Pachamama Farm Retreat is a community retreat nestled within an eco-farm over a hectare of land adorned with a permaculture garden and friendly animals.

Yoga Retreats (4)

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Anthony Pinard



Reviews (15)

Christina Hommel

from Germany, August 2024

"Traumhaftes Yogaretreat"

Traumhafter Ort mitten in einer grünen Oase zwischen den Bergen, der das Foodie- und Yogaherz höher schlagen lässt! Ich war im August dort und habe in einem der geräumigen Zelte geschlafen. Es kühlt dort angenehm runter und man kann sich auf den besten Schlaf einstellen! Das Essen kommt vom Garten direkt auf den Tisch und besteht aus unendlich vielen Köstlichkeiten, die mit Liebe zubereitet werden! Das Team vor Ort hat tolle Yogalehrerinnen und ist an Herzlichkeit kaum zu übertreffen! In höchstem Maße zu empfehlen!!!

Linnea Grunert

from Germany, July 2024

"100 % healing time 😊✨️"

Es gab so viele Dinge, die den Aufenthalt im Retreat wundervoll gemacht haben:) Pacha (Gründer) und seine Frau Zoe sind wirklich herzensgute Menschen, das Essen von Shapna war ein Traum und immer liebevoll angerichtet, das Programm war abwechslungsreich und genau richtig, die Yoga Sessions mit Paulina haben mir total geholfen, entspannt und trotzdem aktiviert in den Tag zu starten. Aber kurz zurück zum Anfang: Ich hatte vor der Buchung etwas Sorge, dass man vielleicht zu viel Zeit im Retreat verbringt. Das war aber nicht der Fall 😉Wir sind zu zahlreichen Stränden gefahren und hatten auch Zeit um Budna und Kotor zu erkunden. Ich persönlich brauche viel Strand und Meer um mein "System runterzufahren" und konnte dementsprechend viel Kraft tanken. Mein Privatzimmer war liebevoll gestaltet und mit allem was man so braucht ausgestattet. Im Garten hat Pacha ein großes Gemüsebeet angelegt und auch Hühner und Kaninchen haben ein kuscheliges Plätzchen gefunden ✨️

Die anderen Teilnehmer und Freiwillige waren super aufgeschlossene & warmherzige Menschen. Schon nach dem 3. Tag hat es sich angefühlt wie ein multi-kulti Familientreffen :) Ich bin sehr dankbar so tolle Menschen kennengelernt zu haben und würde jederzeit wiederkommen! Pacha hat einen Ort des Friedens gezaubert und arbeitet stetig an der Entwicklung des Retreats (bald gibt es viel. einen kleinen Pool). Man merkt, wie wichtig es ihm ist, dass es allen gut geht 🙏 Tausend Dank für alles! Wünsche euch von 💛 nur das Beste!

Jana Läderach

from Switzerland, June 2024

I can't express my gratitude for this week enough in words. Everyone of this community and all the volunteers are keen to make your stay at Pachamama Farm a unique experience and treat you with the most heartful and welcoming attitude. A place created with lots of love for the nature and every living creature. The yoga lessions and also the activities where adapted to our requests and needs. And there's always the option to take some time for yourself if needed. Besides that, I've probably never eaten better than during this retreat. Thanks to everyone for this week and the energy you shared with me!

Miriam Gilarte Pinto

from Netherlands, September 2023

"Wonderful experience "

The most beautiful place I've been since time ago. The people is just amazing 🤩. Everything was extremely good. Thank you everyone for the experience. I'll keep it forever in my heart.

Marzia Giuditta Anelli

from Italy, September 2023

"A great great inspiring escape "

If you want to spend a few days in the nature in a place with a great vibe Pachamama is the place for you. It is a wonderful community, everyone is very friendly and most of all kind; the owners are great and you will feel welcomed. The shared room is very nice, beds comfortable and overall the facilities are just so nice and so is the food carefully prepared.

Elise Norriswood

from Switzerland, September 2023

"Best yogaretreat I've been so far!"

I loved all the activities that they had offered. From slow motion dance to fire circle, goddess circle and playing music, to a secret beach and so much more. This week was pure love for my soul.

Everybody was so kind. Every each person had their own energy and it was such a beautiful gathering. I will for sure come back very soon to this beautiful and magical place.

Miriam Zenger

from Germany, September 2023

"✨ a magical place ✨"

It was so wonderful, very hospitable, the other guests are very open. It formed a small community immediately. The yoga lessons were super relaxing and pleasant, i made so many new experiences there. The food from the best chef Shabnam is prepared with so much love. You could feel the love for the food with every bite. I’ve rarely eaten so incredibly well like her meals. If you want to immerse yourself in another special world, this place is perfect for it. I will definitely come back to this little magical place ♥️

Agnes Kara

from France, August 2023

"Enchanted & warm-hearted place"

I was very happy to come to Pachamama Farmstay and I have to say it was beyond my expectations as a whole retreat: great yoga class with Lulu who is very much dedicated, the food was amazing with lovely cook team & inspiration with Shabnam, a great warm & friendly community around Pacha & Zoe and nice sightseeing around Kotor.

I was also very lucky to get in touch with so diverse and nice people from all around the world which contributed in their way to make that stay special & colored.

Don't hesitate to book and let yourself be under the spell of this magic place.

Agata Sobczak

from Great Britain, August 2023

"Feel the Magic in the Air☺️"

This place is magical. You can find amazing people, the food is excellent and healthy. The yoga class was amazing. You can feel peaceful and relax in a hammock on the countryside. Additionally, you can take part in activities such as yoga in SUP or hike to a secret beach. Must see and must be when you are in Montenegro 😉

Valerie Vanmaercke

from Belgium, August 2023

"A little hidden paradise"

I loved everything. The ceremony, the amazing food, the yoga witch was always adapted to our needs, the circles, the warm communtity... the energy in this place just felt right. i felt safe and comfortable, it felt like coming home

Annastiina Juvankoski

from Finland, August 2023

"Beautiful, warm, peaceful and friendly retreat"

I loved the family-like community and atmosphere. Everyone felt welcome and included. Yoga practices were great for me and I would love to return also for sound healing and other themes (I had yoga and hiking). Retreat included trips to a beach, waterfall, Kotor sightseeing and sup-yoga. We also did evening walks nearby. I loved the cook and her food. I really felt like she shared her love and caring through her cooking.

Martin Pyka

from Germany, July 2023

Die Atmosphäre, die authentische und ehrliche

Auseinandersetzung und Umsetzung von Permakulturprinzipien, die nachhaltige Lebensführung, inspirierende Yogastunden, fantastische Speisen, sehr achtsamer Umgang aller Menschen vor Ort, stilvolle und naturverbundene Gestaltung des Ortes.


from Finland, July 2023

"Beatiful Yogaretrit in Montenegro"

The atmosphere was amazing, so heartwarming and joyfull. Everything was clean and safe and Lulu as a teacher is so good, that you reached your own potential with her. I was in 7-day yoga and outdooractivity retrit, so the outdoor activities were amazing extra. Pachamama do so much for you! And the food.. I had truly amazing vegan food.

Alba Martin-lataix

from France, September 2021

"Emerveillée !"

Ce lieu vous permet d'être en contact direct avec la nature, splendide et riche de la région.

L'accueil est charmant, enjoué et ouvert.

La cuisine végétarienne est variée, créative et délicieuse. Fraicheur garantie, certains produit venant directement du potager du lieu.

Les animateurs du stage sont pleins de grâce à tous les sens du terme.

Bref je suis conquise !