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Online Empowering Yoga, Meditation, Life Coaching Retreat

This online retreat is suitable for people, who are willing to make a change in daily routine, set new goals, refresh body and mind without stepping out of the comfort zone. This retreat is stepping you out of comfort zone virtually. It is a life changing experience, which will transition your life gradually into what you have been visualizing from the first coaching session with a life coach. Meditation will help you to silence the thoughts that have been blocking you from creative thinking outside of the box, or maybe just peaceful thinking by letting go what doesn't belong anymore into your life or doesn't serve you. As all the information is received is on psychosomatic level in all human beings, that is why body and mind are very important to be in balance. It is a stress relieving, energy recharging and very empowering set of a month ahead!

Meet the instructors

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  • 4 one on-one online life coaching sessions in a total of 4 hours
  • 4 one on one online meditation sessions in total of 4 hour
  • Live online sessions are held via Zoom, WhatsApp, or Skype
  • Online sessions' timezone: GMT+00
  • 7 worksheets
  • Tools to integrate the knowledge into daily life
  • Psycho-somatic exercises to release blocks (pranayama, breathwork, active and passive meditation forms)

Skill level

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate

Yoga styles

8 days with instruction
Group size: Maximum of 10 participants
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Restore your connection with your body and the moment of now, find individual approach to your stress factors and what you as an individual can help you to release the tension.

Let's start with our first exercise now. "Imagine that your body is a gift from someone important to you. Accept it with appreciation. Do not condemn its imperfections. Notice what a wonderful gift it is. Every part of it: eyes, lips, hands, breasts... In fact, take a moment and actually hug yourself. If you feel comfortable, where you are now, you may close your eyes. Imagine your body is someone you love so much, but you haven't seen this person for a long long time... Give yourself time here as much as you need to truly appreciate and honour it. At this point some people may start feeling

overwhelmed, crying... it is absolutely normal to feel this way. After all, it is your best friend you

haven't felt the presence in a while."

This program takes you on a transformative healing journey to remove from the mind the stress factors, limiting your self, and restore the connection within you.

Tools required

Online sessions are held via Zoom, Skype, and Whatsapp.

How the retreat works

All these live sessions are conducted via Zoom, Skype, or WhatsApp.

  • 4 personal life coaching sessions
  • 4 personal live meditations

Timing of sessions / daily schedule (GMT+00)

The timings will be adjusted according to your schedule.

Retreat information

This retreat is made for You. From the 1st coaching session with help of the coach you will define your needs and according to that will be designed for the rest of the retreat.

Week 1 Define the Path

  • Live personal coaching consultation
  • Live personal meditation session (active or passive, depending on the personal needs)
  • Individual discourse on worksheets
  • Journaling

The week 1 is dedicated to identify and name what the purpose of the retreat is, what is your current most important need. Together with the Life Coach you will set the goals of this special journey and give yourself a hug for doing this "not easy for everyone" job!

Everything takes time. Don't beat yourself up if you won't feel any difference from the first or second or third time trying something new out. Just as it took so many years of forming the way you are thinking and acting now, it will also take a lot of time to change that way of thinking or acting and reacting.

Also, at this point, it is important to note that you are not a project to be improved. Self care is about self acceptance. This retreat is simply aiming to change the aspects that are not helping you.

Get ready to embrace yourself! Surround yourself with supportive and loving people. Just like for a flower - in order for it to bloom, it must be watered and the soil must be changed - the same way your soil is your social support system, which is vital for you to be healthy physically, mentally and spiritually.


Iana Chirilicenco

Retreat location

The retreat will take place online. The retreat will be arranged according to the convenience of both parties the participants and organisers. The time of the retreat location will be GMT+00.


To all of you who share this beautiful journey of life this retreat format offers a unique format of preparation prior to retreat, including easy homemade healthy meals ideas. You need to eat healthy to be healthy. The key ingredient of amazing food is always love. You will be provided the right care and nourishment guidance that your body deserves.

What's included

  • 4 one-on-one online life coaching sessions in a total of 4 hours
  • 4 one on one online meditation sessions in total of 1 hour
  • 7 worksheets
  • Tools to integrate the knowledge into daily life (depending on your unique needs which will be defined by the life coach, you will be given learned techniques of managing your own needs in daily life. For example, if coping with anxiety-there is fabulous counting breathwork focusing on the depth of inhales and exhales by slow counting, which will ease the mind to focus on one thing only by time)
  • Psycho-somatic exercises to release blocks
  • FREE "Self Care Manual for You with Embodiment Tools" in form of PDF

What's not included

  • Accommodation
  • Food

Cancellation Policy

  • A reservation requires a deposit of 100% of the total price.
  • The deposit is non-refundable, if the booking is cancelled.
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