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Historias de la esterilla

Bienestar a través del yoga

Encuentra tu estilo ideal

La ciencia detrás del yoga

Vive una vida inspirada en el yoga

Sobre y más allá de la estera de yoga

Here’s What REALLY Happens at a Yoga Retreat [My Own Experience]

Though I have been practicing yoga on and off for the past decade or so, I’ve never really been all that ‘serious’ about the practice. Nevertheless, it has always intrigued me, which explains why I kept on returning to it time and again.

Yoga Styles 101: An Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga

No matter where you are in your yoga journey, you are probably already aware that there various styles of yoga one can practice. What you may not know is how each one so different from the next, even though the asanas may be generally the same.

The Best-Kept Secret in Playa del Carmen, Mexico [My Mini Yoga Retreat]

A few dozen palm trees north of Playa del Carmen, Mexico, there is a well-kept secret: fine white sand, lush tropical vegetation and turquoise water all coexist in the same paradise to shape one of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean: Playa del Secreto.

The WINNER of "A Yoga Retreat of a Lifetime" Is...

Over a month ago, we ran a giveaway, promising the chance to win a yoga retreat or a yoga teacher training of a lifetime by simply sharing with us why and where you’d like to go.

How a yoga retreat changed my life

At the end of 2016, I found myself in a pretty low state. My relationship of 7 years had fallen apart, I was living on my own for the first time, and I had a job that was so stressful it completely took over my life. 9-5 was non-existent in my world, I worked long hours, tight deadlines, stressful situations and always felt like I needed more time, more help, more information, more staff.

Yoga and Rock Climbing (A Personal Story)

My heart is pounding as I’m fighting for the next move. I’m getting close to that difficult sequence I was unable to pull off the last time. Will I make it? Am I strong enough? These thoughts have no business being here, so I chase them away. I try to control my breath and focus on my position. It has to be perfect, otherwise it won’t work. I must clear my head. One move at a time, one more move…

So You Want To Be a Yoga Teacher? (A Personal Story)

In the beginning, yoga teacher training was an excuse to travel across the world, wear cute leggings, meet a few new friends, and get the firmer body I've always wanted by practicing asana after asana for hours every day. I won't deny that I had always admired my yoga teachers at home in Canada; their flexibility, their peaceful voices during shavasana, and the glamorous lifestyle they appeared to live.

What Can You Expect from Your First Yoga Retreat? (My Own Experience)

I flicked on the kettle and waited for the water to boil. Sunlight filled my kitchen and I looked around me as if looking at my apartment for the very first time. I felt content to wait. My mind was clear, my heart full, and my limbs stretched. I felt fitter and more stress-free than I could remember in my adult life.

How Yin Yoga Helped Me Win Ironman

It had been over two years since my last Ironman (the 2013 World Championship in Kona, Hawaii), when I pondered the idea of signing up for another Ironman, this time in Nice, France.

I Went to My First Hot Yoga Class and I Sweat Buckets

I’d always been interested in yoga. In college, I did some DVDs, Yoga for Dummies, this and that. A few months ago, I decided to take it to the next level and actually attend a yoga class. It was nice, but my schedule prevented me to return and instead I found Pilates, which I absolutely adore! 

I Turned Vegetarian for a Month. Here’s What Happened

If there were a distinction between a good yogi and a bad one, I would most probably fall into the latter category. After all, I am a wine-drinking, meat-eating individual who happens to practice yoga on a daily basis. 

How Yoga Helped Me Get Through My Breakup

Some relationships aren’t meant to last forever, and I learned it the hard way. A breakup can be rough, especially when you are completely blindsided by it, and you are left swimming in sorrow and pain. Thankfully, I found a great ally to overcome the grief: yoga.  

Finding Connection & Intimacy in Today's Busy Times [Interview]

Having followed various workshops in the area of intimacy and authentic connection, I was excited to learn about the popular workshop that Leah Santa Cruz gave about these themes at the BaliSpirit Festival. 

How Do Yoga and Tango Work Together?

More and more, tango dancers – whether they tango socially or take it up a notch and go for professional practice – are looking into how yoga can help improve their dancing.  

Plus-Sized Spirituality (How Yoga Retreats Are for ALL Women)

Living in Ubud, Bali for six years I’ve learned a lot, seen a lot, and experienced a lot. I’ve been to yoga classes, gatherings, cacao ceremonies, women’s circles, meditations, and festivals. 

Good Vibrations: The Healing Power of Sound [Interview with Shanti Sounds]

Life is vibration. Everything around us vibrates, from the planets in the universe up to the last sub-atomic particles of you and me, each moving in its own pace, dancing to its own rhythm. Likewise, our bodies have their own unique frequencies.

Kevin Sahaj: An Exploration of Yoga, Meditation, and Martial Arts [Interview]

One of the best things about our job at BookYogaRetreats.com is that we get to meet and chat with plenty of likeminded minds. And on special occasions, we get the opportunity to discuss thought-provoking topics with truly impressive people. This time around, this happens to be Kevin Sahaj. His extensive experience as a yogi, his deep knowledge of various forms of Buddhism as well as the impact he’s had on an extensive community of yogis made him a highly sought-out teacher in the Netherlands and abroad. 

8 Great Reasons to Do Yoga with Friends: A Yoga & Wine Adventure

You don’t need us to tell you that doing things with friends is fun. When you have company for something that you would have enjoyed by yourself as well, it’s double the fun, because you get to share it with someone you care for. When it’s something you don’t quite feel comfortable doing for whatever reason, co-opting a friend will make it fun. This is why we, Miriam and Cristina, decided to go to a wine and face yoga workshop together. 

How Yoga Taught Me to Stop Sweating the Small Stuff

Those who have never practiced yoga before have an image of yogis as mellow, extra-flexible hippies. While you don’t need to be flexible to practice yoga, most people benefit from a more “mellow” state of mind after practicing yoga. 

The Good Morning Goddess Ritual of Self-Love

Self-love, the Saint-Graal of our modern society. Everyday, we get hammered by advertising messages asking us to take care of ourselves, to follow our dreams, to take that holiday, or leave that job. They ask us to do it, but it is always through the acquisition of a thing. 

The Meghan Markle Yoga Routine: How to Achieve Her Glow

The Royal Wedding of the British Royal Family made the headlines of all the major magazines and media outlets of the world. In the midst of all the glam, the beautiful and smart Meghan Markle, now Duchess of Sussex, stole the show. Every time she is asked about her beauty secrets, she says she owes it all to the anti-aging power of yoga. Not many of her fans know that Meghan Markle has always been a dedicated yogi and a promoter of the yoga lifestyle.

The Yoga of Synchronicity

7 years ago, I began to travel around the world. My main purpose was to meet spiritual teachers and learn from them.

How I met most of them has always been through magical coincidences or as Carl Jung calls it, through Synchronicity…

Living with the Sense of Wonder of a Child: An Interview with Susan Verde

There is something quite special in yoga that helps you to appreciate other things in life even more. There is something in the practice that allows you to enjoy the process of anything you do, no matter the results. Or to put it simple, something happens when you step on the mat that just brings out that inner child that pushes you to be more present and not take yourself too seriously.

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