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5 Yoga Poses to Help You Bond with Your Baby

by Alanta Lowe

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We can all agree just how amazing yoga is! It boosts your stamina, improves your flexibility and helps you stay healthy and energetic. To make the practice even more enjoyable, we should include the people we love in the activities we like the most. Let’s start with your baby!

Getting a fantastic workout with your baby does not have to be the boring jogging, walking or running you are thinking of. Doing yoga with your baby is a wonderful way to bond and invite your toddler into your world. Not to mention they will become more flexible, healthier and will enjoy spending time with you.

Yoga is a great way for you to relieve stress, pain, energize your body, mind and spirit. It also tightens the core, strengthens your abdominal muscles and helps with weight loss. Sounds perfect for you, right? You’ll be glad to hear that it’s even better for your baby!

“How the hell am I supposed to do yoga with my baby?” It’s insanely easy, and I am going to show you five poses you can do to include your baby in your routine:




Chair Pose



Image credit: LoveMyYoga.com

This pose is relatively easy to do. Start by standing straight. Next, you will have to raise your arms over your head, pointing your fingers up. Lastly, you should bend your knees as if getting ready to sit on a chair. Keep your feet flat and hold the position.

Invite your baby to do the same. If they do not follow your lead, then just place them in front of you. Reach out your arms and hold theirs. Pull them towards you and they can pull you towards them. Some babies might not follow and start running around, but most of them will find this back and forth rocking movement quite enjoyable.


Downward Facing Dog Pose



Image credit: EkhartYoga.com

Everyone knows this pose. As soon as someone mentions yoga, downward dog is always noted. It is also very easy to do. Start by standing straight and then lower your palms to the ground in front of your feet. Next, walk your hands away from your feet until your body is at a 90-degree angle and your hands are reaching out in front of you.

To do this with your baby, just place them in between the arch of your body. They will engage in the activity since this is simple for kids to mimic, and might even see you as a bridge to crawl under. You can try to sneak in some kisses while they watch you!


Crow Pose



Image credit: yogaia.com

This is a more advanced pose, which requires balance, strength and determination. Only attempt this pose if you know you can do it safely both for you and your baby. You will start by standing straight. Place your hands flat on the ground in front of your feet. Bend your elbows and put one knee on one elbow, followed by the other.

Lay your baby directly in front of you while you do this pose and talk to them. Use this time to engage with them or just have fun. A little giggle never hurt!


Boat Pose



Image credit: YogaMagazine.com

This pose engages your core muscles and can be difficult to hold. Start by sitting on the ground with your legs stretched out in front of you. Lift your legs and your torso. Stretch your hands in front of you, holding your hands beside your knees.

Try placing your baby on your lap; this will add weight and make it harder to hold the pose. This is also an excellent way to entertain your baby, as they will stay safe on your lap and will play with you.  


Bound Angle Pose



Image credit: GlobalPerspective.com

This is a relaxing pose to do with your little one. First, you will take a seat on the floor. Next, place your feet, bottom-sides together, and angle your legs like crane origami wings. Once in this position, place your baby on top of your feet and try to help them get in the same position.


Enjoy your exercises and the time spent with your baby



Yoga is a relaxing practice that gives you time to reflect upon your life and the world around you. It’s also an excellent pastime activity that can help your baby’s physical development. Yoga is a stress reliever and is particularly valuable to mothers as it reduces the risk of post-natal depression.

What types of exercise do you do with your baby? What do you like most about sharing physical activities with your baby? If you do yoga, then what poses do you enjoy the most? I hope I can help you with any other questions and concerns you might have about parenting on my blog – TopTenStrollers.


Would you like to learn more about how you can inspire your children to start practicing yoga? Go to BookYogaRetreats.com and choose a yoga teacher training course that will give you powerful insights into structuring a yoga session with your baby.  

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