Awake Space I Chateau de Montcuquet offers yoga teacher training and transformational, transpersonal unique retreats

Yoga Retreats (6)

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Videos (9)

Instructors (6)

Sunshine Ross

Stephanie Roy

Jeanne Pinson

Ali Dolhova

Greg Hartley

Charlotte Jacquot

Reviews (85)

Ingrid Hoffmann

from Germany, October 2024

"Beautiful experience with the kindest people "

It was an amazing experience, the Ross family and their workaway just made us feel very welcome and at home. Sunshine is extremely knowledgable and with the intimate group size of 4 participants and 1 assistance teacher we could learn a lot and enjoy each of our yoga classes. The course is hybrid so if you want to dive really deep do that before the course starts, so you can ask a lot of questions during your time there. It was so interesting what we learned and I slowly gained confidence in teaching. Beginning of October was just perfect with the weather not too hot or too cold as well. The Chateau is beautiful and visiting the closest town of Lautrec was also great. I enjoyed this training a lot and made some really nice friends there.

Wish all the best to you!


from United Kingdom, August 2024

"Yoga teacher training"

Sunshine has a deep knowledge of yoga and is a great teacher. She has a lot of teaching experience in yoga and this was evident throughout the course. Sunshine encourages everyone and truly believes yoga is for every body. The routine with 2 daily yoga sessions and meditations was great to calm down the nervous system and heal from our usual busy lives, it was the perfect amount of classes. I enjoyed learning about the History and philosophy of yoga, for which Sunshine is very passionate about teaching. The Chateux is beautiful, peaceful and calm, perfect for slowing down your pace of life. Monty the dog was very friendly and welcoming to us all, it was a pleasure to meet him and play fetch. We had an owl visit our room in the night, which was quite a shocking but magical experience.

Ian Hopkins

from United Kingdom, July 2024

"Kundalini shamanic journey "

Everything was perfect Sunshine was very knowledgeable and made feel relaxed yoga experience was fantastic would definitely return

Odile Bouisson

from France, May 2024

Célia Gasiglia

from France, March 2024

"3 semaines inoubliables avec Sunshine"

Le lieu est incroyable et très adapté à une formation de yoga (entouré de verdure et de nature)

Les enseignements de Sunshine sont très qualitatifs que ce soit au niveau de la théorie, du yoga ou de la spiritualité

Bien au delà de mes attentes, je recommande vraiment cette formation si vous êtes attirés par le côté spirituel/energie


from France, February 2024

"Satisfaite dans l’ensemble des prestations "

Les cours de yoga de Sunshine et les soins énergétiques

Auriana Monfort

from France, January 2024

"New beginnings for me. "

This was really something new for me and I am super grateful and happy I took the plunge. And it truly is a magical place. I felt reconnected to nature. The château is not far from the train station so it was easy to travel there. I did not know much about kundalini or shamanism, but I was curious. Sunshine is a wonderful guide. She is funny very welcoming and sensitive to our needs. I felt safe to explore new modalities. I was really able to go deep inside of myself, discover new things about myself, let go of the past and embrace the future. I really grew from the experience. I am already planning to go back.


from France, December 2023

"l'enseignement de Sunshine est très intéressant et riche."

j'ai bien aimé le mix d'enseignement traditionnel yoga avec postures, respiration, meditation, histoire et les seances de chamanisme. Sunshine nous a également brièvement exposé à sa pratique de soin/guérison (?) appelé VortexHealing. Par ailleurs Sunshine avait un assistant qui restait tout le temps avec nous et qui donnait un cours de yoga très original et passionnant de créativité le soir: la présence de cette personne a fait toute la différence au niveau ambiance et cohésion du groupe.


from Belgium, November 2023


This retreat provided all I needed to recharge my batteries: welcoming couple (Sunshine and Glen), very good and varied yoga sessions, spacious castle, isolated location, tasty vegetarian food, nice co-participants,... . There is no luxury or high comfort but that is not what I was looking for.

Auriana Monfort

from France, October 2023

"Glad I chose this retreat! Real medieval castle!"

It was just what I was looking for- to reconnect with myself and with nature. The château is away from any main roads, the rooms are Large! I felt I had my own space even in a shared room. I am not vegetarian but I enjoyed the vegetarian meals. Glen and Sunshine and their family are wonderful hosts, I felt welcomed and at home and at ease. There was a lot of warmth, which I wanted because I didn’t want to have an ashram experience. There was a lot to learn, the course is very rich and complete, but I didn’t feel pressured. And it wasn’t dogmatic. There is a real feeling of being supported everyday step. I felt renewed with the healing sessions and really deepened by meditation yoga practice

Cons - the dungeon is being renovated as a cinema, I want there for it. Will come back for a retreat definitely to top up on the rich vibes of the place

Manuia Van Bastolaer

from France, September 2023

"3 semaines intenses et très enrichissantes "

La qualité des cours, Sunshine est très pédagogue et bienveillante.

Le rythme était intense mais avec des pauses suffisantes, Sunshine s’est adaptée aux conditions externes (on a subi une petite canicule) et à notre forme physique.

Le cadre était magnifique au milieu des champs de tournesol où on allait se promener tous les soirs.

Vanessa Slupianek

from France, May 2023

"3 semaines inoubliables"

Sunshine est une professeur très pédagogue, on peut se rendre compte chaque jour de la profondeur de nos connaissances . L'équilibre entre les temps de pratiques, les entrainements entre élèves pour les classes et les enseignements théoriques sont bien ajustés. Les 3 semaines sont intenses mais le week end et en fin de journée vous pouvez profiter de la jolie ville de Biarritz. Je suis très heureuse d'avoir choisi awake space pour la qualité des enseignements qui m'ont été transmis et la quantité d'information et pistes pour un développement spirituel du yoga. Je n'hésiterai à venir faire des formations complémentaires.

Manon Renaud

from France, April 2023

"Bien plus qu’une formation "

Sunshine est tres investie dans ses enseignements, elle est bienveillante et solaire.

L’emploi du temps est très bien pensé sur trois semaines. La formation vous apportera beaucoup sur le plan personnel et également professionnel. Je recommande mille fois !

Cette formation restera gravée à jamais dans ma mémoire. J’ai pu y faire de magnifiques rencontres !

Laura Poirier

from France, January 2023

Une formation qui est complète pour 200H réfléchit et très passionnante Sunshine est une humaine touchante professionnelle qui sera vous transmettre par son haut niveau l’art d’être un yogi!

Bravo également car nous étions sa première session en français et elle a su avec brio nous faire cours malgré la complexité de notre langue française bref n’ayez aucun doute foncez !

Biarritz l’ocean le surf les tapas vous fera voyager également !

Merci Sunshine 🍀🕉

Namasté Laura🧘🏻‍♀️

Clarisse Delaporte

from France, November 2022

"Magique !"

Une retraite inoubliable menée d'une main de maître par Sunshine Ross qui m'a inculqué les valeurs du yoga d'une manière douce et à la fois rigoureuse. Un groupe à taille humaine qui nous a permis de se connaître plus personnellement les unes et les autres au cours des 3 semaines au bord de l'océan. Tout était parfait, le rythme des semaines, de la classe, les supports matériel, la qualité des enseignements de Sunshine et surtout sa gentillesse, son professionnalisme et sa passion pour l'enseignement du yoga qui nous aura toutes beaucoup inspiré. C'est passé trop vite ! Je recommande cette formation 200H les yeux fermés.

Géraldine Tosolini

from France, November 2022

"Formation humaine "

Cette formation m'a apporté beaucoup plus que je ne l'aurais espéré! Des rencontres magiques, des cours intéressants et captivants.

Je rentres chez moi avec une envie de continuer à me former et de partager encore plus forte!



from Germany, November 2022

Viele Dinge mit Studien belegt. Trotzdem viel über die Philosophie von Yoga gelernt

Karine Chamand

from France, October 2022

"Une excellente formation de haut niveau"

Une formation de haut niveau que je recommande à tout le monde. Les cours permettent de pratiquer plusieurs styles de yoga, les ateliers d'enseignement en petits groupes d'élèves permettent d'approfondir toutes les variations des postures et les cours théoriques d'aller encore plus loin. Sunshine est une excellente enseignante, très pédagogue et à l'écoute. Je me sens tout à fait prête à enseigner à mon tour le yoga !

Sha Othman

from France, October 2022

"The most awakening experience i have ever had!"

Everything! I like the open mindedness of the instructor, anchoring to the important basics of Yoga. But also adapting to the modern times that we live in. Sunshine is cheerful, caring, gentle and funny! Always feel at ease and comfortable with her.

Emilie Drangsholt

from Norway, October 2022

"Best yogateacher course with the most amazing teacher!:)"

Thank you so much for a great yogateacher training! Sunshine was so amazing and I learned so much from her! She was a real sunshine. Always smiling and really interesting to listen to. She was the best teacher I ever had! I really recomend this course to everyone who thinking about taking a yogateacher training course. Nothing to complain about! So great experience!

Esther Wu

from United States, July 2022

"Would recommend"

The schedule and location was great. It would have been too taxing to have it condensed into a shorter number of days with longer days. We were also allowed time to explore and socialize or have time on our own to recharge. The structure was also split well between history, anatomy, yoga/meditation practice, pedagogy, etc. And while food was not included, I’m glad we got to explore and choose how to spend our money on groceries, restaurants, cafés, etc.

Alexandra Battaglini

from France, February 2022

"Formation au top "

La formation est complète et tellement agréable à suivre. Les journées sont bien organisées alternant méditation, yoga doux, théorie, pratique du yoga et pranayama. De plus Sunshine est très sympathique et pédagogue. N’hésitez pas 🙂✨.

Chelsea Carter

from France, December 2021

"Thank you Sunshine for your teachings ✨🙏✨"

I love Sunshine's peaceful presence and energy. She's very knowledgeable about the philosophy, postures, and anatomy of yoga. As a spiritual person, I especially appreciated practicing raja yoga (meditating), the chakras (energy channels), and the pranayamas (breathing exercises) along with the philosophy. I also admire teachers who respect the traditional ways and cultural roots. Thank you Sunshine for your teachings, your energy and your time. And thank you to you and your family for welcoming us in your home at the end of this training.

-Chelsea Carter, 30 (French-American).

Romain Giraudau

from France, December 2021

Excellent training, very complete, Sunshine and Manouk are very good trainers, nothing is left out in this teacher training, bio-mechanics, physiology, yoga philosophy, etc... I highly recommend it.

Fellow yogi's lets get into it

Camille Dusart

from France, August 2021

"Very good experience ! I recommand !"

- Very good organisation, all the program is available at the begining, very serious and professional!

- Each week is validated by a short exam.

- We study all posture adaptation needed for all students to make it accessible.

- We have access to a lot of books to improve, discover knowledges.

Irina Schiavitti

from Russia, August 2021

"Best teacher of yoga 🧘‍♀️ "

Everything was perfect 👍, teacher Sunshine is very professional, she has a lot of knowledges. Food was amazing 🤩, place very calme.

I advise to everyone this school !

Thank you Sunshine.


Eva Target

from France, November 2020

"Amazing training "

Superb training

I did the training in November 2020. As there was the second confinement, the training took place on Zoom.

Although it was online I loved it! Sunshine is an excellent teacher and the content of her program is very successful. I learned a lot about the philosophy and history of yoga. Sunshine offers us several styles of yoga, which is very enriching.

Thank you a thousand times


Claire P

from United Kingdom, November 2020

"Fantastic journey "


Clara Bocquelet

from France, October 2020

Je viens de terminer ma formation 200h qui a eu lieu à Biarritz. C’était une superbe expérience. Le contenu de la formation est très complet. Sunshine est très pédagogue et disponible. Je repars de cette formation en ayant appris beaucoup de choses et surtout avec le désir de transmettre. Je recommande.

Alexandre Chauffourier

from France, October 2020

"Formation sérieuse dans la bonne humeur."

Formation complète, dispensée avec sérieux. La bienveillance et le sourire de Sunshine vous accompagnent durant ces 3 semaines. La présence d'Adeline durant la première semaine fut également des plus profitables.

Très bonne ambiance au sein du groupe.

Je recommande sans hésiter.

Mallaury Laclau

from France, October 2020

La formatrice très agréable et passionnée

L'ambiance du groupe

Le cadre incroyable de Biarritz

Les pratiques quotidiennes matin & soir

Les petits ateliers entre élèves

et tout ce que j'ai appris et découvert ! Merci !


from France, October 2020

"Great experience !!!"

This training was really enriching and transformative. Thank you for everything!!

Sindy Vandeweghe

from Portugal, October 2020

"Perfect "

It was an amazing experience, thanks for everything.

Valentine Larici

from France, September 2020

"200H- YTT - septembre-aout"

-Introduction aux cours de yoga pour enfants, prénatal et personnes agés.

-Excellente qualité d'enseignement pratique, également de la prof assisstante (Adeline)

-Chambres agreable - lit comfortable (mise à disposition de couvertures supplémetaire sur demande)


from Belgium, August 2020

"A wonderful journey"

I loved the routine everyday, it made it possible for me to really make a shift in my daily life. I loved the fact that we tried different yogastyles (hatha, vinyasa, nidra, pregnancy, hatha-vinyasa, ashtanga, lady niguna, ... ), meditations & pranayama techniques - it deepend my understanding of the different styles & adjustments. I also learned more about the art of positive feedback: it really helps people to grow into their best version of themselves.

The location itself can be called a little paradise ! Difficult not to be charmed by the environment ;)... Beautiful for a little walk or a campfire by nightfall before going to bed. We had a very cosy room, with enough privacy and a bathroom to share.

And the food... it was really good! Described as basic, but delicious !

In these strange times this three weeks were the perfect getaway!

Thank you Rainbowlightyoga-team !



Johana Millier-karagouch

from France, August 2020

"Amazing and peaceful YTT "

The amazing location in the middle of French Countryside provides the perfect environment for Yoga classes and peacefulness.

Great vegan/vegetarian food.

Very grateful to our YTT teacher Serena Sunshine for the great training and lessons, the schedule is perfectly balanced between Yoga classes and studies of anatomy, history and philosophy / spirituality.

Had a great experience in RainbowLight Yoga center


from Belgium, August 2020

"yoga coudures"

prachtige lokatie, zeer goed eten, heel goede praktijklessen

Celine Gadomski

from France, August 2020

"It was just magical !!"

Everything. Sunshine, Glen, Sandra, Adeline, everyone is so sweet, nice, professional, available. Just a dream!

Anne Sophie Fostier

from Belgium, August 2020

"Paradise on thé earth"

Qualité très haute de l enseignement, simplicité, chaleur et bienfaisance, nature, soleil, excellente nourriture à tous points de vue

Marie Simesak

from France, April 2020

"Formation qui répondait complètement à mes attentes "

Le contenu est super complet. La formatrice très propre et à l’écoute.

Clara Merlin

from Switzerland, April 2020

"Yoga Teacher Training despite Covid"

Because of Covid19, we were not allowed to go to Biarritz for the yoga teacher training and had to do it with Zoom. I was skeptical at first but Serena managed to teach us as if we were with her. It must have been difficult for her, but she kept correcting us and I learned a lot !


from France, April 2020

"N'hésitez pas avec cette école"

Le nouvel endroit allait être l'hôtel Escale, à 2 minutes à pied de la Grande Plage, hypercentre. J'ai vu l'endroit, excellent pour notre classe. Mais parce que si COVID-19, on nous proposait de passer à une autre date ou de faire la formation en direct par visioconférence. J'ai choisi la visioconférence parce que je ne veux pas attendre. Je n'ai pas été déçu! Tous nos cours étaient en direct, tous les jours, du matin au soir. C'était comme si j'avais vraiment connu ces filles. Le contenu était complet: anatomie, physiologie, science, puis histoire profonde et philosophie du yoga. Nous avons pratiqué tous les jours, une fois le matin et une fois le soir, le pranayama, la méditation, l'asana (tous les styles) et le yoga nidra guérison à ne pas manquer! J'ai tellement vécu et je vais manquer de le faire tous les jours. N'hésitez pas avec cette école - du vrai yoga

Rébecca Lavoué

from France, December 2019

"Très belle expérience !!"

Les enseignements effectués par Sunshine étaient parfait ! À la fois technique et spirituelle, cette expérience m'a permis de m'ouvrir d'avantage.

Allison Clark

from France, December 2019

"Yoga teacher training"

Our trainer demonstrated a deep knowledge of the history, philosophy and continued research and developments in the field of yoga.

Iker Villanueva

from Spain, December 2019

"Muy recomendable"

La experiencia fue súper positiva, la profesora es súper amable y comprensiva. Y por supuesto tiene unos conocimientos muy altos de toda la materia que imparte.

Siempre está dispuesta a resolver cualquier duda. Si quieres formarte como profesor de yoga este es un sitio donde vas a aprender y además pasarlo bien.

Carole Davis

from United States, November 2019

"Excellent teacher training."

The skills I learned, the rigidity of the program, the coverage of the material, were lessons that I will keep with me throughout my practices. The friendships and kinship amongst us was truly awesome. Both, spirits and camaraderie were high. Thanks for a great experience.

Olivia Mansel

from France, September 2019

"Authentic yoga in the Romantic french countryside ❤️"

A friend highly recommended this yoga school/retreat to me and it does not disappoint.

The teaching was in-depth, group size was small. It was yog for the modern age but also we learned about the deeper spiritual traditions of yoga. The course was comprehensive with topics from anatomy, safe practices to professionalism and practical teaching practice!

During the daily yoga sessions, I was able to open up and deepen my physical practice. It was a challenge but my advice is just have fun and go with the flow!

Sunshine is very experienced, you’re in safe hands. During our time, we had other teachers who came for a few days and they added a different perspective and different styles which was greatly appreciated. It was also really nice to chat with others about their when they were here.

Glen prepares the food which we loved-simple and fresh, hearty. They also grow most of the veg.

The manor house is old, beautiful and romantic. For a city person like me and very stressed, this place was really like paradise, a welcome change. My room overlooked a sunflower field!!

I felt so close to nature. I’ve never heard so many birds singing. It was like a phone app! The grounds was perfect for meditating or just enjoying nature. No car traffic anywhere so you can walk on the roads. There are bicycles available, although some days I was just so tired. You can also go to the lake via the forest- a magical experience. It’s very safe. Definitely recommending RainbowLight Yoga x

Marion Bergin

from Ireland, September 2019


I came away on this yoga teacher training not quite knowing what to expect but deciding on gut instinct. Have spent a last few years in India I felt I needed to do my training somewhere a bit gentler on the body as well as the senses and I like the idea of being in the countryside with flowers and butterflies. Rainbow Light really is a very special place. Nestled in an agricultural area of France the surrounding countryside is nothing but views of lush crops, sprinkled with bees, butterflies and birds. The food was simple, nourishing and very very tasty - we all looked forward to the lovingly prepared meals and the variety was excellent, it was never boring. The veg were mostly pulled from the garden and we all enjoyed pears, apples and figs from the orchards with our bread and cheese. The house is stunning, old and creaky with wooden floors, cool in the Summer and shaded to provide rest from the heat.

Sunshine herself is an amazing friendly teacher, informative but not overbearing, passing on the learnings in a non-preachy manner leaving the student to make up their own mind. She is insanely knowledgeable about all kinds of yoga practices and well versed in many different religions but doesn't push her knowledge onto anyone leaving the student open to ask lots of questions.

I came back feeling calmer than I've felt in years and inspired to continue my learnings and impart what I'd picked up on the course.

Sofia Apospori

from Malta, September 2019

"Brilliant learning experience!!"

What a wonderful learning experience that I would highly recommend to anyone looking for an RYT 200 course!

Sunshine is a seasoned teacher who shares both her knowledge and love for yoga in an enthusiastic, kind and generous way. More particularly, she has planned a course that is very balanced: through yoga practice, lectures and practical workshops, I felt that the training helped me to not only deepen my personal practice, but also build up the confidence to teach yoga (something that I never thought I would be able to do). What I particularly enjoyed and appreciated during the training was that it went beyond the physical aspects of yoga. While the study of asanas and daily yoga practice were an integral part of the course, we were also taught the history, theory and philosophy of yoga with the same amount of commitment and ardor.

As a bonus to all of the above, the setting in Coudures is ideal for yoga teacher training because the proximity to nature really encourages you to turn inwards. The accommodation is clean and to the point and the food is simple but extremely tasty - Glen is a brilliant cook.

Overall, I would highly recommend Rainbow Light yoga for your RYT 200 - if you are looking for a course that examines equally the body, the mind and the spirit, that is set in a beautiful location close to nature and that is taught by a talented and generous teacher, this might be the right pick for you.

Eric Dupas Laigo

from France, September 2019

"Authentique retraite et formation de haute qualité"

Ana propose un approfondissement du yoga comme discipline physique, spirituelle et philosophique. Pendant ces 24 jours, il est possible de découvrir plusieurs styles de hatha yoga et d'approfondir les connaissances sur les autres formes de yoga grâce à la bibliothèque.

Les journées sont bien construites avec un équilibre entre le corps et l'esprit. Le matin la priorité est donnée aux activités physiques tandis que l'après-midi est prioritairement consacré aux études et aux échanges.

Le centre de Glen et Ana est situé en pleine campagne landaise dans un lieu propice à la méditation et à l'activité physique. Le silence des voitures et de la foule laisse place aux chants des oiseaux et aux bruissements des feuillages forestiers environnants. Besoin de bouger? Il est facile de trouver un chemin de randonnée, un circuit pour faire un jogging ou encore d'emprunteur des routes connues du Tour de France ou du Pèlerinage de Compostelle.

Le lieu est une magnifique maison de campagne avec tout le confort. Les chambres sont agréables avec du parquet et offrent une vue panoramique sur les environs. Les salles de bains sont confortables. La maison est entourée d'un immense jardin bien entretenu. Il dispose de plusieurs pour se délasser dont une petite cabane en bois avec d'immenses coussins.

Les repas végétariens (vegan ou gluten free sur demande) sont un vrai délice. La qualité et la quantité ne font jamais défaut.

Enfin, vous avez le wifi et on capte très bien la 3G et la 4G.

Eva Schiffler

from Netherlands, August 2019

"Great time in Coudures"

Sunshine is a great yoga teacher! She has extremely much knowledge/skills/experience about yoga in all it´s aspects and she is able to teach it very well!

I enjoyed all the lessons with her!


from Germany, August 2019

"Good! But defenitely things to improve."

The place is great for yoga students that want to focus on Yoga and not getting distracted. Its in the middle of nature and the house and the rooms are clean and very beatiful. The Yoga deck in the garden is perfect for early mornings!!

Sunshine is a very good teacher. She is a passionated Yogi by herself and she knows what she is talking about. You can ask her everything. Very good- I really enjoyed her classes.

Glenn and her took us to Pau, a city nearby and we had a "city experience" that me personally I did n t need, but I find a nice gesture, considering that we are in the middle of nowhere.

I got a lot of knowldge in these three weeks and I feel able now to give classes in small groups for people who are aware of my frechly received YYT. So now it can go on!!Greetings

Maelle from Germany ( don t want my full name to be indicated)

Lucy Hernandez-riviere

from France, August 2019

great countryside location to relax and just be. It felt like a second home. It as easy to approach Glen and Sunshine for whatever I needed. Sunshine adjusted the classes to the interests and even fitness level of the students. I was able to eat vegan and not worry about my allergies. Glen accommodated this and organised everything really well. I wanted to re-connect with nature and with myself and this was the perfect environment for me to do that. I didn't have to spend a fortune on airfare to Asia to experience yoga there with so many unknowns. It was totally safe and peaceful in the French countryside. Cool in the mornings and evenings and warm sun during the day. It was perfect for me. Thank you! I am definitely coming back!

Hanna Härkönen

from Finland, August 2019

"Confronting myself"

I went to this retreat with very different thoughts in my head. It was not what I was expecting but it gave me so much (and to question; why to expect anything? That is not that much of a yogic lifestyle). My life had been really busy few years in a row and there I really stopped and realized many things. I am beyond grateful to Sunshine for the talks we had and her authenticity! I really confront myself there and started to re-grow this seed I had already planted in the past. There was time to reflect my thoughts, feelings and actions (what i really liked is that it was peaceful and there was not distractions). There was time to re-connect with my heart.. It was not easy, not at all. But there was a lot go through with and a lot to let go of. I'm still processing but this really gave me the wanted guidance to stay grounded with myself and to trust and believe.. The food was good and Sunshine's family welcomed us all nicely.

We also made nice trips to close cities and that was really nice to see the beautiful country side even more.

Elizabeth Keen

from France, August 2019

"Wonderful - authentic yoga in France!"

From the start I knew this was going to be great. Helpful pre arrival communication was always prompt and easy. I wanted a place to learn and also relax when I needed to, the house and grounds with its location in the country side was perfect. Its an old house that has kept all its charm and character. An outdoor yoga deck and a pavilion were perfect for enjoying the big garden.

I've been vegetarian for a long time and I now have some new recipes to take home, healthy and basic dishes were served which the group loved. We even had fruits from the orchard and wild green teas. Shame next month I will miss the pears, melons and tomatoes.

The classes and teachings were perfect again for the group as Sunshine seemed to understand what we needed and adapted accordingly. She has a wealth of knowledge which is shared with passion and enthusiasm.

I can't wait to return, hopefully next year with my partner. Thank you for the wonderful experience - mind and body now in balance!

Stéphane Bossevain

from France, August 2019

"Excellent YTT in southern France "

This YTT gives you good understanding of both asanas and "philosophical" background of Yoga. Most important, it given you many tools to be succesful as a yoga teacher.

Sunshine's family is very friendly and the house is lovely.

Dorothée Baizé

from France, June 2019

Les cours de yoga le matin en extérieur


from Netherlands, June 2019

"Not that great"

The location and environment were nice. The rooms + bathrooms were comfortable.

Pierre Skowron

from France, May 2019

"Une super formation dans un cadre parfait"

Une formation très enrichissante , un lieu exceptionnel , une super famille, de très belles rencontres ! Je ne peux que recommander cette formation ou tout est mis en place afin de pouvoir enseigner le yoga.

K. Moore

from United States, September 2018

"An amazing experience awaits you, in Coudures, France!"

The experience was nothing short of amazing. Sunshine teaches with such passion and knowledge, she is truly an unbelievable guide.

The curriculum has been carefully thought through and left me with everything I was looking for. Should you ever have any extra questions or concerns, Sunshine was always willing to give you time to ask - and she continued to make that clear through the entire stay.

You are in good hands with this family - as they have worked out a great system to make sure the students have exactly what they need. You can feel the passion, love and safety within this home.

If you are already thinking this is your fit, you need not look any further - you've found it!

Didier Baron

from France, September 2018

"Bienvenue au Paradis "

c'est un endroit vraiment magique noyé dans un ecrin de verdure, qui, ajouté à la très belle énergie des professeurs et du très dévoué cuisinier, rend le training inoubliable.

Lucien Prokosch

from Germany, August 2018

"Beautiful and profound Experience"

Sunshine is a very patient and friendly teacher who combines the mediation of bodily yogic knowledge and spiritual knowledge in a very plausible way. Always open for discussion and with playful exercises in between.

Incredible yummy food, beatiful lake and sourroundings for a meditative walk. The house too has a nice vibe.

Cristina Fraga

from Switzerland, August 2018

"Une formation très agréable et complète "

Ana Ross est une excellente enseignante, toujours bienveillante et à l'écoute. Le cadre est partais pour une retraite en nature🙏

Cecile Berte

from France, August 2018


Tout était super : les cours, les profs, les participants, le logement ... une très belle expérience

Axelle Covemacker

from Nepal, August 2018

"25 jours au top"

sunshine est une prof parfaite , elle partage avec joie son savoir.

Amélie Albertin-ravat

from United States, August 2018

"Studying break"

Good value for money

Really quiet and secluded location, ideal for a retreat

Great teacher

Nice ambiance

Good food even if I wasn’t vegetarian nor vegan

Interesting small personal attentions

Sasha Mrose-boles

from Switzerland, June 2018

"8 days retreat"

I was happy to arrive at a time when I could join in the group of 5 students who are in teacher training with Sunshine. Beautiful family; very easy to be around. There is plenty of space and time in the house and the outdoors to find a quiet place alone if you enjoy this (I do). Sunshine's classes are a perfect balance of challenge and calmness, philosophy and self-teaching/freedom. Glen's cooking is incredibly delicious. Simple fruit and tea for snacks at any time of day. Really special, beautiful old house.

I feel refreshed and relaxed after leaving. I learned from everyone there. Thank you.


Lachie King

from United Kingdom, June 2018

"Great spot and great people "

Beautiful position, food, service and good value for money