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Yoga is suitable for beginners; it is Vijnana that will come into your heart. Equine therapy an ayahuasca is helping you find your own answers. Meditation is a way that you can use every day. It can make space in your mind so you can rest and enjoy life. To observe your body and mind with loving attention gives a lot of energy and understanding. Mindful walking is a great experience in this beautiful area, while in nature already you gain a lot of energy.
Back to nature. Your accommodation is a wonderful teepee in the forest or a wooden private cabin.
Jim and Claudia help you to discover how you can find and preserve peace and happiness. Learn to live life instead of suffering. Through meditation, yoga, horses and ayahuasca, you'll learn to understand your own behavior. Moreover, this week is about surrendering to joy and good health. What does your body tell and what does your mind tell? How do both of them react on the detox diet? This week is full of undoing and yet the days are fullfilled. The groups are max 8 persons with the same ideals so very often people make friendships for life. Singles, couples, friends and adult family's come for connecting, healing and rejuvenating.
Give attention to yourself by meditating. Louise Hay's healing method and yoga Nidra are forms of meditation to unwind and gain energy. You will be accompanied on a journey through your body and mind as you lie down. By undergoing this, you will release your body and mind for a while and you will gain energy.
Vijnana is an active form of yoga, where you use the breath to bring your spine into the correct position and form the posture from there. Jnana means knowledge. Vijnana means 'knowledge from within'.
In Vijnana yoga, there is active work with the breath and, more specifically, with the Vayu. Vayu means 'wind' and Vayu is also the Hindu god of the wind. With the help of the Vayu, you are able to address your subtle body more. The practice of the asanas with precision and gentleness, together with the Vayus, makes you turn inwards.
Daily hiking near - at stunning beaches
Claudia learned horseriding as a kid teaches meditations and horse therapy for about 18 years. Claudia studies yoga for 18 years and is educated as a yoga teacher over 850 hours. She has run her own family bakery-tea room in Amsterdam for 25 years. In addition to running the bakery, she and her partner Jim Kellerman founded a foundation some years ago: De Bron voor Rust & Geluk. She gives workshops for inspiration, to learn about health, meaning, making decisions, and being courageous.Certified teacher of Louise Hay’s filosofy and equinetherapy (Imelda de Smet-Linda Kohanov).
From a young age, he's been sensitive to other people's feelings. Around 16 he got interested in spirituality; reading about auras and going to gatherings with psychic people who did tarot readings, healings or making pictures of your aura. He joined a club with mediums where he learned all kinds of intuitive development. He took education in alternative cure like NLP, Voice dialogue, healing, reading, breathwork, and gave therapy to young adults for many years. Finally, he got in touch with Ayahuasca which opened doors for him.
Fonte de Paz e Felicidade (source of peace and happiness) is a place with a beautiful view and a big plot in the middle of nature. Stunning beaches are nearby for a walk, swim, or surf. The picturesque town of Aljezur is only a few miles ahead. You can find peace and enjoy the beauty around you with the sun, silence, and nature.
The retreat offers daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner. One meal is offered on the day of arrival and two on departure.
Massage and healing sessions are at an additional cost.
Faro Airport
81 km
Transfers niet voorzien
Please arrange your flight to arrive at Faro Airport (FAO). Transfers are not included in the package, you can rent a car or take a train to Lagos from Faro and bus to Aljezur. Pick up from Aljezur bus station is for free. Bron van Rust and Geluk is flexible with your arrival and departure date. Just ask them and they will work it out with you.
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