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The results from practicing yoga are truly beneficial so there’s really nothing strange about the fact that this Eastern body-mind tradition is nowadays becoming a real trend among many fitness enthusiasts. The practice of yoga might seem complicated and even overwhelming at first, but once you learn enough about it, you are able to understand the ins and outs it a lot better.
It is very easy for anyone to say “I will eat right and work out more”. However, sticking to a healthy fitness plan is hard. If it were simple, we would all be in shape. The fact is that you are not lazy, and forming new habits can be challenging but not impossible, so you just have to suck it up and make it work.
Laughter itself keeps the heart alive and those who laugh more tend to stay happier. There is no doubt that it is no less than a medicine and when it is combined with yoga, it cures all the diseases of body and mind altogether. The more you laugh, the happier you are. It happens because of the chemicals that the brain releases which promote the health and happiness of a person.
My heart is pounding as I’m fighting for the next move. I’m getting close to that difficult sequence I was unable to pull off the last time. Will I make it? Am I strong enough? These thoughts have no business being here, so I chase them away. I try to control my breath and focus on my position. It has to be perfect, otherwise it won’t work. I must clear my head. One move at a time, one more move…
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