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10 Yoga Poses You Can Do With Your Partner

by Shawn Clark

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Yoga is a great way to stretch, reduce pain and other physical ailments, and increase one’s strength and flexibility. If done long-term, yoga also has the potential to aid with weight loss and muscle gain. 

While the practice of yoga is often done alone, it can also be done with a partner, which in that case can have a plethora of other benefits too. Here are the best 10 poses for exploring the wonders of yoga with a partner.

10. Temple

The first dual yoga pose on our list is the Temple which can help open up the chest and shoulder region while stretching the hamstrings. This one is a simpler pose; however, for individuals with balance problems or back or neck issues, this may be a little more on the challenging side.

  • Face each other while standing upright.
  • With both of your feet directly under your hips, inhale and extend both of your arms above, bringing them forward until your and your partner’s hands touch.
  • Together, slowly bend forward until you and your partner’s hands, forearms, and elbows are now touching. Both of your bodies should be angled at approximately 90 degrees with the chest and belly parallel to the floor.
  • Equal weight should be placed as you and your partner are both in the temple position.
  • Hold this position for approximately five to seven breaths.
  • Then slowly walk towards each other as each of you straighten your torso and disconnect the arms.

9. Buddy Boat (Tandem Boat)

buddy boat tandem yoga pose

Did you know that yoga is one of the exercises to boost your testosterone? It’s true! According to a 2013 study, yoga poses can improve prostate health, sperm count, and erectile dysfunction – potentially decreasing risks of infertility.

The Buddy Boat yoga pose, also sometimes called the Tandem Boat, is just one of the poses that couples can do together to boost male reproduction. For some, however, it can take some work to be able to do, especially because it will require some flexibility in the legs.

  • Sitting facing one another with both of your knees bent and toes touching one another’s, grab onto your partner’s wrists.
  • With your feet still touching one another’s, start to “walk” against each other’s soles as much as you can. Your knees should be close to your chest; your partner’s knees should be in the same position but to their own chest. Your wrist hold will end up turning into handholdld as your and your partner’s legs get higher.
  • Be sure that both you and your partner lift chests and keep the back as straight as possible as you begin to straighten out the legs.
  • Keep in position for five to seven breaths, then release.

8. Twin Trees

Twin Trees is an easier yoga pose for some couples. However, it utilizes balance as a main component of the pose. For those with poor balance, Twin Trees can help you to practice this, also helping to increase your focus and patience in the process.

  • Standing straight side-by-side a few feet apart, bring your palms (the ones closest to one another) and draw upwards together.
  • Both partners should bring their outer leg onto their other leg’s calf or thigh as they shift their weight onto the other. Take your time as you and your partner begin to balance.
  • Keep this pose for five to seven breaths, then slowly release.
  • Repeat this pose from the opposite side.

7. Double Down Dog

double down dog yoga pose couple

Often, out-of-shape individuals struggle to find the best diet plan to assist them with weight loss. While diet can assist dramatically with a healthier body, what many don’t realize is that partaking in yoga alone can boost the metabolism, decrease hunger, and even decrease stress associated with overeating, according to one study.

This particular yoga pose, the Double Down Dog, is more on the complex side for most, but it can provide rewarding results: a closer bond, better balance, an elongated spine, and stronger communication and patience. The Double Down Dog is a great pose for couples with communication errors (which alone can boost stress and stifle digestion).

  • Both you and your partner should begin in the tabletop position. (If you don’t know what this is, this is when you are on your knees with your arms holding you up with a straight back parallel to the floor, like a table.) Partners should be right in front of the other in this position facing toward the same direction.
  • Slowly lift up (both partners) until each of you are in an upside-down “v” position into a traditional downward-facing dog yoga position.
  • Then, the partner in the front will slowly walk their feet up the other person’s back until their reach their toes to the end of their lower back while their own back is maintained in an upright position.
  • Keep in this pose for about five to seven breaths.
  • To release this pose, your partner should slowly bend down their knees into a child’s pose, allowing you to do the same.
  • Repeat with opposite roles.

6. Partner Seated Spinal Twist

This next pose isn’t as complex as some of the others, and best of all, it can be completed while sitting down. It’s a way to lengthen the spine, engage in proper breathing, and engage in a relaxing, mindfulness experience.

  • Sit back to back with your partner with legs crossed.
  • Place your right hand on your partner’s left thigh and your left hand on your own right knee. Have your partner place their right hand on your left thigh and their left hand on their own right knee.
  • Breathe together for approximately five to seven breaths.
  • Then switch positions with both you and your partner placing their left hand on the other partner’s right thigh and their own right hand on their own left knee.

5. Partner Forward Fold

partner forward fold yoga pose

Yoga is also wonderful for pregnant women in their first trimester to alleviate nausea and vomiting. While research has shown that morning sickness can benefit the pregnancy in that it can protect developing embryonic organs in the unborn child, yoga can reduce such symptoms to a more comfortable level.

The partner forward fold is a great yoga pose for partners that is simple to do and easy to work one’s way into if they aren’t very flexible. This position can help lengthen one’s spine, stretch the hamstrings, and calm the nervous system. Engage in the partner forward fold before bed or before a long, stressful day.

  • Sit across from your partner on the floor with your legs spread out in a “v” position and your feet touching theirs.
  • Hold each other’s arms.
  • One partner at a time should bend as much as possible while still keeping the legs straight and holding onto your arms while the other slightly leans back and supports them in place.
  • Hold for five to seven breaths.
  • Partners should reverse roles.

4. Assisted Back Bend

The assisted back bend is another yoga pose one can do with a partner. While a type of backbend, it does help stretch the back for both partners, but for the partner bending their back onto the other partner, the bend should be felt in the legs (as something that feels good, not painful).

  • Stand back to back to back with your partner.
  • Interlock your arms with your partner at the elbow.
  • The first partner needs to bend their knees as the second partner slowly and carefully, while standing, leans their back onto the other partner.
  • When the pose is done correctly, the first partner should have the second partner completely on their back. The second partner should not have their feet on the ground, and their legs should be relaxed as they dangle down.
  • Breathe deeply. Hold this pose for three to five breaths.
  • If you wish, repeat this with opposite roles.

3. Partner Dancer

partner dancer yoga pose

This next dual yoga pose will require balance as both partners will be standing on one leg. However, it can help boost balance, stretch the legs and the back, and increase trust in your partner. For some, this may take a while to get used to, but overall, it is a basic couple pose.

  • Stand approximately four or five feet from your partner facing one another.
  • Grab your partner’s right hand with your right hand.
  • For both partners, slowly release weight off of the right leg and bend the left leg while grabbing the calf or ankle with your left hand.
  • Bend the left leg upwards as much as possible.
  • Breathe five to seven breaths while balancing with your partner, still holding each other’s right hand and release.
  • Try this with the opposite legs.

2. Flying Whale

For some, the Flying Whale can seem like a complex yoga pose, but it is actually fairly simple after a bit of practice. This acroyoga position is beneficial for the spine, improving balance and flexibility, and for communication with one’s partner. (Note that there will be a “base” and a “flyer.” Each partner will have different instructions.)

  • With the base laying down flat on the ground, have the flyer partner stand with the heels of the feet touching the base’s shoulders.
  • The base will then reach their toes back to the flyer’s waist, and the flyer will begin to lean back. The base partner’s heels should be around the flyer’s shoulder blades.
  • The flyer should next reach for the base’s ankles while leaning back and then rest their back on their feet with their weight.
  • The base will next lift the flyer up slowly while straightening their legs while gradually extending the arms straighter.
  • Take ten breaths each before the base gradually lets the flyer back down.
  • Reverse roles.

1. Camel (Ustrasana)

camel yoga pose with partner

Coming to number one of yoga poses you can do with your partner, we have the Camel which is particularly excellent for the spine and shoulders. Once in position, it can be incredibly relaxing, allowing each partner to focus on their own breathing and mindfulness.

  • Each partner should stand on their knees with their backs facing one another.
  • Keep one of your heels halfway between your partner’s into the space between their legs, and place your other leg on the outskirts. Of their legs.
  • Slowly lean back at the same time. Your shoulder blades should be touching, and each partner should place their head on one of the partner’s shoulders.
  • Hold this pose for five to seven breaths and release.


While there are dozens of yoga poses out there to do with your partner, these are ten of the best and most beneficial. If you wish to do some of these poses on your own, there are often singular versions out there that can be done without a partner. Generally, yoga is a great way to stay grounded and keep in shape.

Want to deepen your bond with a partner through yoga? Why not go to a couples’ yoga retreat? It may be one of your fondest memories together!

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