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Sugerencia del experto: esta es una de las ofertas de retiros de yoga más populares que se ofrecen en Tailandia.
Yoga Vidya Mandiram invites you to join their 200-hour yoga teacher training in Thailand. The special highly intensive yoga teacher training program is dedicated to many students who desire to step into the path of yoga and meditation, but are still caught up in the midst of the modern lifestyle that allows only so much time one can take off from the fast-moving life. The teachers have been brought up and spent their lives in traditional ashrams and gurukulams with yoga and meditation as their sole purpose of life.
You will be accommodated for 21 nights at Maewin Guesthouse and Resort. The accommodation for the training is a traditional Thai-style wooden bungalow house. Maewin Guesthouse and Resort has a private single room, shared twin room and triplet dorm room options available for individual preferences. All rooms are non-AC with a fan provided and an attached bathroom with a hot shower in each room.
Students who complete their subsequent trainings are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®).
This teacher training is a multi-style program for beginners with basic knowledge of yoga. After the completion of the course, the students will be given a certification of the completion of the 200-hour yoga training program from Yoga Vidya Mandiram School. This 200-hour yoga teacher training will be held by experienced reputed meditation guides and the team of accomplished yoga teachers.
In this special occasion, Yoga Vidya Mandiram are traveling to Thailand with pure intension of transmitting authentic knowledge of yoga and meditation from the ancient Vedic scriptures. The mission is to spread peace, health and joy, which can be achieved through yoga. All walks of life are welcome to learn how yoga leads an individual to a healthy body and lifestyle!
The teachers and guides are including an Ayurvedic doctor who feels privileged to share his / her knowledge and practice of ancient traditions with modern elements of medical sciences (yoga anatomy and physiology). This training program aims to provide a solid foundation in different aspects of yogic disciplines that prepare them to apply for the 200-hour yoga teacher training program.
In addition, this 200-hour yoga training program includes mantra recitation (mantra - Japa), daily joints and glands practices (granthi - vimochana - kriya), yoga postures (yoga asanas), meditative steps of doing asanas, six cleansing exercises (shat karma), science of breath (pranayama), yoga energy locks (Bandha).
It also includes yoga gestures (Mudra), meditation (Dhyana), yogic sleep (yoga Nidra), history and philosophy of yoga (yoga Darshana), yogic anatomy and physiology of human body, basic principles of Ayurveda, asana alignment practicum classes, yoga teaching practice, and teaching methodology.
Note: The schedule is subject to change. It is advised that you arrive at the training at least one day before the program.
Yoga Vidya Mandiram mentioned some rules that are most commonly violated. Students are expected to follow rules and disciplines during the course. Complete school rules are mentioned on their official website.
Yoga Vidya Mandiram School has rented out 90% of the resort during the training. There will be guests from tour groups, not attending the training, who take their usual non-vegetarian diet and an occasional beer. Yoga Vidya Mandiram does not impose discipline on them as they are not their students. They are also do not force the resort to omit these options from the menu. However, they expect their students to follow school rules and discipline while staying at the premises.
You should remember that School holds the right to ask a student to leave the training without certification if he or she does not follow or violates the school discipline.
Acharya Chandramani nació en una familia espiritual tradicional. Cuando tenía 8 años, se convirtió en un practicante serio de los principios yóguicos de la tradición Swetambara Jaina. Más tarde, Swami Vivekananda lo inició en la tradición sánscrita védica, con solo 10 años, en Prabhat Ashram, UP, India. Estaba totalmente dedicado a las enseñanzas y la disciplina diaria del gurukulam sánscrito tradicional desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta. Lleva más de 25 años guiando a estudiantes de yoga de todo el mundo en literatura sánscrita védica y su filosofía, realizando retiros de yoga y profesorados.
After diligently studying yoga and other spiritual healing modalities in a variety of schools, Varun later graduated with a Master’s degree in Yoga at the highly reputed Uttarakhand Sanskrit University. He takes great pride in being able to impart the ancient knowledge and wisdom, deeply rooted in the Indian culture which has been passed down through many generations, to his students. Along with yoga asana, he also instructs students in mantras, philosophy, meditation and the art of instruction.
Harshika Sharma, from Madhya Pradesh, has been passionate about sports and yoga from a young age, participating in many events during her secondary school years. Continuing her practice through her BBA studies, she found peace and focus through yoga. Harshika completed her M.A. in Yoga at Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior. Her scientific curiosity led her to specialize in Yoga Anatomy, Physiology, and Yoga Therapy. After her M.A., Harshika completed yoga teacher training under Yoga Alliance standards and yoga therapy training in Bangalore.
Yoga Vidya Mandiram will be holding this unique training at MaeWin Guesthouse and Resort in Chiangmai, Thailand. The mountain ranges of Chiangmai are part of the system of hills extending through Laos, Burma, and China. It is here that begins to rise the chain of the Himalayas and the place includes the highest peaks in the country, Doi Inthanon. The fertile region of mountains, valleys and rivers, the North and its provinces are a paradise for nature lovers.
Maewin Guesthouse is a peaceful and quiet country resort located in one of the most beautiful parts of the valley, Mae Wang. Chiang Mai is 55 kilometers from Maewin Guest House and Resort, while Mae Rim is 43 kilometers from the property. Chiang Mai International Airport is 36 kilometers away.
Offering you the most relaxed and tranquil stay possible is their primary target. Their rooms vary from a number of private bungalows with terrace to a big Thai-Lanna style teak wood house. Due to their convenient situation in the unspoiled Karen village Mae Sapok, located on the outskirts of Chiang Mai, they are able to provide you with numerous adventures.
Beautiful waterfalls, the king's royal project, elephant sanctuaries and Thailand's highest mountain are only a few of the places that can be easily visited from here. With a breathtaking landscape and nature, they also provide a number of trekking and hiking tours.
Furthermore, professional Thai massages can be arranged privately in the room. The Mae-Win valley offers the perfect mix of unspoiled natural beauty and insights into the charming culture and lifestyle of the local people. They, at the Maewin guesthouse, await you to experience the unique hospitality and an unforgettable stay.
Da clic aquí para ver más Retiros de yoga aptos para vegetarianos
During this yoga training, you will be served a healthy vegetarian (no eggs) breakfast, lunch and dinner along with seasonal tropical fruits. The food is carefully prepared with organic vegetables and ingredients.
Filtered water and herbal tea are also available. The menu is creative and balanced with proteins so you feel full and satisfied. If you are planning to have fast on any day, please inform them to help avoid food waste.
No consumption of non-vegetarian (i.e. meat, poultry, eggs, etc.), including eggs (Yoga Vidya Mandiram follow Indian vegetarian rules), within accommodation or school/resort premise. They realize that not everyone interested in the course is pure vegetarian. However, by signing up and booking for this course, you have agreed to their disciplines and diet requirements. Students are responsible for bringing dietary supplements that they required during the duration of the course.
If you really need non-vegetarian from time to time, you may discreetly plan for your meals outside the school. Please do not request Yoga Vidya Mandiram staff to prepare non-vegetarian meals, including eggs.
Yoga Vidya Mandiram School has rented out 90% of the resort during the training. There will be guests from tour groups, not attending the training, who take their usual non-vegetarian diet and occasional beer within the resort. Yoga Vidya Mandiram does not impose their discipline on them as they are not their students. They also do not force the resort to omit these options from the menu. However, they expect their students to follow school rules and discipline while staying at the premises.
As mentioned earlier, by signing up and booking for this course, you have agreed to the disciplines and diet requirements. The school holds the right to ask a student to leave the training without certification if he or she does not follow or violates the school discipline.
Traditional Thai massage and traditional Thai oil massage are available with an advance booking.
Chiang Mai International Airport
35 km
Traslado disponible por un costo adicional US$ 46 por persona
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