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Yoga Teacher Training in India

This yoga teacher training is designed for individuals with a strong interest in learning yoga and becoming a yoga teacher, but who may not have the time to complete the 200-hour yoga teacher training. Whether you are looking to start your yoga practice, seek personal and spiritual development, or rejuvenate your soul, the 50-hour yoga teacher training at one of the Best Yoga Schools in Rishikesh aims to have a healing effect on your body and mind by providing systematic knowledge and understanding of yoga.

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Pramod Devendra Kushal & 1 More…
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  • 14 days of practice, 8-hour classes everyday
  • 7 expert teachers will lead the classes
  • Certificate of completion
  • Hatha, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Kundalini Yoga, Pranayama, Alignments, and meditation sessions
  • One Himalayan and local Rishikesh excursions
  • Anatomy, alignment, and philosophy
  • 13 nights accommodation
  • Daily meals

Skill level

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Yoga styles

13 days with instruction in English
The organizer also speaks: Hindi, Sanskrit
Group size: Maximum of 12 participants
Airport transfer available:
Jolly Grant Airport (US$ 30 per person)
Airport transfer available:
Indira Gandhi International Airport (US$ 90 per person)
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The Hari Om Yoga Vidya School, located in the beautiful area of Rishikesh near Tapovan, is designed to provide the perfect setting for exploring the deeper aspects of yoga. The tranquil campus, surrounded by lush greenery, offers a peaceful environment ideal for yoga practice and connecting with nature. The spacious, well-ventilated yoga hall provides breathtaking views of the natural surroundings, allowing students to fully engage in their practice. Their goal is to offer a nurturing and high-quality learning environment for all yoga enthusiasts, ensuring that the school stands out among others in Rishikesh.

Yoga is a spiritual science that is deeply connected to Mother Earth. Practicing yoga in open spaces can make you more receptive. The school and ashram have a large yoga hall that is well-ventilated, allowing you to carry out your activities comfortably. The halls are also equipped with large windows, providing a view of the surrounding nature. While practicing yoga, you will be able to witness the mountains, forests, the flowing Ganga, and the songs of the birds, adding another dimension to your yoga practice.

Once you start attending the classes, you can spot the difference within a short while. They have the best arrangements for all yoga enthusiasts. They have tried their utmost to deliver quality education, along with proper infrastructure.

The school has the best east-facing rooms for its students. You will be able to watch the mountain peaks and the river Ganga, as well. The entire school and ashram are surrounded by forests. Watch the sunrise and start your day at the best yoga school in Rishikesh. They have decorated the rooms, according to the principles of yoga.

You will get private and shared accommodation at the school. Hari Om Yoga Vidya School offers double-sharing and triple-sharing rooms, as well. All the rooms are well-equipped with running hot water and free Wi-Fi. They offer clean bed linen, pillows, and curtains for the students, too. You will be able to relax in your room, after a stringent yoga routine in the daytime. It is a place for your relaxation and solace. There is a private balcony and attached bathroom in each room. You also get clean drinking water, on the premises.

Hari Om Yoga Vidya School has ensured to facilitate all the rooms, with all possible amenities. They maintain that yoga is about living a simple life, with high thinking. So, you will get all that you need for a comfortable stay, devoid of exorbitant luxuries. They welcome all the yoga enthusiasts once again, to the school, which is one of the best yoga schools in India, at the moment. Join in and spot the difference. Hari Om Yoga Vidya School ensures that you get the best environment for your yoga sessions. This will also help you in transformation, not just externally, but internally as well.



The course/hours count as Continuing Education hours for Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®) only.

Benefits of the multi-style yoga teacher training in Rishikesh

You can take the hatha yoga teacher training in Rishikesh to deepen your understanding of the yogic lifestyle. This course is suitable for beginners who have not practiced yoga before. Hatha yoga is a key component of the training as it establishes a strong foundation for your yoga practice, helping you improve balance, poise, and overall well-being. Practicing Hatha yoga can strengthen the spine, increase the body's range of motion, and significantly enhance mental acuity. Additionally, it can help to strengthen core muscles and joints.

Hatha yoga strengthens the body so that you can seamlessly navigate into practices that strengthen the mind, like Pranayama and Meditation. These are also important courses that are covered in the course. The best yoga teacher training school in Rishikesh encourages you to take one day at a time. The classes on Ashtanga-Vinyasa, in the evenings, can be life-changing. You will also learn about some of the bandhas, mudras, kriyas, and other techniques. The course gives you an overview of what lies ahead. If you want to pursue a career as a yoga teacher, then this is the first stepping stone for you. You can connect with the schools, over a call or a live session. Offline classes are the best and give you a holistic way to shine.

Main topics to be covered in this course

  • Traditional Hatha yoga
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa
  • Kundalini yoga
  • Meditation
  • Pranayama
  • Mudra, Bandha, and Sat karma
  • Mantra chanting
  • Alignments, adjustments, and correction
  • Anatomy
  • Yoga philosophy, Ayurveda
  • Teaching methodology and teaching practices
  • Exam

Enjoy the transforming involvement and trance by selecting this yoga teacher training at Hari Om Yoga Vidya School. This is an exclusive yoga teacher training created by involving various forms of yoga-like Astana Vinyasa yoga, Hatha yoga, mudra pose, human anatomy, mantra chanting, and several other things. You will get an unbelievable experience that not only assists in getting physical benefits but also assists in feeling relaxed and calms you down from the inside.

Course Curriculum

Each yoga teacher training is vital for you to grow. Learning from instructors or books, staying in the school, and following a daily schedule teach you so much. Hari Om Yoga Vidya School program schedule is crafted in a very balanced way to keep a student in the subject’s thoughts all through the day. The whole schedule is the best combination of both theory and practical knowledge of yoga.

Traditional Hatha Yoga Teacher Training

Hatha Yoga is one of the branches of yoga, which utilizes the physical body and external aura, to reach higher levels of consciousness. It is practiced at a slower pace, in comparison to other forms of yoga. The Hatha yoga stream consists of various controlled movements and stretching. While doing the same, the maximum focus will be on your breath. It is best if you have just started on your yoga journey. If you are just starting, Hatha yoga can bring about a balance in two different levels of energy.

Students will learn about each asana (posture)

  • Name of the asana in English and Sanskrit
  • Introduction and history of asana
  • Benefits
  • How to do this asana dynamic way step by step?
  • How to do this asana meditatively by following 6 steps? (centring / entering / refining / holding / come out / reflection)
  • Anatomical aspects of the asana
  • Therapeutically approaching
  • Corrections
  • Modifications
  • Contraindications
  • Reference books
  • Conclusion

Standing postures

  • Udwahastasana - upward salute pose
  • Tadasana (mountain pose)
  • Utkatasana (chair pose)
  • Vrksyasana (tree pose)
  • Uthita hasta padongustasana (raise hand to toes pose)
  • Natarajasana (king dancer pose)
  • Padohastasana (hand to feet pose)
  • Trikonasana (triangle pose)
  • Virbhadrasana (warrior pose)

Sitting poses

  • Upaveshasana (squat pose)
  • Maalaasana (garland pose)
  • Vajrasana (kneeling pose)
  • Margarisana (cat pose)
  • Simhasana (lion pose)
  • Veerasana (hero pose)
  • Dandasana (stamp pose)

Backward bending poses

  • Makarasana (crocodile pose)
  • Byaghrasana (tiger pose)
  • Ardhakapotasana (half pigeon pose)
  • Ashtanga namaskarasana (salutation with eight limbs)
  • Chaturanga dandasana (staff pose)
  • Bhujangasana (cobra pose)
  • Ardha salbhasana (half locust pose)

Forward bending poses

  • Balasana (child pose)
  • Janushirsana (head of the knee pose)
  • Parivrita janushirasana (revolved head of the knee pose)
  • Ardha badha padma paschimotanasana (half bound lotus)
  • Marichyasana (pose dedicated to the sage marichi)
  • Badhakonasana (butterfly pose with forward bending)
  • Upavistha konasana (seated wide legged straddle)

Spinal twisting poses

  • Ardha mastyendrasana (half fish pose)
  • Spinal twisting in kneeling pose
  • Spinal twisting in table pose

Fire series – asanas for abdomen

  • A and P - akunchana prasarana, abdomen contraction and release
  • Single leg lift – hold and raise – urdwa prasarita eka padasana
  • Urdwa prasarita padasana (upward rise legs)
  • Ananda balasana (happy baby pose)

Inversion poses

  • Setubandhasana (bridge pose)
  • Viparit karani (inversion pose)
  • Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)
  • Rocking chair

Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow

Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is a highly active and dynamic form of yoga. You need to develop a high level of focus and intuition, to practice the Ashtanga Vinyasa flow. You can call it more like a mind-boy extreme workout. Apart from bringing suppleness to the body, it also brings clarity to the mind.

Surya namaskara A

  • Samasthiti
  • Urdvahastasna
  • Uttanasana A
  • Uttanasana B
  • Chaturanga dandasana
  • Urdvamukha svanasana
  • Adhomukha svanasana
  • Uttanasana B
  • Uttanasana A
  • Urdvahastasana
  • Samasthiti

Surya namaskara B

  • Samasthiti
  • Utkatasana
  • Uttanasana A
  • Uttanasana B
  • Chaturanga dandasana
  • Urdvamukha svanasana
  • Adhomukha svanasana
  • Bibhadrasana A
  • Chaturanga dandasana
  • Urdvamukha svanasana
  • Adhomukhasvanasana
  • Birbhadrasana A
  • Chaturanga dandasana
  • Urdvamukha svanasana
  • Adhomukha svanasana
  • Uttanasana B
  • Uttanasana A
  • Utkatasana
  • Samasthiti

Primary series – standing asanas

  • Janusirsasana B – head to knee pose B
  • Janusirsasana A – head to knee pose A
  • Triyang mukhaipada paschimottanasana – one leg folded forward bend pose
  • Ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana – half bound lotus forward bend pose
  • Purvattanasana – intense west stretch
  • Paschimottanasana C – intense west stretch pose C
  • Paschimottanasana B – intense west stretch pose B
  • Paschimottanasana A – intense west stretch pose A
  • Dandassana – staff pose
  • Virbhadrasana B – warrior pose B
  • Virbhadrasana A – warrior pose A
  • Utkatasana – fierce pose
  • Ardhabadha padmottanasana – half-bound lotus forward bend pose
  • Utthita hasta padongusthasana 1, 2, 3, 4 – extended hand to big toes pose
  • Parsvatanasan – intense side stretch pose
  • Prasarita padottanasasna D – intense wide leg stretch D
  • Prasarita padottanasasna C – intense wide leg stretch C
  • Prasarita padottanasasna B – intense wide leg stretch B
  • Prasarita padottanasasna A – intense wide leg stretch A
  • Parivrita parsvakonasana – revolving side angle pose
  • Uthita parsva konasna – extended side angle pose
  • Parivrita trikonasana – revolving triangle pose
  • Utthita trikonasana – extended triangle pose
  • Pada angusthasana B – big toe pose B
  • Pada angusthasana A – big toe pose A
  • Janusirsasana C – head to knee pose C
  • Marichasana A – pose dedicated to the sage marichi A
  • Marichasana B – pose dedicated to the sage marichi B
  • Marichasana C – pose dedicated to the sage marichi C
  • Marichasana D – pose dedicated to the sage marichi D

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

The term ‘Kundalini’ is the dormant spiritual energy that is stored in the Muladhara or the root chakra. The practice of Kundalini yoga awakes the snake lying there in the physical body. The aroused snake rises through the chakras of the body upwards including the basal chakra. Moreover, the same activates the energy of each one of the chakras, as it passes through them. You can increase the vibrations of your body through this. The essential components are breath, movement, and the sound. A typical Kundalini session starts with mantras, as they help to calm the mind. You can seamlessly move into physical exercises after a session. The kriyas come after this stage, followed by relaxation, meditation, and affirmation. The final goal is self-awareness.

  • The regular practice of Kundalini, helps in achieving a healthy and flexible body
  • Pranayama and Kriyas eliminate diseases from your mind and body
  • Kundalini practice enhances your immunity by becoming free from several diseases
  • High self-awareness and more receptiveness
  • Purification of the body decreasing toxins
  • Awareness of breath that enhances well-being
  • Good life discipline
  • Real spiritual awakening
  • Good control over energy that assists in all kinds of healing


Pranayama is mentioned in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, as the fourth limb. It is a science of breathwork. It includes controlling your breath in different ways and for varying lengths of time. Prana means ‘vital life force’ and Ayama means ‘expansion or extension or expanding the dimension of prana. You can elevate the energies around you with the help of pranayama. It is an exercise for physical as well as mental health. The main purpose of pranayama yoga is to connect the body and the mind. When you slow down breathing patterns, you can also increase longevity. That is the reason why some animals live longer than humans. The core reason for existence is your breathing pattern.

Introduction of pranayama

  • Meaning of pranayama
  • Definition
  • Breathing experiment
  • Conclusion

Kapalbhati pranayama (frontal brain cleaning breath)

  • Introduction
  • Meaning
  • Benefits
  • Contradictions
  • Duration of practice
  • Demonstration of kapalbhati pranayama
  • Preparation of kapalbhati for students
  • Technique one: how to do kapalbhati pranayama?

Sheetali pranayama (cooling breath)

  • Introduction
  • Meaning
  • Benefits
  • Contradictions
  • Duration of practice
  • Demonstration of sheetali pranayama
  • Preparation of sheetali for students
  • Technique one: how to do sheetali pranayama?

Sheetkari pranayama (hissing breath)

  • Introduction
  • Meaning
  • Benefits
  • Contradictions
  • Duration of practice
  • Demonstration of sheetkari pranayama
  • Preparation of sheetkari for students
  • Technique one: how to do sheetkari pranayama?

Bhastrika pranayama (bellows breath)

  • Introduction
  • Meaning
  • Benefits
  • Contradictions
  • Duration of practice
  • Demonstration of bhastrika pranayama
  • Preparation of bhastrika for students
  • Technique one: how to do bhastrika pranayama?

Bhramari pranayama (humming bee breath)

  • Introduction
  • Meaning
  • Benefits
  • Contradictions
  • Duration of practice
  • Demonstration of bhramari pranayama
  • Preparation of bhramari for students
  • Technique one: how to do bhramari pranayama?

Ujjayi (psychic breath)

  • Introduction
  • Meaning
  • Benefits
  • Contradictions
  • Duration of practice
  • Demonstration of ujjayi pranayama
  • Preparation of ujjayi for students
  • Technique one: how to do ujjayi pranayama?

Nadishodhana pranayama (psychic network / channel purification)

  • Introduction
  • Meaning
  • Benefits
  • Contradictions
  • Duration of practice
  • Demonstration of nadishodhana pranayama
  • Preparation of nadishodhana for students
  • Technique one: how to do nadishodhana pranayama?


The Shatkarmas are also called Shatkriyas. It is a set of body purification techniques, with the help of which, you can cleanse your system internally. In order to move ahead in your yogic journey, you need to have a strong body, as it serves as the foundation for yoga sadhana. Shatkarmas consists of six cleansing techniques, like Basti, Nauli, Dhauti, Trataka, Neti, and Kapalbhati. Each of these kriyas target specific organs in the alimentary canal. Apart from just strengthening the body, it also leads to the balance of the Tridoshas.

Six steps of cleansing – subject focus on Jala Neti and Sutra Neti

Introduction to six types of Satkarma

  • Meaning of Satkarma
  • Contradictions
  • Benefits

Introduction to the practical Jala Neti

  • Contradictions
  • Benefits
  • Preparation of Jala Neti
  • Demonstration of Jala Neti by teacher
  • Technique
  • Practice with students

Introduction to the practical Sutra Neti

  • Contradictions
  • Benefits
  • Preparation of Sutra Neti
  • Demonstration of Sutra Neti by teacher
  • Technique
  • Practice with students


Bandha is a lock. You can lock yourself in certain postures, to increase energy flow to specific organs. You can also call it the energy lock. There are four main bandhas, that the yogis practiced from early on. They include Mula, Uddiyana, Jalandhara, and Maha Bandha. The Maha bandha is a combination of the three bandhas. Moreover, it is the highest form of body lock. Practicing bandhas involves muscular contractions. The Mula bandha is especially useful in awakening the Kundalini energy. The Uddiyana Bandha energizes the heart chakra and the abdominal organs. Likewise, the Jalandhara Bandha energizes the thyroid and parathyroid, along with respiratory organs.

Jalandhara bandha

  • Introduction – meaning – benefits
  • Contradictions
  • Duration of practice
  • Preparation
  • Demonstration
  • Technique
  • Practice with students

Udiyana bandha

  • Introduction – meaning – benefits
  • Contradictions
  • Duration of practice
  • Preparation
  • Demonstration
  • Technique
  • Practice with students

Mula bandha

  • Introduction – meaning – benefits
  • Contradictions
  • Duration of practice
  • Preparation
  • Demonstration
  • Technique
  • Practice with students

Mudra – Gesture

A Mudra is a gesture or seal in yoga. You may come across mudras in dance forms as well, however, they are much different. When you practice mudras, you can channel prana through the body. There are various kinds of mudras, like Hasta mudras, Kaya mudras, and Chitta mudras. Hasta mudras are the most important in yoga practice.

Jnana mudra (psychic gesture of knowledge)

  • Introduction – benefits
  • Duration
  • Preparation
  • Demonstration
  • Technique
  • Practice with students

Chin mudra (psychic gesture of consciousness)

  • Introduction – benefits
  • Duration
  • Preparation
  • Demonstration
  • Technique
  • Practice with students

Bhairava mudra – Shiva mudra

  • Introduction – benefits
  • Duration
  • Preparation
  • Demonstration
  • Technique
  • Practice with students


It is a set of practices that encourage higher states of consciousness, awareness, and focused attention. Moreover, it is not just a part of yoga. Every culture practices meditation. People practice meditation for spiritual as well as religious reasons. In the Western World, meditation has been shown to help people cope with stress, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. It is all about training your awareness. You learn to observe your thoughts and patterns, without any judgment. Moreover, everyone can meditate.

  • Introduction of meditation / meaning and things
  • Mantra chanting with meaning and benefits / practice
  • Apa meditation with meaning and benefits / practice
  • Sixty-one energy points discussion
  • Om meditation with meaning and benefits / practice
  • The practice of Osho dynamic meditation
  • Music meditation practice
  • Dancing meditation practice
  • Walking meditation practice
  • Introduction of Tratak meditation / stages / benefits
  • The practice of dot meditation
  • The practice of yantra meditation
  • Practice of candle meditation


The answer to life’s stress and tension is yoga. It has been widely researched, that yoga can change your life, by reducing stress and anxiety. No matter, where you are, at work or at home, yoga can help you. If you are new to yoga, you can start your yoga journey with mindfulness. Your breath is the single most thing, that can alleviate the mind, body, and soul. Moreover, mindfulness is the main modality, that can alleviate your symptoms. When you move into the postures, you should ensure to think about your own self-respect and self-care. It is the curiosity towards yourself, that can help you relax.

Synopsis of featured teachings

  • Point-to-point movement and then stillness
  • Point-to-point tension and relaxation
  • Entire-body tension and relaxation
  • Point-to-point relaxation
  • Selective tension and relaxation of body parts
  • More detailed point-to-point relaxation with visualization of pure white divine light at the cardiac center
  • Detailed point-to-point relaxation with spinal breathing and “so-ham”


Mantras are a group of syllables, complete words, or phrases. Most religious and spiritual practitioners believe them to have originated from Sanskrit. Om is believed to be the first sound that originated on earth and has divine connotations. It produces higher vibrations in the body and mind. Mantras also serve an important role in Tantra. You can also term it as a mind vibration that helps to focus the thoughts and feelings, and the highest intention. With time, the mantras and their vibrations sink deeper into the consciousness. You can practice mantra recitation to make your energies vibrate at a higher level.

Benefits of mantra chanting

  • Hatha yoga manra – yogena schitasya padena vacham
  • Om asato maa sad-gamaya, tamaso maa om saha na bhavatu, saha nau bhunaktu
  • Aum mantra – aum…aum..aum
  • Gayatri mantra – om bhur bhubah swaha
  • Ganesh mantra – om vakratunda mahaakaaya
  • Guru mantra – guru brahma guru visnu

Ashtanga Vinyasa mantra

  • Avahu purusa karam, shankha vande gurunam charanara vinde

Ashtanga Vinyasa closing mantra

  • Swasti prajaabhyah paripala

Yoga Philosophy

Along with the practical applications of yoga, you need to fall back at times, on the foundation of yoga. That is what Yoga Philosophy is all about. The main philosophy of yoga states that the mind, body, and soul are all one. You need to know about the philosophical ideas, to be able to utilize the various practices under the umbrella of yoga. In yoga, you cannot choose one or leave out another aspect. The entire practice has to be carried out in totality. Spiritual ignorance can only create suffering, and nothing more than that. So, you need to amass the wealth of knowledge that the philosophy of yoga offers.

  • 7 chakras – muladhara, swadhisthana, manipur, anahata, visudha, anjya, sahasrara
  • Three types of gunas – satva, rajas and tamas
  • Three types of body – sthula, sukhma and karana
  • Types of yoga (Hatha, Karma, Bhakti, Ashtanga)
  • What is yoga? Introduction of yoga
  • What is philosophy?
  • What are the obstacles to yoga?
  • What are the causes of pain?
  • What are the eight limbs of yoga?
  • Exercises
  • Exam


A Bhajan is a devotional song, that you sing to glorify any particular deity or the lord in general. It is usually the ancient scriptures, from where it originates. You can sing it straightforward, or recite it like a mantra, or add some melody. Bhajan is related to Bhakti. You will learn of different styles of Bhakti songs from different parts of India.

  • Shiva shiva shambhu, shiva shiva shambhu, mahadeva shambhu, mahadeva shambhu, shiva shiva shambhu
  • Govinda govinda govinda bhaja gopala, gopala gopala gopala bhaja gopala
  • Govinda bol hari gopal bol, radha ramana hari govinda bol
  • Hare krisna hare krisna, krisna krisna hare hare hare rama hare rama, rama rama hare hare
  • Sita ram sita ram, sita ram jai sita ram radhe shyam radhe shyam, radhe shyam jai radhe shyam

Alignment, Correction and Adjustment

Alignment and adjustment are fundamental concepts in the practice of Yoga, both for practitioners and instructors. Alignment refers to the precise positioning of the body in yoga poses (asanas) to achieve optimal physical and energetic benefits while minimizing the risk of injury. Adjustment, also known as hands-on adjustment or assists, involves the gentle physical manipulation of a student's body by the instructor to help them refine their alignment, deepen their stretch, or experience a pose more fully.

  • Roll of alignment and adjustment in yoga concept
  • Physical alignment in yoga
  • The role of adjustment
  • Benefits beyond the physical
  • Alignment and adjustment in spiritual practice
  • The role of alignment and adjustment in yoga: a comprehensive overview
  • Understanding alignment in yoga
  • Components of alignment
  • Spine
  • Joints
  • Muscles
  • The role of adjustment in yoga
  • Physical adjustments
  • Verbal adjustments
  • Benefits of adjustment
  • Challenges and considerations in adjustment
  • Integrating alignment and adjustment in yoga practice
  • Alignment and adjustment in yoga asanas for students' homework

Teaching Methodology

Being an effective yoga teacher is like being a good waiter. You direct the students to take their seats, describe to them what is on the menu, possibly modifying a dish or two to better serve them, and occasionally check back to see how things are going. Each course of the meal needs to be brought out and presented, and then the waiter allows the guests to enjoy it. Using effective and clear language, the students you are teaching must be instructed in and out of the basic form of every posture you teach.

  • Teaching is an art and it can be developed through practice and knowledge.
  • Teach with sincerity and compassion for yourself first and then your students will benefit as well.
  • Teach from the heart, never from the mind.
  • Respect that divine energy has honored you to be a teacher to help people.
  • Changing peoples’ lives into positivity by teaching them yoga and meditation; as a teacher, your inner journey and happiness will grow.
  • Respect the students, be friendly and professional but at the same time strong inside not to entertain any negativity while teaching yoga.
  • Surrender to life and divine energy; you will feel guided by the unknown force.
  • Enjoy teaching mindfully with joy and happiness.
  • Be present, aware, and energetic all the time during or after the class.
  • Be regular in your own self-practice of yoga and meditation; you owe it to yourself and your students.
  • Be aware and sensitive to students’ poses, alignment, breathing patterns, and group energy, and allow the teaching and response to happen accordingly and spontaneously.
  • Pay equal attention to the students but focus more attention on beginners until they catch up with the regular class.
  • Welcome the students – greeting the students makes them comfortable and feel welcomed.
  • Start the class on time and end on time. This honors the student since most students have limited time and have sacrificed to get to the class.
  • Always ask if the students have any physical problems or injuries.
  • Start the class with some chanting, prayer, or a short meditation.
  • The voice of the teacher should be audible to everyone and the volume should be according to the group.
  • Give clear instructions.
  • Make adjustments verbally and physically.
  • Appreciate and motivate the students during the class.
  • Move around the class effectively to see all the students and to check their alignment.

Daily Schedule

  • 06:30 - 08:00 Traditional Hatha yoga and alignments
  • 08:30 - 09:00 Breakfast time
  • 10:15 - 11:15 Kundalini yoga
  • 11:30 - 13:00 Meditation, pranayama, mudra, bandha, and Satkarma
  • 13:00 - 14:00 Delicious Indian lunch
  • 14:00 - 15:00 Alignment and adjustment
  • 15:00 - 16:00 Yoga philosophy and Ayurveda
  • 16:00 - 19:00 Self-study
  • 19:00 - 20:00 Enjoy your dinner
  • 20:00 - 21:00 Homework and assignments
  • 21:00 Rest time

Included excursions

This course includes one Himalayan excursion and a local excursion of Rishikesh which may include Ganga Arti, visit temples, picnic in the forest, or others.


Pramod Sahoo

Devendra Dhoundiyal

Kushal Bisht

Bhupendra Nautiyal

Retreat location

The training will take place in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India. This place is in Rishikesh at the foothills of the Himalayas and the bank of the holy river Ganges. Surrounded by beautiful mountains, lush green surroundings, Himalayan foothills, and tranquility, one can instantly get a natural feeling of sigh, contentment, and happiness. All set to take you on a spiritual and enjoyable journey to India, cherish the yoga teacher training with an enhanced and uplifted spirit, and feel compassion and love for everything life has given to you and for all that is surrounding you.

Unique features


  • Hiking
  • Massage
  • Rock climbing


  • Air-conditioned rooms
  • Dining area
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Garden
  • Kitchen
  • Lobby
  • Luggage room / storage
  • Multilingual staff
  • Picnic area
  • Smoke-free property
  • Terrace
  • Yoga shala


  • Bicycle rental
  • Conference room
  • Dry cleaning
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Ironing / ironing board
  • Laundry
  • Library
  • Medical assistance
  • Meeting room
  • Newspapers
  • Parking lot
  • Wireless internet

This Yoga Retreat is vegetarian-friendly

Click to see more vegetarian-friendly Yoga Retreats


Hari Om Yoga Vidya School offers 3 delicious vegetarian meals every day excluding Sunday. Vegetables are collected from local farmers of the Himalayas. As you know Vegetarian food and fresh fruits are a balanced diet for yoga practice. You can have tea during your breakfast. Hari Om Yoga Vidya School strives to provide you with clean, tasty, and Sattvic food that will nourish your body as well as mind.

If you do not want to eat any day or any time for some reason, please send the message 3 hours before to the kitchen staff or reception so that we can manage it. Before you come to breakfast, lunch, and dinner clean your face, hands, and feet. Before you eat, please do silence meditation for 1 or 2mn, which will help to calm down the emotions and bring peace to the mind, so that you can enjoy your food. Avoid talking during your eating. Keep silence inside the dining hall which is part of yoga life.

The following meals are included:

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • Drinks

The following drinks are included:

  • Water
  • Coffee
  • Tea

The following dietary requirement(s) are served and/or catered for:

  • Vegetarian
  • Vegan
  • Gluten Free
  • Organic
  • Yogic
  • Other dietary requirements on request
  • Ayurvedic
If you have special dietary requirements it's a good idea to communicate it to the organiser when making a reservation

Things to do (optional)

Rishikesh is famous for its natural beauty as well as spiritual vitality. You will get free time for various adventures like bungee jumping, hiking, etc. You can also visit several spiritual places.

What's included

  • 14 days of intense yoga classes
  • Yoga class in the evening at Ganga Beach
  • 7 to 8 hours of classes every day
  • Orientation, flower decoration, and fire ceremony
  • One Himalayan excursion and local excursion of Rishikesh
  • Jal Neti and Sutra Neti
  • School handbag
  • Room with private washroom
  • Certificate of completion
  • Cultural program in the closing ceremony
  • Study materials (books, asana mudra bandha pranayama, Ashtanga Vinyasa, school handbook, notebook, pen, handouts)
  • Yoga mat, props, and other yoga equipment
  • 3 delicious vegetarian meals per day
  • 13 nights accommodation

What's not included

  • Additional activities
  • Additional transportation
  • Airfare
  • Indian visa expenses
  • Personal expenses
  • Airport pick-up (available for additional cost)
  • Airport drop off
  • GST (goods and services tax)

How to get there

Recommended Airports

Arrival by airplane

Please book your flight to arrive at Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL). Transfer from this airport is available upon request and for an additional cost of 90 USD.

Alternatively, you can book your flight to arrive at Jolly Grant Airport (DED). Transfer from this airport is available upon request and for an additional cost of 30 USD.

Arrival by bus

Being a popular tourist destination, Rishikesh has a good network of buses connecting it with important places such as Haridwar, Dehradun, and New Delhi. Buses to Rishikesh leave from New Delhi from Kashmiri Gate National Bus Stand.

Arrival by train

The best option is to reach Haridwar train station, 45 minutes away from Rishikesh. From Delhi, it takes 5 – 8 hours by train based on train.

Arrival by taxi

Taxi is always available from Delhi to Rishikesh, which takes around 5 – 6 hours.

Airport: Jolly Grant Airport Airport transfer available: Jolly Grant Airport (US$ 30 per person) Additional charges may apply. You can request this in the next step.
Airport: Indira Gandhi International Airport Airport transfer available: Indira Gandhi International Airport (US$ 90 per person) Additional charges may apply. You can request this in the next step.

Cancellation Policy

  • A reservation requires a deposit of 14% of the total price.
  • The deposit is non-refundable, if the booking is cancelled.
  • The rest of the payment should be paid on arrival.
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