Easy Home Remedies from Ayurveda and Naturopathy
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We all suffer from time to time from some health issues, minor most of the time (hopefully).
Let me share with you some very easy remedies which I have learned in India, the ultimate yoga destination, made with ingredients we all have at home and which are easy to obtain.
This of course, will not replace a visit to your medic, but you may still want to try some of these homespun remedies in order to give nature a chance, as they are free from any side effect.
A. Home Remedies for Skin Problems:
Mud Pack:
Benefits: This treatment is suitable for all skin types and problems such as eczemas, to simply clean the skin as a peeling, to rejuvenate, against blackheads and to boost the skin with minerals.
Preparation: First find some clean earth, because volcanic earth is truly amazing. Crumble the earth and remove stones and particles. Dry it for a few days, if possible in sunlight. Sieve it to remove any remaining particles and store it in a small container.
How to: For the face, use one tablespoon of earth, and mix it with some water to form a paste or mud. Using a brush, apply to the face and leave it on to dry. Once dry, wash it off while massaging with the fingertips the skin. Dry your face and use your usual face cream to moisturize your skin. You can use this treatment for the whole body, using it the same way as for your face. After the treatment apply any oil you have on hand, like sesame, mustard, coconut, almond or baby oil. Your skin will be soft and glowing. Repeat this treatment once a week to clean your facial skin as a peeling.
To treat skin conditions such as eczema, use 2-3 times per week, but do not rub to hard, avoid irritation.
Turmeric Milk
Benefits: Visibly helps diminish acne, pimples, impurities, psoriasis, rash and eczema.
Preparation: Mix together ½ teaspoon turmeric powder and 1 glass warm milk.
How to: Drink one glas of the mixture every night before you go to bed, for a minimum 10-15 days.
Coriander Pulp Skin Mask
Benefits: Ideal for rashes and any allergic skin reaction.
Preparation: Process the clean coriander leaves into a paste, using a kitchen blender or a mortar and pestle.
How to: Apply the pulp of coriander leaves on the skin. Leave for at least 10 minutes or overnight, in this case wrap the affected body part into a bandage or cover it with a cloth.
Coriander Seed Tea
Benefits: Great for rashes, itching and allergic skin reactions.
Preparation: Bring 250 ml of water to boil, put 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds into the water and let it simmer for around 5 minutes, sieve the mixture.
How to: Drink one cup of the tea in the morning.
B. Home Remedies for Muscle and Joint Pain
Massage Oil for Muscle and Joint Problems
Benefits: Garlic has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. This oil can be used for all kinds of joint pains and inflammation, arthritis, muscular tension, pain after sports, sore muscles, backpain and gout.
Preparation: You need 100 ml sesame or mustard oil, 100 ml of water, and 25g crushed garlic. Mix together. Bring it slowly to boil and let it simmer on a low heat for around 30 mins. Sieve it and store in a dark bottle, to protect it from sunlight. You can mix it with some drops of eucalyptus or any other oil if you prefer.
How to: Use the oil in the morning and evening to massage the affected body parts.
Water Therapy
Benefits: This is an effective natural treatment against all kinds of joint pain, arthritis, inflammation in the joints, pain after exercising or gout.
Preparation: You need a bucket of warm and a bucket of cold water, and a jug.
How to: Sit on the edge of the bath or on a chair in the garden. Using a jug, take water from the warm / hot bucket and pour it over the affected joint from some height. Move the jug as you are pouring the water, to create a massaging effect. Repeat with the cold water. Alternate between hot and cold water for at least 5 minutes. Always finish with hot water. Best practised in the evening before bed. Make sure to keep the joint warm and relaxed afterwards. Can also be done using the shower head with a medium pressure.
Potato Pack
Benefits: For all kinds of joint pains, especially knee problems. The potato has a enzyme which is anti-inflammatory and helps a natural painkiller.
Preparation: Grate a raw potato (you don't need peel it).
How to: Wrap the grated potato it in a cloth and fix it around the joint, best with a elastic bandage. Leave it for minimum 2-3 hours or overnight.
C. Home Remedies for Flu/Cold
Cabbage Steam
Benefits: A great remedy for colds, flu, asthma, bronchitis, dry cough, blocked nose, sinusitis, etc.
Preparation: You need a big towel, a pot and a handful of white cabbage. Cut a handful of cabbage into small pieces. Fill the pot with 1 liter of water and bring it to boil, add the cabbage and simmer the mix for 3-5 minutes, keeping the lid closed.
How to: Cover your head and the pot with the towel and make sure there are no gaps. Keep your eyes closed, the steam is extremely hot! Carefully open the lid, let out a little steam and close the lid again, practice a deep and slow breathing. Inhale the steam for around 10 minutes. Afterwards, dry your face with a towel and lie down in Shavasana for a few minutes or go to bed. KEEP WARM.
Caution: Keep your eyes closed and some distance between face and the pot, the steam is extremely hot!
Warm Compress for the Throat
Benefits: Against throat infections, sore throat, swollen tongue, colds, tonsillitis, lost voice, etc.
Preparation: You need cloth and a wool scarf.
How to: Damp the cloth with cool water and wrap it around the throat. Wrap a warm, thick, woollen shawl or scarf (dry) around the damp cloth. Fix it well and keep it around your throat for 2-3 hours.
Turmeric Steam
Benefits: Deals with blocked noses, colds, sinusitis and snoring husbands. :)
Preparation: You need turmeric, a candle and a spoon.
How to: Clean your nose with a tissue. Heat and roast the turmeric powder on the spoon over the candle. Inhale the steam with a deep and slow breathing for around 5 to 10 minutes. Clean the nose once more.
Note: If you use the steam against snoring, go after the treatment immediately to bed.
D. Easy Home Remedies for Digestive Problems
Benefits: Helps with bowel movements.
Preparation: Mix a glass of hot milk with one teaspoon of ghee (clarified butter). Dissolve the ghee in the milk
How to: Drink the mixture before you go to bed. Next morning, say hello to the toilet :)
Benefits: Helps to settle an upset stomach.
Preparation: Mix equal parts of natural yoghurt and water (1/2 cup of each), blend together with 1/2 teaspoon fresh grated ginger and mix it well.
How to: Drink the mixture 3 to 4 times a day.
E. Other Easy Home Remedies Useful to Remember
Headache and Migraine
Benefits: Warming and calming, great against headaches and migraines.
Preparation: Mix 1 teaspoon powdered ginger with a few drops of water to create a paste.
How to: Apply the paste on the forehead, lie down in Shavasana (corpse pose) and cover your face with a cloth, rest for 15 to 20 minutes. Use a blanket and keep the body warm.
Menstrual Pain
Benefits: Helps relieve menstrual cramps.
Preparation: Use fresh Aloe Vera from the garden or Aloe gel from the health store. Cut open a leaf and remove the gel. Add a dash or fingertip of crushed black pepper on the gel.
How to: Eat a teaspoon every 4 to 6 hours.
Benefits: Clove is a natural painkiller
Preparation: You need a whole clove or clove oil from the health store.
How to: Rub some drops of clove oil onto the tooth and gums, or place a whole clove between the cheek and tooth if you have toothache.
Benefits: Stimulates the blood circulation.
Preparation: You need Aloe Vera Juice and a drop of oil or liquid soap.
How to: Drink one cupful of aloe vera juice 3 times a day.
Note: After using the toilet, try to avoid the use of toilet paper use the bidet and fresh tepid water to clean. Then take a drop of oil or baby liquid soap on your finger, insert into anus and massage the sphincter from the inside. This can also be done to prevent piles.
Want to find out the secrets of India for yourself? Book a yoga retreat in India where you will learn more about ayurveda in addition to asanas.