Lets Yoga Fuerteventura offers Yoga, Meditation, Vegan Food, Hiking, Cooking, Surfing, and more on the stunning Canary Island, and also online.

Reviews (27)

Marialucia Lombardi

from Germany, October 2022

"Ein unglaubliches Erlebnis"

Es war mein erster Retreat.

Eine unglaubliche und fantastische Erfahrung, die ich mit Sicherheit wiederholen werde.

Nina ist eine fantastische Person und man sieht ihr an, dass sie eine leidenschaft für das hat, was sie tut, und viel positive stimmung und wärme ausstrahlt.

Die Gruppe, mit der ich diese Erfahrung gemacht habe, war fantastisch.

Jeder von ihnen hat mir etwas hinterlassen und meine Sicht auf die Dinge verändert.

Werde ich immer dankbar sein für diese tolle Erfahrung !!!

Beth Halsey

from United States, October 2022

"Trip of a lifetime"

Wow. This retreat was amazing. Life changing, really. Could not have asked for a better group, better instructor (Nina), better food, or overall experience. I arrived later than everyone else (I was the only American). Upon arriving via shuttle arranged by the retreat, the host greeted me at the entrance with a calming presence which was so nice after traveling for close to 24 hours 🥴. He showed me to my room and it was so dreamy- white curtains softly floating from the breeze outside. The tile floor was cool to my feet. My bed was enormous lol which I was pleasantly surprised about. When I met everyone at dinner, they were all so warm and comfortable with each other, like they knew each other. Nina knew who I was immediately and greeted me with open arms and I really felt her genuine love. The food was absolutely amazing and the cooks were great at accommodating for my vegan and gluten free diet. They had housemade herbal tea every day. Nina had such a gentle and calming voice as she lead the meditations and yoga. If you needed adjusted in a pose, she would quietly come up and offer gentle suggestions, not to disturb the rest of the group. She made sure to give every person the attention they needed. Nina also lead some amazing breathwork practices and workshops that involved group discussions which allowed us all to connect further. Every day was consistently amazing and I will forever remember this retreat and all the amazing people. Lots and lots of love 💞


from Netherlands, January 2020

"A very special, warm and revitalising Christmas retreat"

- Very warm, enthusiastic, kind and helpful people (the yoga and meditation teachers Nina & Gesche and Sam and Toni from the staff);

They put their heart in their work (the yoga and medittation classes, the cooking and organisation) and are very passionated;

- The staff was attentive and inventive of finding solutions for special (body) needs, during the classes and in general;

- The food was very various, fresh, healthy and delicious;

- The little presents were attentive and nice;

- The rooms in the old family house were pleasant and cosy;

- The rituals for the new moon and the new year/decade were inspiring.


from Great Britain, December 2019

"Bit disappointing "

The food was home made and very fresh and the yoga was done at a gentle pace with lots of variety

Sue Burgin

from Great Britain, December 2019

"Not quite what I had expected "

I am not a vegan but was well aware from the advance information that the food would be entirely plant based. Both the quality and quantity of the food prepared and cooked onsite was excellent. I will happily introduce more vegan recipes into my diet.

The yoga sessions were really well run and very good indeed. Both instructors offered good guidance during the sessions. We tried different yoga styles. The roof terrace was lovely when it was warm! The interior space worked well too. I also enjoyed some of the meditation sessions.

Katharina Poppmeier

from Austria, December 2019

"Yoga Relax Food Supreme"

Es war rundum eine heilsame und sehr schöne Erfahrung. Yoga perfekt, Essen verwöhn-pur und Fuerteventura traumhaft. Herzensdank an das wunderbare LetsYoga Team !!! :-)

Julia Hosch

from Austria, December 2019

"Wundervolle Auszeit mit Nina & Gesche <3"

Das Retreat mit Let's Yoga war mein erstes Yoga Retreat und ich war hin und weg von der bezaubernden, herzlichen Art von Nina, Gesche, Toni und Sam. Die Location im Herzen der Insel war top gelegen, um mit dem Auto die gesamte Insel zu erkunden. Das Hotel Era de la Corte war tatsächlich etwas besonderes und hat mit seiner erdig, romantischen Art für mich die Seele der Insel widergespiegelt. Das Essen war ein absoluter Traum!!! Die viele Zeit, Mühe und Liebe, die hier für die Zubereitung und Auswahl der Zutaten verwendet wurde, konnte man mit jedem Bissen schmecken. Dass veganes Essen so abwechslungsreich, lecker und erfüllend sein kann, war mir vor diesem Trip nicht bewusst und hat mich definitiv inspiriert, die vegane Ernährung mehr in meinen Alltag zu integrieren! Die Vinyasa Flow Einheiten in den Dünen und auf der sonnigen Dachterrasse waren meine Favorites. Generell haben Nina und Gesche die zwei täglichen Yoga-/Meditations-Einheiten sehr abwechslungsreich gestaltet, für mich war viel Neues dabei, das ich so noch nicht kannte. Für Anfänger absolut geeignet, es ist ein sehr stressfreies, achtsames Yoga, das Nina und Gesche praktizieren. Alles in allem waren es wundervolle, sehr besondere Tage in Antigua, mit tollen, herzlichen Menschen, super leckerem Essen und der richtigen Mischung aus Bewegung/Gruppenprogramm aber auch Zeit für sich selbst. Ich kann das Retreat von ganzem Herzen weiterempfehlen. Das schönste Geschenk, das man sich zu X-Mas selbst machen kann.

Maria Varzakova

from Spain, October 2019

"amaaaazing food and great company <3"

A very quiet location with a beautiful view, amazing food, great yoga classes and a very warm and welcoming company.

Gesche and Nina came up with different to do ideas every day and made sure we felt well taken care of and had the best possible time.

Sunrise beach yoga followed by an amazing breakfast, hiking, sunset dinner on the beach, surfing, ceremonies..

I would like to go on their retreat again and would definitely recommend to others!

Clara Marín Nieto

from Spain, August 2019

"Comida excelente en un entorno paradisíaco"

La calidad de la comida era excelente, así como el entorno paradisíaco en el que tuvo lugar el retiro. El dúplex en el que nos alojamos también era ideal para ese tipo de viajes.

Jessica Berresse

from United States, August 2019

"Personalized and thoughtful retreat with amazing hosts!"

Nina & Toni were absolutely amazing hosts. They were wonderful instructors in both yoga and meditation. Because of the small group size (and because Nina and Toni are both wonderful and accommodating) we had very personalized sessions. The atmosphere is exactly what one would hope for a retreat - calm, inviting, and relaxing. The food was incredible as well and always shared with great company over inspiring conversation. The surrounding area is beautiful and begs to be explored, so renting a car or motorbike for transportation is recommended. Absolutely loved my time spent in Costa Brava with Nina and Toni!


from Great Britain, June 2019

"I really enjoyed my stay! "

It was my first time on Fuerteventura and I absolutely loved it! The villa was right in front of the beach and the Yoga took place at the beach as well.

Both, the bedroom and the bathroom were very clean.

The people were also absolutely lovely!

When I arrived, I found a basket in the kitchen for me with fruit and little snacks, which Nina prepared. :)

I really enjoyed my stay and will definitely come back! 😊

Marisa Gonzalez

from Spain, January 2019

Daniela Winkler

from Germany, December 2018

"Wunderbare Erfahrung"

Ich war schon auf einigen Yoga Retreats und die Woche mit Nina + Gesche war eine der schönsten! Ein wunderschönes Haus direkt am Meer - wundervolle Menschen und phantastisches Essen! Die Mischung aus sanftem Yoga am Morgen, direkt am Meer und verschiedene Meditationen am Abend war perfekt. Ich fühle mich sehr gut erholt, inspiriert und auch sehr berührt von Nina + Gesche, die das alles mit so viel Liebe und Herzlichkeit machen. Ich werde wiederkommen!


from Germany, November 2018

"Dankbar für diese sonnige und wunderbar leichte Zeit!"

Ein traumhafter Platz, sehr schöne Umgebung, tolle Strände und Küste ... das Meer amazing ... Schwimmen am Morgen, Yoga am Beach bei Sonnenaufgang, Yoga unterm Baum, feel & smell the nature, die Freiheit! Fantastisches veganes Essen am Morgen und Abend ... Nina kocht mega 😊 und in Koopertion mit Gesche sind sie das DreamTeam 💚❤️💛

Im Gesamten war dieser Urlaub eine heilende Erfahrung mit Herzens-Menschen!!!

Elisabeth Ainslie

from United States, October 2018

"it was wonderful!"

the food, the people, the place, the yoga, just right for me to take a break, thank you very much!

Frank Heitmeyer

from United States, October 2018

"High Spirits"

The location - a lost paradise.

The food - reborn in paradise.

The spirit - exceptional friendly and loving.

Maéva Custine

from France, August 2018

"Une 1ère expérience qui restera gravée dans ma mémoire "

J'ai adoré l'ambiance générale, la musique relaxante, les cours de yoga de tres bonne qualité, les repas extraordinaires... Les professeurs sont très attentionnés et attentifs. Ils proposent le programme et s'adaptent à nos attentes/besoins. L'endroit est paradisiaque, la mer très accessible avec une piscine résidentielle. Se lever le matin pour méditer devant le lever de soleil, faire du yoga sur la plage et enchaîner sur un brunch délicieux... que demander de mieux ?

Marta Torrents Puigvert

from Spain, August 2018


Nina es extraordinaria, hace que te descubras otra vez, que te ames, profundamente. Las sesiones con Nina y Toni han sido descubrirse otra vez como persona, aprender todo el dia, mejorar a cada momento. Solo puedo dar gracias, gracias, gracias.

Simone Joos

from Switzerland, May 2018

"Extraordinary and inspiring stay with Nina"

It was such a nice and warm welcome. From the very first moment I felt like home.

You could definitely feel the passion Nina is putting into preparing all this tasty and vegan food.

The yoga lessons held at the beach were always catered the my body needs.

All in all there was nothing more I could have wished for.

Thanks Nina for this amazing experience 🙏

Mette Selnaes

from Denmark, November 2017

"The Best yoga ever"

Nina asked for special needs and wishes for the yoga before the retreate. And it was a good experience. Both relaxing and challenging with lots af love and beaty.

Doing yoga and meditation at the beach was so nice and I really enjoyed the vegan bruch and dinners together with the other guests.