even for one moment!

The nature and the mounties view were stunning - like in dreams!

This was first trivel in my life where i went alone, but i had never feeling that i am lonley.

Basically i really recomend this retreat to everybody to get disconnected from everday stress, get rechared and find some inner peace!


from Belgium, August 2021

"Yoga, adventure and community in the Austrian alps"

Great yoga teachers, great location, great community. I would definitely recommend this retreat for people looking for yoga, spiritual development, adventure and a sense of community. You won’t regret!

Lisa Pfitzer

from Germany, August 2021

"Perfekte Auszeit für Zwischendurch"

Vielen Dank für 6 wundervolle Tage in den Bergen! Die Unterkunft ist wunderschön gelegen, mit herrlichem Ausblick. Die Yoga-Einheiten haben mir sehr gut gefallen. Durch verschiedene Variationen waren sie auch für Anfänger (und mit Anfänger meine ich in meinem Fall: bei 0 anfangend) geeignet. Tagsüber konnte man sich tollen Freizeitaktivitäten anschließen (wandern, klettern, raften...). Ich habe die Zeit dort sehr genossen: das tolle Miteinander mit Gleichgesinnten, schöne Gespräche, die Bewegung, die Aussicht, wunderbares Essen... es hat einfach alles gepasst! Danke dafür!

Margrethe Christensen

from Denmark, August 2021

"Get to know yourself again"

I booked this retreat where I only tried yoga in a fitness centre. I soon learned all the things that follows it yoga and the lifestyle behind.

And trip includes the added bonus of hiking climbing and river rafting, plus a health class where you get to review you current life situation.

It was so amazing.

Kendall Stuart

from Spain, August 2021

"One of the best experiences in my life"

Everything from the views to the food to the freedom of choosing which classes and activities to participate in even though I did them all as it was the perfect balance of being active, trying new things, meditation, different yogic practices and atmosphere of feeing unjudged and loved. The facilitators become family with no effort or expectation and the group of people Globeseekers attract were the perfect mix of interesting, open and beautiful people. From picking fresh blue berries to having them served in a dessert to the health coaching and all the laughs, tears and fun in between and the warm sauna evenings to the last night singing around a camp fire to the view of shooting stars. It is heaven on earth and the combination of Chris and Denise working together as a couple as fellow yogis is such an inspiration and wonderful balancing combination. Their care is for your experience and journey at what ever stage of life you are in and it is truly felt throughout the week. I’ll be back!

Luzie Berger

from Germany, August 2021

"Erholung für Körper, Geist, Seele & Herz"

Die 6 Tage Yoga Retreat mit Denise, Chris, Wendy, Anna und Laura und der tollen Gruppe der Teilnehmer*innen waren viel mehr als nur ein Urlaub. Ich habe meinem Körper etwas Gutes getan, indem ich ihn mit leckerem und gesundem Essen versorgt und mit viel Bewegung gefordert habe. Wir haben circa 2x täglich in verschiedenen Stilen Yoga gemacht, waren wandern in der wunderschönen Berg- und Waldlandschaft im Zillertal auf 1800 m Höhe und hatten die Möglichkeit, Rafting, Klettern, Thai Massage und Qi Gong auszuprobieren. Ich hatte sehr viel Spaß und hab viel Neues gelernt.

Obwohl wir eine recht große Gruppe von 21 Personen waren, bin ich mit jede*r in Kontakt gekommen. Alle waren offen für Gespräche, die oft sehr viel tiefer gingen als man es im Alltag meist erlebt. Man hatte aber auch die Möglichkeit, mal für sich zu sein und sich z.B. in der Sauna einfach nur zu entspannen.

Besonders wertvoll war für mich die Erfahrung, in einer Gruppe von Menschen, die ich vorher nicht kannte, einfach ich selbst sein zu können. Denise und Chris haben es geschafft, eine Atmosphäre zu schaffen, in der man sich offen und verletzlich zeigen durfte und über das reden konnte, was einen im Leben wirklich bewegt.

Ich nehme aus dieser Zeit ganz viel Kraft, Energie, Liebe, Zuversicht und Inspiration mit nach Hause und wünsche mir sehr, sowohl das Team als auch die restlichen Teilnehmer*innen bald wiederzusehen. Habt vielen Dank für dieses unvergessliche Erlebnis!

Julia Barnstorf-brandes

from Germany, August 2021

"Entspannung und Aktivität im Einklang"

Das Essen war großartig, die Yoga Einheiten besser als erwartet, die Zimmer urgemütlich, alles gut organisiert, die Wanderungen fantastisch

Nicole Amann

from Germany, August 2021

"What a week"

The retreat at the beautiful Gschösswandhaus was just amazing! Chris and Denise made every session and activity special and unforgettable. It didn't feel like only 6 days since every day was just filled with great moments. The group was wonderful. I loved that we came from places all around the world what made the conversations even more interesting. Chris, Denise, Anna and Laura did a great job on their Yoga lessons, introducing so many things and inviting everyone to find his or her own Yoga style. The homemade food was amazing as well, the breakfast couldn't have been any better after doing Yoga in the morning.

Thank you for this unforgettable ecperience, all the talks, the laughter, the sharing of stories and learnings. Not to forget the breathtaking views over the

mountains every single morning.


from Iceland, August 2021

"The very best decision I've ever made!"

I wasn't sure if going to a retreat was a wise thing to do since I had been sick for the past 14 months, dealing with PVS/ME, or what is now also called "long covid". I got a serious relapse after receiving AstraZeneca in the middle of May 2021. When I left home, 2,5 months later, I was recovered enough to go for short walks, but most of my waking hours was spent in bed or on the sofa. My spirit was about to loose the spark so I just had to do something!

I had been reading the book Recovering from M.E. by William Collinge (1993). The second part of that book is about mind/body medicine where one of the "treatments" recommended is yoga and meditation. I decided to believe and give that type of healing a chance.

That was the best decision I've ever made! The location, high up in the magnificent Alps, is breathtaking and the yoga/meditation sessions, whether outside on the grass, on the veranda, or in the spacious room with large windows on 3 sides, provide a stunning view of the mountains, putting you in the middle of powerful giants. The yoga instructors provided poses for beginners as well as for the advanced and reminded us at every turn to be mindful of our limits. And the food! so tasty and good for body and soul. The organizers and assistants were very caring and nurturing, creating a loving and healing atmosphere.

I feel rejuvenated and optimistic again, thanks to the wonderful people at Top of Mountain Yoga Retreat in Zillertal. From the bottom of my heart - Thank you!

Symphony Veira

from Netherlands, August 2021

"Peaceful and welcoming"

My experience at the Globeseekers retreat was very positive. First of all, by far: the view! An AMAZING location, the whole environment looked live-photoshopped or something XD. Secondly, all the instructors were very warm and welcoming. What I liked about the classes and workshops is that there was no competitive or achievement-oriented atmosphere. With the yoga moves, you were encouraged to go as far as you're comfortable with or want to go. Also they kept repeating to try not to compare yourself to others during the classes, as you are there with your own body and journey. I really liked that. But of course, if you are more experience and are up for more of a challenge, they also showed what you can do.

Furthermore, the homecooked vegetarian or vegan dinners by (mostly) Chris were amazing, many compliments!

There were also lots of other things to do, such as rafting, paragliding (depending on weather), sauna, stitching figures, a climbing course, a bonfire and of course hiking through mountains and forests. I didn't participate in everything, especially sauna and rafting are not my thing, but then you can just relax or walk around the beautiful environment.

Thanks for everything!

Claus Leo

from Germany, August 2021

"Warmherzig, liebevoll und authentisch!"

Wundervolle fünf Tage liegen hinter uns! Schon die Ankunft ist beeindruckend. Unkompliziert und herzlich begrüßen uns Denise & Chris sowie das gesamte Team. Haus und Gelände schenken von Beginn an Nähe, Geborgenheit und viele Möglichkeiten der Begegnung. Austausch und Miteinander in der Gruppe sind sofort da: Yes, this is the place to be!

Die Yoga-Sessions mit abwechselnden Schwerpunkten/Varianten bieten vor allem Einsteigern wie mir eine Menge Inspiration und Raum zum Kennenlernen und Probieren. Auch die Wanderungen, das Klettern und das Rafting in dieser fantastischen Umgebung sind unbedingt zu empfehlen. Alles ist ungezwungen und humorvoll, spontane Ideen fließen ein, die Gruppe gestaltet mit.

Denise und Chris organisieren und begleiten das Geschehen hervorragend. Mit viel Freude und Leidenschaft, immer ansprechbar und offen für die Interessen und Bedürfnisse der TeilnehmerInnen. Ich danke euch beiden und natürlich auch Nicole, Barbara und Wendy für diese tollen und belebenden Tage!


from Germany, July 2021

"Perfect place to relax! "

I had a perfect time in the Gschösswandhaus with nice people, a stunning view, healthy food and with a variety of activities which makes it suitable for everyone‘s wishes. You can go for a hike, climb, make a rafting tour, get a massage beside the yoga classes. The hosts are really friendly and try to care for all needs what makes you feeling really comfortable! The yoga classes vary in different levels and you can get to know different yoga styles from Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Ashtanga class to Acro Yoga! They offer workshops regarding your health but you are always free to choose whatever you feel like! I can totally recommend the retreat! Thank you for the nice week 🙏!

Grace Lauer

from Germany, September 2020

"Stunning Mountain Retreat"

Amazing, thoughtful retreat with beautiful teachers and guides in stunning location with incredible views, yummy vegan food upon request and plenty of it!! :D

Perfect mix of activities, fresh air and downtime. Sauna is a huge plus! Great time to connect with likeminded people, practice gentle reflection and also sit in stillness with nature and the mountains and allow for your intuitions to speak to you again more clearly. Thank you. I came away feeling calm, rested and inspired! Recommend 1000%!


from Germany, September 2020

Top Lage, top Yoga (für alle Bedürfnisse), top Aktivitäten, super Gruppe!

Markus Ottersbach

from Germany, July 2020

"Lange nachwirkende Eindrücke"

Diese Woche Auszeit ist perfekt für alle, die eine Mischung aus Entspannung und Erlebnis suchen. Wobei die Erlebnisse die Entspannung noch verstärken.

Wir waren eine Gruppe von 9 Teilnehmer(inne)n (7 Frauen, 2 Männer zwischen 22 und 59 Jahren) und alle nach 7 Tagen grandios erholt. Die Ruhe, der Ausblick, das gemütliche Haus, die Berge, die Freundlichkeit der Betreiber und die Begleitung durch Denise und Chris - Organisatoren, Yoga-Lehrer, Wanderführer, Köche und unterhaltsam Gesprächspartner - sorgten die gesamte Zeit über für Wohlfühlatmosphäre.

Fixpunkte waren das morgendliche Yoga um 8.00 Uhr, das anschließende Frühstück und eine abendliche Yogarunde. Diese wurde zeitlich an das Program angepasst und fand, je nach Wetter, drinnen oder draußen statt. Auch das Tagesprogramm wurde mit den Teilnehmern und auf das Wetter abgestimmt. So gab es zwei Wanderungen, einen Tag mit Felsklettern, einen Tag mit Health-Coaching und Acro-(Partner)-Yoga (mit großem Spaß für alle) und für die, die Lust hatten, ein Tandemflug mit dem Gleitschirm und eine Rafting-Tour auf der Ziller (beides vor Ort selbst zu bezahlen). Jeder konnte entscheiden, an welchen Aktivitäten er teilnahm.

Abends gab es lockere Runden am Lagerfeuer oder im Gruppenraum. Für die, die Lust darauf hatten, auch mit einem Glas Wein oder Bier. Vielleicht ungewohnt für Yoga-Puristen aber ein Gewinn für Yoga-Genießer.

Und nach dem Urlaub: Lange nachwirkende Eindrücke!

Anneka Patel

from United States, January 2020

"A great balance of yoga and other activities! "

I just came back from the Globeseekers Ocean Retreat in Hawaii and wow...what a great retreat! Denise and Chris really got the balance right between yoga and all the other activities. From meditation, hiking, surfing, snorkelling, and stand up paddle boarding, to a boat trip where we saw whales and swam with dolphins - so so magical! The food was amazing, always healthy, vegetarian and quick easy meals I hope to replicate at home. Kerstin’s yoga and meditation sessions were absolutely wonderful. She described everything so well and had a very relaxing voice to help calm your mind. Chris taught us a wide variety of yoga practices that I’d never done before - Qi Gong, Ashtanga and Acro (the Acro was so fun!). It opened my eyes to the various forms of yoga out there and pushed me out of my comfort zone. I could feel the improvements in my yoga practice after just a week from the very first session on the day we arrived, to the final practice on our last day. Denise did a wonderful job of making you feel welcome and at home and I learnt so much from her in those few days. I was amazed at how global our group was with participants from all over the world...UK, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Canada and the US. We all had a great laugh and I left the retreat with new friends, new experiences, and new focus areas for my life. You absolutely must try a retreat with Globeseekers - you won’t regret it!

Matilda Hjelmqvist

from United States, January 2020

"Yoga retreat in paradise"

This was my first yoga retreat ever and Globeseekers really made it a great adventure! The week in Hawaii Big Island included a nice mix of yoga sessions (either in the house garden or by the beach) along with water sports and hiking during the days. We saw sea turtles when snorkling, tried surfing, stand-up paddling and went on a fantastic boat trip to swim with dolphins and the cutest swimming dog ever. Denise and Chris instantly made the group come together, with a great vibe making the trip feel like a vacay with friends (from all over the world!). I liked the flexible schedule and that there was time to relax in between the daytime sessions of activities. Will remember many happy moments and the yoga under Hawaiian banyan trees and starry skies!

Lea Blair

from Greece, October 2019

We had such a great experience at this retreat. The hotel was lovely and included 3 saunas and a relaxation room! The location was one of the most beautiful places in the world, up on a hill overlooking a green peaceful valley. All of the instructors were really kind and warm and created a group atmosphere where we all became good friends through the course of the week.

I was apprehensive about food as I know on yoga retreats sometimes it can be a little light, especially on protein (sometimes people seem to equate healthy vegetarian with just vegetables...and no flavor), but the food was really fantastic. Not solely vegetarian, which was good for me, but certainly they accommodate all diets, and everything tasted really good and was hearty enough to keep us pregnant ladies going!

We definitely thought this would be more yoga-centric than it was, but in the end we were really happy that there was more focus on birth and mindfulness than we had anticipated. Sheila was such a great midwife/teacher and we left feeling really confident and calm about birth and becoming parents, with specific tools we can use during birth and even in other aspects of life. And of course, we did yoga and qigong as well in beautiful outdoor mountain settings, had great relaxing excursions, and more fantastic food!

I would highly recommend for anyone that is pregnant, and definitely for partners as well, it's not just about the moms!

Rhiannon Hobbs

from Great Britain, September 2019

"A slice of heaven...I wish I could stay forever! "

It's difficult to summarise everything I loved about this retreat...the location is incredible, the activities fun and varied, and Chris and Denise are wonderful hosts with a flexible and enthusiastic approach. We started our week with heavy snow and ended with 26 degrees and sunshine, and Chris and Denise tailored the week to fit around the weather and how people were feeling each day. The number of different workshops and the variety was excellent and made it impossible to get bored. Chris's food is AMAZING and we often found ourselves in a contended silence at dinner as we relished every mouthful! :) We were lucky to have the most wonderful group of people too and by the time the week came to an end we felt more like a family. I can whole heatedly say that I'd recommend this retreat to anyone that wants to escape to nature, make new friends and have an adventure! Just book it! :)

Maria Jose Gutierrez Ros

from Great Britain, September 2019

"Single female traveller "

The location is breathtakingly and the instructors were really friendly and attentive. I had great fun on all activities and the group of people I met could not have been nicer.

Connie Yeung

from Hong Kong, August 2019

"Connie "

The retreat is excellent with the nice environment which is super for the arranged activities including hiking, rock climbing and rafting. Denise and Chris is also great in in making the retreat with a balanced of acitivities of yoga, thai massage and life coaching etc. The accommodation and food also execellent.


from United States, August 2019

"Best week of my life! "

This retreat was incredible! From the yoga to the day activities and the delicious prepared food I truly had the best week of my entire life. The other members of the group were awesome! Chris and Denise are incredible people! My life was changed for the better at this retreat and I am still feeling the positive effects of this retreat weeks later. I have done other retreats and I give this a 10 out of 10.

Laura Rossi

from Italy, August 2019

"What a great time! Over expectations"

I felt at home from the first moment, there are amazing energy, pure air, nature, activities, delicious food, comfortable rooms and so on. Denise and Christian are simply lovely and they really take care of their guests.

Highly recommended! Can't wait for new adventures with you guys X

Sarah Cadili-osborne

from Great Britain, August 2019

"A great retreat"

The location is exceptional and the daily hikes were fantastic. The hosts were warm, supportive and inclusive - the variety of activities made this a fantastic and memorable holiday - thoroughly recommended !

Amanda Symonds

from Great Britain, August 2019

"Connection with Nature, Self and Others"

Idyllic location up the mountain with views I could look at forever. Wonderful group to share the experience with. Open, heart-connecting chats. Daily yoga and hiking. Blueberry picking. Delicious food. Fresh bread, eggs, cheese, porridge and fruit every morning as well as fabulous dinners. We bought lunch up the mountain or made sandwiches at breakfast to take with. Denise and Chris are amazing humans and I’m so grateful to them for creating and leading this experience. I’d go back in a heartbeat.

Igor Stojanov

from Netherlands, August 2019

Beautiful view. Amazing hikes. Wonderful people.

Kathryn Maytham

from Great Britain, August 2019

"Amazing location and genuine caring hosts "

This Yoga retreat is an amazing combination of excellent yoga instruction, amazing outdoor activities that surpassed my expectations (and was all included in the cost), wonderful home cooked food and warm conversation and coaching. I can’t recommend this retreat enough for the traveler that wants so much more than just yoga.

Nicole Rees

from Austria, August 2019

"Ein Traum zum Aufladen, Abschalten und Genießen "

Die Woche war von Anfang bis Ende genial. In entspannter und liebevoller Atmosphäre gelang es mir vollkommen abzuschalten und zu entspannen.

Die Yoga Stunden sind genau das richtige Maß zwischen Entspannung, gefordert sein und Individuelles Einlassen.

Argo Yoga und Thaimassage waren für mich neu und absolute highlights.

Die Wanderung und Outdoor Aktivitäten haben Denise und Christian sehr gut gewählt- passend zum Wetter, Gruppe.

Für mich war das besondere an diesem Retreat, dass die Yoga Philosophie ein wichtiger Teil war und es mit einladenden Gesprächsrunden, Videos und sogar Lebenscoaching unterstützt wurde.

Das Essen war einfach himmlisch. Vegetarisch, abwechslungsreich und mehr als genug 😀.

Denise und Christian hatten immer ein offenes Ohr für unsere Wünsche.

Thomas Bräumer

from Germany, August 2019

"globeseekers 08/19"

Teamspirit, Atmosphäre, Lockerheit, vielseitiges Angebot, flexible Zeitplanung der Aktivitäten, Gesamtpaket, keine Zusatzkosten für Outdooraktivitäten,

Lucy Bowen

from Great Britain, August 2019

"Mountain Retreat! Just what I needed!"

I loved the fact that Chris & Denise really went above and beyond to make our experience amazing. It was a yoga & hiking retreat but I also did outdoor climbing and paragliding! Loved it all! And the food that was all cooked by Chris, was hands down amazing and I am a right foodie! It's also your holiday so if there is something you don't fancy you can go do your own thing also.

I will definitely be booking with Globeseekers again in the future and I cannot wait!

Barbro Lange

from Sweden, July 2019

"a week for myself"

The yoga session in the mornings - with beautiful views :) The planning of the days including no stress. The hiking in wonderful environment. Nice talks with nice people. Denise and Chris:)

Jacob Nordfors

from Sweden, July 2019

"Perfect mix of yoga and outdoor adventure"

The location of this retreat is absolutely beautful - majestic mountains, clear mountain streams and lush forests. Each day had classes in different forms of yoga (although each day started with an ashtanga class) and apart from that we also had health classes and qi gong. When not doing yoga the days were filled with different kinds of (optional) outdoor activities such as hiking, rock climbing, river rafting and paragliding, which made each day feel like its own adventure! Between classes and outdoor actvties you get served tasty and healthy homemade vegetarian food. I couldn’t recommend this experience more. Denise and Chris are really amazing hosts and we had such a great group of people that bonded really well. All in all an amazing retreat that I wish I could do again!

Katherine Piper

from Great Britain, July 2019

"Everything was beyond excellent!"

Variety of great activities, amazing instructors, great people, delicious food, good mix of activities and relaxation time.

Jade Courcol

from Great Britain, July 2019

"More than just a yoga retreat! "

Set in the most idyllic location- you are surrounded by breathtaking mountains and forests. Every day is a new adventure, starting with morning yoga on the terrace in the fresh mountain air. Daily activities include hiking, rock climbing, paragliding and rafting- all of which are well organised and so much fun (and optional)! The food was delicious- all home made, hearty veg meals- one night we even got to make our own pizza in the wood fire oven. Nightly restorative yoga / health coaching sessions were a perfect way to end the day. I honesty cannot rave about this retreat enough- it’s for any one of any yoga experience / any age. Chris and Denise have thought of everything and are the most accommodating hosts! I would do another one of their retreats in a heartbeat!

Marianne Niemann

from Denmark, July 2019

"This is where magic happens"

This retreat is simply amazing!!! Everything from the location, the experiences, the food and most af all the people is magical. I arrived a bit later due to cancelled flights and I felt home and welcome from the second I entered. Denise and Chris are the most warm and loving hosts and they provide you with a huge range of wonderful experiences in the most excillerating locations. I cannot make a more heartfelt recommendation. Go and do something very special for yourself.

Wenche Irene Bendiksen

from Norway, July 2019

"Wonderfull week with inspiring people!!"

This has been an amazingly good week . Denise and Rich are two beautiful souls who welcomed me with their true heart. This yoga retreat made me feel so relaxed and fulfilling . Every day I was breathing in all the good vibes , fresh air and the beautiful view in the mountains, which was fulfilled with the perfect combination of different activities.

I feel much better in my body and soul after doing yoga every day, hiking, climbing, rafting, and paragliding, and still good time to relax before the delicious dinner. All homemade and healthy.

I will definitely come back for another yoga retreat with these wonderful people and souls.


Katharina Kammer

from Germany, July 2019

"Traumhafte Woche in den Bergen"

Chris und Denise sind wunderbare Menschen. Neben den sehr guten Yogastunden gab es die Möglichkeit für zahlreiche weitere Aktivitäten wie klettern oder rafting. Die zwei sind super auf Wünsche der Gruppe eingegangen und haben das Programm entsprechend angepasst.

Die Unterkunft im Gschößwandhaus auf 1800m war der Hammer! Wo sich im Winter hunderte von Skifahrern tummeln, waren wir quasi unter uns. Im angrenzenden Restaurant konnte, wer wollte, sogar Schnitzel bestellen. Was in meinen Augen bei dem leckeren Frühstück und Abendessen gar nicht notwendig war. Die Matratzen waren super bequem. Die sanitären Einrichtungen sauber und gepflegt.

Alles in allem sehr empfehlenswert, danke euch beiden für die vielen schönen Erlebnisse.

Ani Steiger

from Germany, July 2019

"Unique experience "

This retreat was a real treat. Everything was arranged just perfectly. Denise and Chris were great hosts, who inspiringly shared their passion for yoga, nature and organic food. The accommodation, food and schedule were beyond our expectations. We are happy that we joined this experience and thankful for meeting all these great people who were with us. We strongly encourage everyone to do this and to join the globeseekers community!


from Israel, July 2019

"Much more than I expected :)"

Not having done yoga in 2 yrs, I was a little worried, but Chris and Denise gave me many modifications to do and the whole week was amazing! The view is breathtaking

Stephanie Jäggi

from Switzerland, July 2019

"Great people, beautiful nature, delicious food🧘‍♀️"

It was a great experience to get a little closer to yourself and meet great people from all over the world. Chris and denise's organisation and supervision were individual, flexible and both radiate so much love and joy. You can feel that they want to share their visions and dreams with the people around them.

Pj Lewis

from United States, July 2019

"Awesome experience"

The food, the people, the mountains, the yoga, the daily activities - everything was great. A truly fun yoga retreat. :)

Tanja Hackl

from Germany, July 2019

"Aktivwoche in bester Gesellschaft"

Tolle familiäre Atmosphäre, habe mich sofort willkommen und wohl gefühlt. Das Programm war gut organisiert mit Raum für flexible Gestaltung. Bei Spitzenwetter im Zillertal hat mir der Blick von der Hotelterrasse und von meinem Zimmerbalkon sehr gut gefallen. Denise und Christian haben tolle Kurse veranstaltet und die Stimmung war sehr relaxed. Die frisch gekochten vegetarischen Gerichte am Abend waren sehr abwechslungsreich und lecker. Die Teilnehmer kamen aus vielen verschiedenen Ländern und dadurch konnte ich meine Neugier auf andere Kulturen wunderbar stillen.

Alison Odornan

from Great Britain, June 2019

"Something for everyone"

Having never been on a retreat before or even really done much Yoga, my husband and I were a little nervous about taking this holiday but it seemed on paper to be the perfect combination of outdoor pursuits and some long needed mind relaxation. Plus we have been curious about Yoga for a long time.

We were not disappointed, Christian and Denise and everyone in the group was most welcoming. There was no issue with us being complete beginners and we were able to follow the clear instructions as much as our bodies were able, and adjustments were suggested and shown to us where needed.

Never have we been with such a wonderful group of people and the outdoor pursuits were just as described and a perfect compliment to the Yoga.

Irene Ge

from Great Britain, June 2019

"Great value for money with lots of activities "

The food

The location

The yoga practices

The coaching exercises


from United States, June 2019

"You’ll love every moment! "

It was the complete package between location, amazing fresh and vegetarian meals, outdoor hikes and activities to the yoga classes.

Ian Blunt

from Great Britain, June 2019

"Unbelievable experience"

Everything just flowed - the activities and classes were great, everyone happy a pretty happy attitude - and the food was healthy but good

Sophie Federmann

from Germany, June 2019

"Perfektes aktives Yoga Retreat "

Das Yoga Retreat von Denise und Chris hat meine Erwartungen komplett übertroffen.

Das Programm war eine perfekte Mischung aus verschiedenen Yoga Sessions und Aktivitäten wie Wandern, klettern und Raften und super flexibel je nach Bedürfnissen der Teilnehmer.

Die Unterkunft war wunderschön mit einer super Lage auf 1800 m, um vom Alltag abzuschalten und richtig in das Yoga Retreat einzutauchen.

Der Yoga Raum hat eine wunderschöne Glasfront mit Blick auf die Berge.

Die Größe der Gruppe war klein und sorgt dadurch für eine sehr persönliche Atmosphäre.

Ich kann das Retreat der beiden nur weiter empfehlen!

Laura Turrini

from Germany, June 2019

"Sporty week in a beautiful location"

The activities were really nice and inspiring. I particularly enjoyed the morning yoga, qigong (very nice surprise!!) and the rafting. Climbing was also very cool (I only tried indoor climbing before, but this was way more fun!). The location was very beautiful and the hotel very welcoming with also a nice wellness area (you can see the mountains directly from the sauna!!). Denise and Chris welcomed us very warmly and made us feel as part of a family from day 0. I was also lucky since the group was lovely and enjoyed the company very much. I feel so much energy after this week, thank you!!

Libby Eley

from Great Britain, June 2019

"a great escape "

I had a wonderful time. The right balance of togetherness and solitude. The days were mixed and the activities were great. beautiful place. I learnt lots and have come away feeling calm and happy.

Jelle Hollema

from Netherlands, June 2019

"Mountain and soul"

Goede mix van yoga en andere activiteiten

Oxana Orgler

from Austria, May 2019

"Only for beginners "

Tirol is a great place to be!

Outdoors activities are a great experience for body and soul.

Arnaud Toussaint

from France, April 2019

"Peace and earth"


Yoga Activities


Lisa Blondel

from United States, April 2019

"Amazing yoga & well-being experience"

Hotel was perfect, experienced different styles of yoga, enjoyed freshly cooked healthy meals, snow conditions in the mountains was great and the outdoor activities... More importantly a wonderful experience with like minded people. Denise and Chris are beautiful souls 😍

Mirjam Bech

from Denmark, April 2019

"Breathtaking yoga retreat combined with alpine activities"

This retreat provided me with a multitude of experiences - lots of yoga - astanga/yin and acro, qi gong, skiing, snowshoe hiking, spring hiking, spa area and relaxation, lots of sun and a great atmosphere, beautiful sights and a wonderful sense of community and sharing with other people from around the globe. The setting in Ramsau in Austria was breathtaking.

Denise and Chris are very dedicated teachers and a great inspiration, doing everything possible to keep the guests happy and providing lots of flexibility so everyone had the freedom to do what they felt like doing during their stay.

I can only highly recommend this retreat.

Claire Belsham

from Great Britain, April 2019

"Invigorating calmness"

Organisation very good and liaising through WhatsApp afore and during hols.

Very supportive and friendly knowledgeable team.

Flexibility - freedom to roam, join in group activities, link up with others, or laze.

Encouragement with yoga positions and no judgement.

Variety of yoga.

Wellness area.


Meeting like-minded fellow travellers all whom spoke in English!

Hotel location and view.

Access to transport great.

Besna Son

from United States, April 2019

"Forever in my heart!"

The combination of yoga, activities in the snow, biking and than relaxing in the wellness with this amazing view was just better than perfect. Chris and Denise are warm and great teachers. Every night Chris made us just great and super healthy and nourishing meals. Thank you Chris and Denise for a beautiful experience in your country.

John Van Den Munckhof

from Netherlands, April 2019

"Geweldige week met veel leuke activiteiten "

Sneeuwschoenwandeling, yogalessen, skiën en de kamer

Olivia Paluch

from United States, September 2018

"Truly was the trip of a lifetime"

You see the pictures for this retreat and think, “wow this looks amazing” ... but really, the pictures are nothing compared to what you will experience and see up close in person. It was truly an unforgettable trip and being someone that doesn’t regularly practice yoga, I wasn’t sure what to expect... but it was amazing & I was absolutely honored to be a part of it. I don’t want to say too much because I feel that anyone interested in this should experience it for themselves. All I can say & promise is that you will not be disappointed. I most definitely plan on going to more of their yoga retreats in the future.

Ofie Kataw

from United States, September 2018

"Wonderful experience"


Kolette Fabbioli

from United States, September 2018

"Unforgettable Week"

The location was absolutely stunning. The days were filled with yoga, hiking and other outdoor activities, and enough time for relaxation in the afternoon. The food was delicious (and homemade). Denise and Chris were amazing hosts and organizers- couldn't have had a better experience!

Ghazi Taher

from United Arab Emirates, September 2018

"Be calm a happy "

The 4 hikes were in the most beautiful terrain. Both instructors were very friendly a helpful. The food prepared by Chris was outstanding.


from Germany, September 2018

"Perfect all around"

I really enjoyed my stay much more than i expected to. Even though we were quite a big group, with ages ranging from around 20 to 60 and fitness-levels from quite low (me) to very high, I always felt that my particular needs were met so I was able to participate in everything in my own speed. The hosts Denise and Chris always took care of everybody, building a base of respect and care we all adopted. I very quickly felt comfortable around everybody. Besides the overall atmosphere being great, they also checked every day how we were and what made sense that particular day for the group. There were times of recreation just as much as times for learning new things. I learned about yoga-philosophy, different yoga-styles, chi gong, thai massage, self care, hiking, climbing and many more things without feeling rushed.

The area ist beautifull and comforting, especially for people living in big cities, the hotel ist very nice with a amazing view of the valley, the people working there always willing to help you out, great wellnessarea, restaurant and veranda and the food that Chris freshly prepared at night was just simply perfect, every time. Couldnt ask for a better getaway, i am very greatfull for the experience and wish Denise and Chris all the best for their future endevours. Highly recommend that retreat.

Tak care guys!! Hope, we will meet again. Dodo

Adeline Zelyony

from United States, September 2018


There is such a variety of things to do this is a great retreat for trying many new things! It is soooo beatuiful everyday, and the instructors make everyone feel comfortable in any activity.

Georg Thaler

from Austria, September 2018

"Einfach eine super Woche"

Denise und Chris,






Leute aus sehr vielen Ländern

Aang Lakey

from United States, September 2018

"Phenomenal experience with inspiring people!"

Although I am certain that I have not fully processed my experience at this retreat, I feel so lucky to have met such inspiring people. Every person at the retreat had such beautiful souls that radiated love and kindness, with themselves and their personal journey, that could only have been revealed by such an amazing experience. Every day, I was privileged enough to learn more and more about myself through our yoga practice and the extraordinary people that I shared this experience with. The hiking and mountains are breathtaking to say the least. My hiking pace was significantly slower than average because I could not stop gazing at the mountains. I could have stood in one spot and stared for an entire day. If you are a hiker and yogi, you don't want to miss this experience!

Julia Henke

from Germany, September 2018

"Unforgettable time out within the mountains"

Unforgettable vacation with a perfect combination of relaxing and active moments! I could not have imagined a better week. I have meet inspiring people that I will definetly stay in contact with and the teachers Denise and Chris did everything to create an amazing week!

The food, the location, the yoga classes as well as hikes and climbing lessions were highly professional and with lots of fun moments. Not to forget the massage!

Jessica Grace

from Canada, August 2018

"Unforgettable amazing experience that's exceeded all expecta"

The food was delicious, plentiful and very healthy!

The vibes were positive-very good energy from all participants and instructors.

Denise and Chris went above and beyond to ensure everyone had a good experience.

The location was stunningly beautiful and peaceful. Fresh mountain air!

I would highly recommend globeseekers!

I'm considering a future retreat with them in one of the their alternate locations:)

Kathrin Kleine Hackmann

from Germany, August 2018

"Retreat für Körper und Geist"

Die Kombination aus sportlichen Aktivitäten, entspannenden Yoga- und Meditationseinheiten, den wunderbaren Menschen, der wundervollen Umgebung und dem leckeren Essen war perfekt. Noch nie habe ich irgendwo eine so liebevolle Umgebung mit so vielen unterschiedlichen Menschen wahrgenommen. Nicht nur, dass mit den Aktivitäten Körper und Geist sowohl gefordert als auch entspannt werden konnten, sondern auch das Essen war Balsam für die Seele und zudem auch noch super gesund. Und das kann ich aus der Sicht als Ernährungswissenschaftlerin nur unterstreichen, denn nicht überall wird so viel Wert auf gesundes und biologisches Essen gelegt!

Noch nie bin ich so entspannt und gleichzeitig voller Energie nach Hause gekommen. Mein Herz ist voller Liebe! Danke für diese Erfahrung :-)

Ole Morten Grodås

from Norway, August 2018

"Best yoga retreat"

I have been to 5 yoga retreats and this is the best one.

The Yoga classes were great. I also really enjoyed learning thai massage

and acro yoga.

Denises energy and chris's zen like peace created a super atmosphere where everyone in the group had fun together.

Rafting, mountain hiking, rock climbing ++ was a big bonus that created variation in the days with out it being to much.

Helen Sabonjian

from Great Britain, July 2018

"Beautiful location for yoga and more"

Denise and Chris were the perfect hosts. Warm, friendly and very professional and helped our group to bond quickly. The yoga was excellent and all the other activities, like white water rafting, rock climbing and hiking made the week all the more enjoyable. The sauna and hot tub were added bonuses. Great cooking from Chris too. There was nothing I didn't like about this retreat and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone. Thank you for a wonderful break Denise and Chris. Helen S.

Anna Prat

from Netherlands, July 2018

"Fantastic family yoga plus week"

As we searched for an active yoga week in a mountain area we stumbled upon Globeseekers. We, a family with three children, 15-20-23-48-52, wanted some time without having to make decision and lot’s of activities who appealed to us all. The house and yoga barn were wonderfully authentic, the Zillertall was the mountain area we dreamed about. Beside the excellent daily yoga it was so much more. Yin Yoga – Ashtanga – Qi Gong – Thai massage – Surprise – Sauna – Hot Tub – Mountain climbing – Rafting - beautiful mountain hike’s – lovely food – and most important a great skilled couple who enthusiastically and with clean energy shared all this. Denise and Chris really made a difference in their classes, talks, cooking and group bonding. Coming home we all felt new energy to make small and bigger changes. For us it was a family week in which we grew as individuals and as a group. We recommend this week to anyone, beginner or experienced yoga level.

René Alarcón

from Switzerland, July 2018

"Just what I wanted and much more"

This retreat was perhaps one of the best experiences of my life. I was looking for an activity that would help me disconnect, relax, be physically active, and start a new yoga habit. The Globeseekers retrerat was all of that and much more. I got to meet and make friends with an amazing group of like-minded people from diverse places; I got to prepare and eat excellent, home-cooked vegetarian food, and more importantly, I got to connect with myself. All of this with the care and guidance of Denise and Chris, who not only are excellent yoga teachers, but beautiful human beings who are so passionate about their work. The ambiance in Ginzling is relaxed and feels like home, and our retreat leaders proposed activities (such as hiking, rock climbing, canyoning) that kept us active and helped us to learn about ourselves as well as to integrate us as a group. I believe that I will keep the friendships I made there for a long time. Thank you, Globeseekers for a life-changing experience!

Alison Knight

from Great Britain, July 2018

"Fun filled week"

I have just spent a week in the company of people I now consider friends. We were soo well fed and looked after but Denise and Chris. We hiked, climbed and relaxed in the sauna! The yoga was a fantastic mix of yin, ashtanga and some other types. We also took part in mindfulness coaching. My evenings and spare time were spent relaxing or disscussing health and mindfulness. Denise and Chris were very good and explaining the philosophy of yoga and how it can impact your life.

We were very much treated like family and the atmosphere was perfect!

Fatima Aliyeva

from United States, July 2018

"A retreat you don't want to miss "

My overall experience was excellent. Delicious homemade organic food with a ton of variety, gorgeous views of the mountains everywhere, great hiking options, an amazing variety of activities, a beautiful villa with all the amenities you can ask for including a sauna, a hot tub and a cold one, last but not least a really nice and supporting group of people including two very friendly, caring and hospitable hosts Chris and Denise. It was a dream come true.

Inna Craft

from Czechia, June 2018

"Powerful recovery myself & Fantastic yoga!"

Amazing place, nature,mountains,atmosphere!

It was my first experiment for my recovery and recharge by Yoga...And I am impressed!

Everything was Great!

Thank you for perfect organization Denise & Chris.

Still miss everyone......

Judith Poldervaart

from Netherlands, June 2018

"Family for one week"

This is not just a yoga retreat. Situated in the austrian mountains in a hotel run by family of Christian, this retreat is the perfect combination of oitfoor activities and yoga. The group consisted of 10 different nationalities. We bonded immediately, sharing and learning from each other. Acro yoga and the wellness facilities are a big plus.

Pinar Basdan

from Turkey, June 2018

"Amazing week of yoga & outdoor!"

Perfect location at the mountains; fresh air and fantastic nature. Well designed yoga classes and hiking in beautiful locations. Outdoor activities are worth to mention. Climbing course was quite nice, and Denise & Chris are most helpful to accomodate with everyone's level at activities. Tasty vegeterian food was creme de la creme! Had this retreat in June, and had a great time.

Cornelia Forster

from Austria, June 2018

"Yoga, Wandern und Entspannung in Einem"

Diese Woche war trotz abwechslungsreichen Programm super erholsam, ohne Stress, auf individuelle Bedürfnisse wurde eingegangen (sogar Paragleiten wurde auf Wunsch organisiert) und es kam zu einer wunderbaren Gruppendynamik!

Amarinder Bindra

from United States, March 2018

"Great break in an ideal locale "

The hosts were absolutely great. The location is idyllic. Carefully thought out plan for everything.

Carolin Kielwagen

from Germany, March 2018


In Ginzling ankommen, heißt abschalten, wohlfühlen und genießen. Und zwar mit allen Sinnen, die Euch geschenkt sind.

Die Natur - gewaltig schön. Das Haus - ein nachhaltiger Traum. Die Yogalehrer Denise und Chris - absolut herzlich und liebenswert. Das Essen - sau gut und gesund. Die Ausflüge im Schnee - grandios und Garantie für Riesenspaß. Die Gruppengröße - optimal. Die Yoga-Sessions - vor allem Acro Yoga top. Das Angebot auf dem Grundstück - Sauna, Bouldern und Hot Tub, was will man mehr. Kamin im Haus - check.

Meine Highlights: 7km downhill rodeln & Thai Massage Unterricht & Lagerfeuer-Sauna-Abend im Vollmond mit Chris und Denise.

Suchtpotenzial - immens hoch!!!! Ich komme wieder!

Ich danke Euch von Herzen!

Gemma Brewer

from Germany, March 2018

"Fantastic, unique and uplifting"

What's not to like!? Everything from start to finish was so great. Denise and Chris were the most excellent hosts, I cannot praise them enough! So passionate, warm and friendly, they are absolutely wonderful people. Yoga every morning with a beautiful view of the mountains and snow activities throughout the day were incredible, everything was organised extremely well. It was my first time doing some of the activities such as tobogganing and snow shoe hiking, and the support and guidance throughout was absolutely five star. The food was amazing! Delightful vegetarian, healthy home cooked meals, you never go hungry! The service that Denise and Chris provided was above and beyond. I would definitely love to join another retreat with them again. Highly recommended to anyone looking for a unique retreat with a loving, fun, friendly atmosphere. An amazing trip that I will never forget. Thank you so much!

Bibi Todaro

from Great Britain, March 2018

"Dream break"

Literally...everything! From the minute I stepped in the house and was welcomed by Denise with a huge hug I felt at home. The chalet is super cosy, and so quiet you sleep like a baby. The group was lovely - everyone with such diverse background and experiences yet with so much in common - spending the evenings together talking about life, adventures and stories was so beautiful. The activities are great, I really wanted to snowboard a lot so I skipped one day but joined the group for lunch. Snowshoeing was a first for me - tough as hell but I really enjoyed it. The yoga is done in a nice room overlooking the mountains and Chris and Denise are wonderful teachers. They provide clear instructions and teachings about yoga philosophy, giving a much more holistic view. Last but certainly not least the food.. Oh my! - the best organic food cooked with love to nourish your body throughout the week. Basically I can't wait to go back!

Daniela Riedel

from Germany, February 2018

"Mehr erholung geht nicht"

Liebe Gastgeber, die souverän und herzlich auf Ihre Gäste eingehen - schon mal die halbe Miete!

Der Aufenthalt in einem urigen ursprünglichen Holzhaus mit Kaminöfen, frische Luft, bequeme Betten - lange nicht mehr so erholsam geschlafen. Gemeinsames verbindendes Kochen, vegetarisch, lecker und regional typisch .

Noch nie habe ich in so kurzer Zeit soviel erlebt und neues kennen gelernt - Bouldern in der "Scheune" nebenan , Sauna mit dem Kaltwasserbecken im Schnee, sehr genial und nicht zu toppen der Hot Tube - wer hat sonst schon die Gelegenheit unter Sternen bei Pulverschnee zu baden ?

Die Schneeschuhwanderung war großartig - der Ausblick am Ziel mit 360 Grad Alpenpanorama das i-Tüpfelchen. Rodeln - perfekt - und selbst Abfahrtski wurde auf unseren Wunsch noch eingebaut.

In der Woche gab es einen prima Überblick über verschiedene Yoga-Arten - das Highlight am Ende der Woche eine Kostprobe Acro-Yoga, wir haben heute noch das Strahlen in den Augen - ja, wir können fliegen, Giggi. danke !

Spätestens nach der Thaimassagestunde vorm Kamin war dann auch die letzte Körperzelle tiefenentspannt.

Mehr kann man aus einer Woche nicht mitnehmen - einer der erlebnisreichsten und erholsamsten Urlaube meines Lebens .

Es ist von Vorteil, wenn man etwas Englisch versteht, Denise und Giggi unterstützen aber auch mit Übersetzung. Kein Grund sich dieses Event entgehen zu lassen.

Diese Woche hat mich glücklicher gemacht.


Eva Ganzenberg

from Germany, February 2018

"Yoga and Snow - perfect fit"

The Idea to go on a yoga retreat and to do winter sports in Austria in the same week caught me immediately. And it was even better than expected: The great winter nature, with all the snow, the impressive Mountains and the great mixture of (mostly) ashtanga and yin yoga were just perfect. You do not need to be a winter sport professional, this is a retreat for everyone who loves being in nature and do yoga.

Many, many thanks to Denise and Christian who made this week unforgettable for me. They are not only great yoga teachers, hosts, cooks and organizers but also fantastic people, and I am very happy that I have met them!


from Great Britain, February 2018

"You won’t regret - 6 days of bliss!"

Chris and Denise are absolute sweethearts. I’m really happy I decided to go for this retreat and happen to meet this 2 beautiful souls. Go with an open mind and the experience will blow your mind. There’s something about the whole experience that will make you feel like you are in a familiar and safe space with people from different phases (and age) of life and ofcourse the activities which would probably make you discover something new about you. I’ve learned so many interesting things/lessons so quickly, they would show the right tricks to get started and had an amazing story telling power to guide you, yet they were calm and humble - Thank you guys! The food was organic, delicious and surplus, so no one will ever go to bed hungry. I was joined by 2 other lovely ladies in this retreat and we all were synced from the very first time we met. The stay was very comfy. The transport was very well-connected without any delays. Denise and Chris took care of every small details, they arranged and coordinated with the other 2 ladies in the group to offer me a ride to/from Mayrhofen station. I am grateful that I had the chance to experience this and no wonder even after being home now and writing this review, all past week memories are fresh and I miss them. I will cherish them for rest of my life. Thank you!

p.s. To anyone who would like to take a quick break from their daily personal/professional life and connect to themselves, go for it you won’t regret. It was 6 days of bliss

Ramona Rundel

from Germany, October 2017

Die ganze Atmosphäre war einfach prima! Super entspannt, trotzdem aktiv! Tolle Menschen! Yoga war sehr lehrreich und auch gut für Anfänger.

Nurzat Myrsalieva

from Bahrain, September 2017

"Perfect combination of active sport with yoga"

I liked pretty much everything about this retreat. It was a really nice combination of active sport with yoga and relaxation activities. Every morning we started our day with yoga, then had really great breakfast followed by hiking in the mountains and enjoying spa in the evenings. One day we did rafting, which I really enjoyed. The food was amazing. Thank you Chris and Denise for putting your heart into making this retreat friendly and special :)

Zita Metzger

from United States, September 2017

Die kombination zwischen Yoga und den Aktivitäten war sehr gut gewählt

Hannah Danke

from Germany, September 2017

"Abschalten im Zillertal"

Fernab von Großstadt und Lärm liegt das Yoga Camp, geleitet von Globeseekers, in Ginzlingen im Zillertal. Eine volle Woche Ausspannen mit verschiedenen Yogaarten, Thai-Massage, wunderbarem eigenen Saunabereich mit Alpenblick und vielen Möglichkeiten sich zu entfalten. Darunter Wandern, Klettern in der Natur, Acro-Yoga und Health-Coaching. Jedem der einen Moment innehalten möchte und sich seiner selbst bewusst werden, kann ich ein Retreat mit Denise und Chris von Globeseekers wärmstens empfehlen.


from Germany, September 2017

"Lush nature location & super international guests!"

An absolute nature oasis!; variety of interesting and passionate international guests; stunning hiking and climbing spots; having two Yoga different instructors; wellness with sauna, hot tub, and message; absolutely delicious dinners!

Zachary Wright

from United States, September 2017

"What an incredible 7 days"

Wow, after 7 days in the beautiful mountains of Ginzling, all I can say is that Chris and Denise have really got something special going on with their yoga retreats. From the very second I arrived, I was welcomed as if I were a long-time friend and was immediately immeshed in a group of wonderful, loving people. A couple of highlights:

1. Location was beautiful

2. Food was incredible, and they went out of their way on a few occasions to account for my vegan diet.

3. Activities were just as described, with complete flexibility (like a pro yogi) to sit out or do something extra when desired

4. The people - oh man - the people that Denise and Chris draw in are really what made the trip go from phenomenal to life-changing.

I'm sitting here at home two days after the trip ended and wishing I was back with the family I made there. It was truly a wonderful time.

Roberta Aldeghi

from Monaco, September 2017

"Best yoga retreat ever!!"

The surroundings are just amazing, the chalet is super cosy and every day we were doing a different outdoor activity.

Perfect holiday for those who want to escape the routine and get back to nature and meet like-minded people.

Rikke Hovgaard

from Great Britain, August 2017

"Stunning and relaxing scenery "

I expected good yoga and relaxation - I definitely got that! What I didn't expect was the huge influence the amazing scenery had on the experience! Waking up to the sound of the river and view of the mountains were absolutely stunning. Loved the combination of yoga and outdoor activities. Thanks to Chris and Denise for being lovely and welcoming hosts.

Susan Danskin

from Great Britain, August 2017

"A really wonderful and special retreat not to be missed!"

Denise and Chris have created the perfect retreat - whether you are seeking thrill and adventure, peace and restoration, new friends and experiences, you are sure to find it on a globe seekers retreat. The schedule was full of exciting activities, with plenty of really unforgettable moments like the bonfire under the stars and meditating on a suspension bridge above a glacial lake, but was also flexible and adaptable to how you were feeling each day and what level of activity you were wanting. The location is truly stunning - every view looks like a postcard! The food must also be mentioned - I've never seen such a varied spread of delicious, organic vegetarian food for every meal, and I can't wait to take some recipes home to my friends. Accommodation was enchanting in a gorgeous, traditional mountain house complete with wood burning stove, a climbing/bouldering room, a beautiful sunlit yoga barn and a wellness area including a sauna, hot and cold tubs. Denise and Chris have a wonderful ability to unite everyone on the retreat across languages and cultures, so that I felt really connected to the wonderful people I met on the retreat.

Sarah Burman

from Great Britain, August 2017


Atmosphere, lots of yoga and activities with like minded people. Flexible approach.

Chiara Lagostina

from Italy, July 2017

"Wonderful experience"

Denise and Chris are very kind and prepared people, every activity we did was great, and I had a chance to meet lovely people from around the world, with different stories and background. Lot of positive energy, super healthy food, wonderful nature all around; I recommend it!

Jessica Walter

from Germany, July 2017

Die herzliche und sympathische Art der Gastgeber, die wunderschöne Landschaft, die gemütliche und sehr gepflegte Unterkunft, die abwechslungsreichen Aktivitäten, das leckere und gesunde Essen und nicht zuletzt die fantastische Gruppenatmosphäre haben diese Woche zu einer unvergleichlichen Erfahrung gemacht.


from Great Britain, July 2017

"Highly recommended.... don't think twice!"

Lot of activities to embrace with like minded people in a safe and relax environment.

Denise and Chris put efforts, love, passion and support in what they do.