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Tip van een expert: dit is één van de populairste yoga retreats die wordt aangeboden in de VS.
Escape your busy reality and feel a weight lifted off your shoulder. Release your stress in gentle yoga. Calm your mind in guided meditation. Find connection and community and the reset you need. Perfect girls getaway—solo or with a group. Retreat in the Pines has been hosting retreats since 2004.
Private cabin, room, or bath are available for an additional charge.
Release stress and tension in yoga. Calm your mind in guided meditation. Soak in the healing power of nature. Enjoy connection and support with like-minded women.
Debbie found yoga in 2006, a time of uncertainty and turmoil in her personal life. Her yoga practice allowed her to find grounding. From that point forward, she was able to handle the struggles and depression she had been experiencing. Realizing how much joy yoga brought to her life, she decided that the best way to share that joy with others was to teach. Two days after her husband retired, she left for Costa Rica and a month of teacher training. She began teaching and her classes have since grown into a tribe of like-minded individuals.
Jennifer started practicing yoga to add to her active lifestyle, however, it didn’t take long for the love affair with yoga to take hold. She found that it forced her to look within and accept her entire self. In addition, this is a lifelong practice as we continue to grow and evolve. Yoga became a constant refuge to relieve stress, build strength, and as a moment for self-care.
Michelle is a certified group fitness instructor - teaching for over 35 years. She received her 500 hour Yoga Certification in 2013, the year she retired from American Airlines. Since 1999 she’s worked part time teaching yoga, Pilates, chair yoga, and Silver sneakers at the YMCA. As a Healthy Lifestyle coach for the Arlington-Mansfield YMCA, she facilitates Diabetes prevention classes and Lunch & Learn nutrition workshops.
Dayna opened a yoga studio in Midlothian Texas. Owning her studio allowed Dayna to serve and make a difference in her community - something she is passionate about. She still cherishes the memories she made - on and off the mat. Since selling her yoga studio, Dayna has enjoyed teaching kids yoga, beer yoga, goat yoga, chair yoga, and in private parties. She loves the experience of bonding over yoga. Dayna is also a licensed realtor, which pays the bills and allows her to pursue her passion of teaching yoga. Dayna is a proud single mom of 2 beautiful children. Motherhood keeps her
In 2010, Tarka sought support for my health and wellness through nutrition as she faced increasing effects of having Hepatitis C for over 20 years. After finding a treatment and renewed hope for the future, she returned to my yoga practice. She enjoyed the connections with the other students and started teacher training with Om Yoga Journey in 2017. She is now a 500RYT and an Ayurveda Lifestyle Counselor.
Cecilia, teaching yoga since 2010, first discovered yoga as a powerful tool to keep her body healthy. After finding the mental and spiritual benefit of practicing yoga, she was inspired to begin teaching others in order to share the profound mind and body healing yoga offers. Cecilia, who’s first love was the library, has been working in libraries for 30 years and is currently a public library director. She loves books and sharing book recommendations with others. She feels at home out of doors and loves to travel with her high school sweetheart (now husband of 25 years). She has three dogs
Rustic breads are from KC's kitchen, a family-owned bakery that serves the canton and the surrounding area.
Afternoon snack (Friday and Saturday)
Friday dinner
Saturday breakfast
Saturday lunch
Saturday dinner
Sunday brunch
All of the meals are freshly prepared using local and organic ingredients whenever possible. Meals are served buffet style. Fewer options may be available for guests with dietary restrictions.
Dallas Love Field
130 km
Transfers niet voorzien
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
148 km
Transfers niet voorzien
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