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Spirituality is the second character in a man, hidden carefully due to mundane matters, but always sparkling. It needs a certain push to shine, and come out of its shell. Join this 8-day one-on-one / small group yoga retreat with gay yoga master who will nurture your senses to absorb the positive qualities and vibrations of yoga and meditation. This retreat tends to cater to your physical as well as mental requirements to breathe, function, and rejuvenate out of the stressful life that you lead.
The Mister and Art House is one of a kind and a revolutionary boutique hotel in India. It is India's first luxury bed and breakfast hotel in India for men only. The Mister and Art House collects some of the best antiques and art, extremely rare and aesthetically pleasing to eyes. The house contains luxurious and very hi-end bedrooms that are super-stylish, extremely comfortable, and contain some spectacular artworks.
The uniqueness of the guesthouse lies in customizing your stay according to your needs and making you as comfortable as possible. The intimate yet warm atmosphere of the house encourages you to relax, unwind, and shun the clutter of the outside world. The collection of superb antique and art is a major add on to the whole ambiance.
A cool and peaceful repose is all The Mister and Art House is looking for, especially in a tropical country like ours. The super comfortable, artsy, and out of the ordinary bedrooms of the guesthouse have some very antique architecture and provide ample impetus to cuddle, snuggle, and sleep as comfortably as a baby. Not only that, king-sized antique beds add a whole charm and aura to the much coveted ‘royalty’ feeling, which India has always bragged about.
The fully air-conditioned bedrooms are well-set with super comfortable mattresses made with the softest quality cotton and linen procured from local and international markets, depending upon the softness which is only to be compared to a baby’s touch. Lie down, have a much-deserved nap, marvel the soft light which dimly shines in the interior, as you sit or lie down lazing, enjoying a drink, reading the book, or surfing the hi-speed internet.
In some places, you can enjoy your nudity without necessarily being given the 'eye'. Bathrooms are obviously that, when you can enjoy your private moments just the way you like it. The Bold art-eye of the guesthouse, as said earlier, contains amazing homo-erotic artifacts everywhere and that goes for the bathrooms as well. Marvel on stone sculptured pieces of 'much endeared' human anatomy while you wash yourself away, probably with your partner. So, not only do they have those super-comfortable bedrooms that they vouch for, the en-suite bathrooms provide 24x7 hot and cold water all day long so that you can shower anytime you want.
Another highlight of the guesthouse is definitely the 'Nirvana Lobby'; they name it so because of the 'zen'-like effect it has on your senses. While you sit down on one of the luxurious couches, sipping a drink from the Honesty Bar / Kitchen or read a book of your choice. You are surrounded by aesthetic antics like the extremely rare 60-year-old sculpture of Lord Vishnu and his incarnations, or the six-foot tall Buddha looking over you.
Get enthralled by the mystique of the atmosphere every evening, as the lobby is decorated with numerous candles and a swift fragrance rejuvenates your mind and body. So, if you want to extend your lie-down, be our guest (pun-intended). Be connected with the rest of the world, availing the free Wi-Fi facility that they provide all over the house.
In general, the yoga sessions in this retreat will be about one and a half hours long each and available twice daily - once in the morning on the guest house's terrace around 6:30 a.m., and once in the evening at around 5. The classes will be taken by a private and trained master who is an adept practitioner and will nurture your senses to absorb the positive qualities and vibrations of yoga and meditation. At Mister and Art House, they always tend to cater to your physical as well as mental requirements to breathe, function and rejuvenate out of the stressful life that you lead.
During this retreat, you will also be pampered with two in-room full body massages by a gay male therapist. The experienced and professional gay male therapists are expertly trained in massaging and will provide you with a relaxing massage to take the edge off and help you relax. Exotic Ayurvedic oils are also available.
This retreat includes two sightseeing tours in Delhi City.
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You will be provided with freshly cooked, wholesome vegetarian breakfast and dinner on daily basis. You’ll be bowled over by the sumptuous breakfast spread that The Mister and Art House lays down for you, freshly prepared by the gourmet chefs everyday.
Soak in the goodness of fresh and all-health food and marvel at the crispiness with which your morning starts. What's more, they serve the freshly prepared breakfast till noon. There will also be complimentary cookies, tea, and coffee all day long.
Indira Gandhi International Airport
12 km
Transfer inklusive
Please book your flight to arrive at Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL). Transfer from and to the airport is included. The Mister & Art House will pick you up from the airport.
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