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Historias de la esterilla

Bienestar a través del yoga

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La ciencia detrás del yoga

Vive una vida inspirada en el yoga

Sobre y más allá de la estera de yoga

Why Should You Go on a Yoga Retreat in Nature?

Yoga has always encouraged us to reconnect with ourselves and nature. But our busy urban lives often compel us to attend classes in indoor studios.

A Guide to Yoga Levels: Which Yoga Retreat to Choose?

If the ultimate goal of yoga is to help you become a mindful, happier, and more loving human being, does your level of practice really matters?

4 Fitness Exercises that Will Make a Great Difference in the Way You Practice Yoga

The results from practicing yoga are truly beneficial so there’s really nothing strange about the fact that this Eastern body-mind tradition is nowadays becoming a real trend among many fitness enthusiasts. The practice of yoga might seem complicated and even overwhelming at first, but once you learn enough about it, you are able to understand the ins and outs it a lot better.

8 Effective yet Practical Ways to Develop Healthy Fitness Habits

It is very easy for anyone to say “I will eat right and work out more”. However, sticking to a healthy fitness plan is hard. If it were simple, we would all be in shape. The fact is that you are not lazy, and forming new habits can be challenging but not impossible, so you just have to suck it up and make it work.

4 Amazing Benefits of Laughter Yoga

Laughter itself keeps the heart alive and those who laugh more tend to stay happier. There is no doubt that it is no less than a medicine and when it is combined with yoga, it cures all the diseases of body and mind altogether. The more you laugh, the happier you are. It happens because of the chemicals that the brain releases which promote the health and happiness of a person.

Yoga and Rock Climbing (A Personal Story)

My heart is pounding as I’m fighting for the next move. I’m getting close to that difficult sequence I was unable to pull off the last time. Will I make it? Am I strong enough? These thoughts have no business being here, so I chase them away. I try to control my breath and focus on my position. It has to be perfect, otherwise it won’t work. I must clear my head. One move at a time, one more move…

15 Health Benefits of Almonds (According to Science)

Almonds have an amazing profile of antioxidant and nutritional benefits, making them a great candidate for fighting disease. They can improve brain function, hinder the onset of cancer, and much, much more.

How Do Ayurveda & Yoga Intertwine?

Ayurveda has been developed over 4000+ years and is the oldest system of natural medicine in the world. In combination with yoga, Ayurveda is a powerful remedy. 

How the Practice of Yoga Can Positively Impact Your Mental Health

Most of us acknowledge the importance of taking the time to invest in our physical health and/or fitness. Unfortunately, when it comes to mental health, this is often not the case as most of us believe that "if we can't see it, it doesn't exist".

How Yoga Helped Me with Postpartum Depression (PPD)

After I gave birth to my son, I started to feel very depressed. I wasn’t sure why - I’d waited 9 months for him to get here, I was so excited! I shouldn’t be sad at all! This was when I learned about postpartum depression and, honestly, after that, I wasn’t sure what to do. 

The Most Common Yoga Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Are you looking for a workout that can provide both mental and physical benefits? Do you want harmony between your mind and body? If your answer to these questions is yes, yoga is the type of workout that you are looking for. 

Science Experiment: How 7 Days of Yoga Will Change You

What is yoga to you?

That’s a pretty difficult question, isn’t it? No matter how hard you try to explain, it’s hard to find the exact words that express how you feel about this practice. 

6 Benefits the Elderly Can Gain from Doing Yoga

Movement is essential to keeping the body strong and functioning well, far into old age. This can be a bit tricky when our bodies decide to go against us as we age, causing stiffness, soreness, and loss of mobility. 

6 Awesome Ways Yoga Can Benefit Men

Most men enjoy typical “manly” sports like football, hockey, basketball, and weightlifting. While men in general benefit greatly from strength training and cardiovascular exercise, yoga offers several distinct benefits men should look into. 

An Easy Yoga Sequence for Weight Loss & Fitness

Summer is well on its way! With warm weather heading our way, most of us are starting to plan our trips to the beach for a much-needed date with Vitamin Sea.

7 Amazing Ways Yoga Helps You Stay Fit While Traveling

Traveling is food for the soul. Not just for the quintessential ‘wanderers’, but for every living soul on this planet. It keeps us yearning for more and eager to explore this beautiful planet called Earth. However, the journey towards the destination is not always as comfortable as we’d expect. 

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