Shanti Yoga Ashram is the perfect sanctuary to go deep into the essence of yoga. It offers diverse and flexible yoga programs. Founded by Guru Yogi Prakash.

Yoga Retreats (4)

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30 Day Sanskrit Course in Chandragiri, Kathmandu, Nepal

February 15-March 16 | March 15-April 13
    from US$ 1,400
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    Instructors (4)

    Yogi Prakash

    Yogini Rama

    Lisanne Wille

    Prakriti Dhungana

    Reviews (16)

    Martin Aucoin

    from Nepal, July 2023

    "Yoga shanti Ashram"

    Tantric rituals, lectures, yoga classes

    Martina Vigorito

    from Nepal, March 2023


    Experience way better than expected.

    The Ashram is located in a beautiful landscape located in Machhegaun, a village 8 Km far from the center of Kathmandu.

    Modest, humble and ecstatic context. Besides the Guru, here you will find his beautiful and warmy family ready to welcome you.

    The tantra yoga practices, the reflection and theoretical lessons, the morning chanting and the havana puja at the sunrise, the delicious meal and the priceless moment of meditation and introspection.

    It has been the most powerful experience.

    100% recommended

    Michael Indresano

    from Italy, March 2020

    This was the yoga that I was looking for, a very complete study. Yogi Prakash has a very deep understanding and a unique way of teaching it. He makes it very accessible for all levels. Karma yoga practice was also much more of a powerful practice than I would have imagined. Truly thankful.

    The location is wonderful. Each morning we walked up the mountain to the statue of Buddha or the Buddhist temple. The sunrise above Kathmandu valley is breathtaking. People in the local village are incredibly friendly.

    Lucie Urbancova

    from United States, May 2019

    "It’s Whole package not just practicing yoga poses "

    We enjoyed Lessons about history and purpose of all yoga types learning how special and essential Tantra Yoga is directly from GuruJi. Even though the core of the practices stayed the same it had different aspects which were building up on intensity and we didn’t get bored. Loved chanting before every practice. Tasty vegan meals prepared with care from homegrown veggies.( even though someone could call them simple and repetitive). Cousy clean beds in tidy rooms. Having children around.

    Ronald Steinmetz

    from United States, February 2019

    "Sehr entspannend !"

    Ein sehr angenehmer Kurs. Völlig stressfrei.

    Alessandra Reis

    from Brazil, November 2018

    "Sadly disappointed "

    Yoga classes were good but I thought we would have some outdoor yoga.

    Teresa Bruner

    from United States, September 2018

    It was an amazing experience. I loved everything I learned and the people I met while I was there.

    Elzbieta Kus

    from France, March 2018

    "Life changing experience "

    Authentic atmosphere of learning tantra yoga


    from United States, September 2017

    "Short visit to tantra yoga ashram during my trip to Nepal"

    I like the participants who were undertaking the teacher's course

    Michael Roots

    from United States, July 2017

    "Awesome experience"

    I enjoyed the teaching, classes and friendliness of the Yogi and his family, as well as the other students. It was a great place to learn and I plan to return for teachers training next year.